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Home Headlines Opinion World Business Acclose encounter with MJ in Manila 2) Gen Caro | Updates Jay 11, 2008- 1200am “The author ight) shares a ght moment with Michael Jackson during a Christmas patty for orphans in Manila on Dec. 7, 1996 MANILA. Philipines - (The auth 2 former PR ofcr ofthe ‘Mania Hote, wites about her expenence wth hotel quest ‘Mihae! Jackson in December 1996) ‘whom | was 2 public elation officer at Mania Hoe, | was assigned to head the annual Orphan's Christmas Paty ‘hore 300 childrn flor dierent orphanages around Moti Mania wor troatod toa day offun and surpises. vas one ofthe biggest projects on my plate and tas such achalange to focus on werk the ay before the bg een, knowing Michael Jackson was bleed inthe hotel ‘Two nights before, | nad been forunat to be part of his welcome line athe hota lobby together wih the ‘es ofthe PR and eas sta and sa him walk by. ‘The day before, 2 guy claiming tobe Michael Jackson's ade fom Mamarao Productions came to the fics aul’ racal his name but ha looked fer he "peaon in charge” and sai his bass had read the anneuncomeont about avontn tho Dear Guest yers we had culated to all the rooms 2 wook boo ‘Michael wanted to know how he could help. His side wnt upto the Penthouse and dow 8 the PR ace _sevaralimgs aftr wo gave our suggetions. ‘chao fered tl up the 300 loot bays wth goodies and toys, candies and chocolates. But ater ‘geting close to 50 sponsors, it wes sctully a problem for ust dispose of exerything ‘80 thought hard how can the King of Pop meaningful jon the af? could possibly have him be ‘th the kid in the palayok game or the pabiin as he might end up bang mabbed And since the annual ‘event was real all about ging, | mustered ally courage and olathe Mamaran guy that he best thing ‘could think of was for Miche Iteraly be present o help distibuo ho lot bags, sign autographs and pose th the cian for patos “Wow that may nt be easy Youte taking _2bouthancng goede bags to 300 children ‘and can just imagine the chaos, Well 202 got back to you," ne sai Lunch beak came and was the most uri ane | eer took in my fe. was nt ater» pm. that Michael's ade came bock and eid, “Michoal ie more than happy to do whatever you suggest. How do we go [abou tomarow7"| wanted to seream ha to calm myself and regain composue a the Lzzie Maguire in me sid, "Get res, gt ack ‘nt focus” Wo ayiod that Michael would came in atr tho gamos, musical rogram and snacks, alte last pat to ‘ie cut the loot bags. My clleague Annette Aficano and boss Dulce Agnirrequasted fer addtional _gecuty around the gardan and tho slago roa a this was where we dociad to ditt the gis. Wo ‘Secuty around the gardan and tho stago ava a this was where we dociad to ditt the gis. Wo rae sur the ehieran would frm an ode ne. ‘Then the moment anied. "vias atthe Champagne Gardens an Dee 7, 1996 | was surprised ta 282 him raking towards us, qudod by his ado. Wichaol camo upto me a5 | nad t Be him “Hi how ae you? Than 30 mh fr ting mein, na ay cme It wat to isthe regan” | sid Ar you ling? Thanks so much fer vlneeing| Here's whet Michael why ei you ust st hore snd sich the musics nurars belo we get ins the it ghng Il have to tweak th progam = ae ‘He rplod, “Su, anything you say. pausing tok a my nama ta) Gwen” wae stunned How ‘merely aveet and modest he was. And. my mind was, °Oh my God, tise tealy happening” ‘Amazing how e patiently sat through the whele program, Carol Banava, ten an “Ang TV" msinstay Could Belew Mi was weching het pelo, Sh had her re bouse signed by him ight ater her sume ‘Than owed Stefano Mor's dance number Later his backup singrs and dancers came upon stage ‘cllowed by select kes rom liforenterphanagos who danced to the beat oie Jean. Oh, the so on Michels face was ut smazing ‘Than we announce thet Michael wil be dstbuting gts onstage. | explained ta him that here's lot bag forthe younger kde and ancthr forte ede ones and he noddae. The tl and excitement he 938 those cian was ineresiiy touching vas in basen the git bag cision hat | aught a imps ‘FMU, nt as @perormer bt as 2 person ‘twas on inthe atomcon. Sanka Caus (David Encig, and offllw PR ofcer Francis Capistana) ‘wae with us Th heat was sain an Is wai tht Michael fot 20 ha wth his ack longsleeve signature tive and at “Are yu slight Michael? We can lt you take a res," aked ‘He sai, tm coc, Gen Just imagine how Serta fees inside hi eet suit ond bead Well be fie” ‘never heard him complain say @ word about how hat t was ar how lang the ine was. He hel the most beaut manars. He crit een ask or 2 donk or 3 towel 1 wipe his sues but one of eur banquet stat made su he got 2 gloss of tesh orange ce. ‘Anau passed and we were hatvay though -ghing when we noticed that th garden was geting lod ‘up. Susdonly, hore wore pple fem media, ptcons, fica and hotel guess, clung thoso in 3 ‘wedding reception at he neary Champagne Ream wh deserted the newiyiads ja ta get a glimpse of the King of Pop. “Oh this fant suppose to be, 30 ory” ac.

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