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Draft 4

Kelompok 6

Now, the rampant persecution and threats to freedom of expression. As we know, starting
from the fall of the New Order era, the Indonesian people have begun to be able to easily
criticize and express opinions both for personal, organizational and government. In the current
technological era, expressing opinions can be done by only capitalizing on your fingers and then
clicking on the posts and everyone can read.
Yes, the internet, it's easier for people to express their opinions and can be seen by everyone
around the world. We can easily see too, people throw comments at a post from a social media
user. Either with polite words or using words that are cursing or not good. Opinion is a way to
issue what we think is right. Usually our opinions can have a positive or negative impact. But
many of us are afraid to argue. Even though there are many reasons why we should dare to
why we must dare to express our opinions
1. Self-confidence, Everyone can live with self-confidence
2. everyone has the right to freedom of expression
Many people think that self-confidence is something that cannot be learned. They consider
self-confidence from destiny, making them lazy to develop and train self-confidence. In fact,
confidence can be nurtured and learned. Everyone can live with full self-confidence, as long as
they continue to struggle and develop it. confidence is an important factor to support one's ability
to express opinions
everyone has the right to freedom to express opinions and be contained in the Act. This is
written in article 28E paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution "Everyone has the right to freedom
of association, assembly and opinion". So, don't be afraid to argue as long as that opinion doesn't
harm others.
Therefore, everyone must foster self-confidence so that it is easy to express opinions
because humans have the right to freedom of expression

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