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Task 1—

Oop , ASP.NET, c# - about application

Task 2

.net framework language comparisions – C#, C++, F#, VB.NET

Web forms / Windows forms / Windows mobile applications comparision

.net ko chai chuta chuttai version in windows like 2016..2017

Task 4

Context diagram and 0-level DFD diagram must be diferent

Task 5:

Tier -1 , tier -2 and tier- 3 explain

Mvc ko bare lekhnu , nuget packet manager, ORM

Solution explorer explain garnu

Windows base , web based and mobile based and interactions between the clients

Task 6 –

What is event handling and its example .. and how it used in the web application

Event== any activity performed in a browser

Event handling is to handle the activity

how to use event handling

exceptional handling – try and catch

design code and description

task 9

website banau ani sab ko describe gara

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