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"Cities with best quality of life"

The city of Vancouver. Canada is

one of the cities with the best
quality of life in North America.

Another important city is Zurich,

Switzerland where an estimated quality of
life and work.

Vienna, Australia
beautiful city and entering in
the raking of quality of life
 "German Honduran Technical Center"

⚐​Student: Isaac Franco Bustillo 
Ficha: 927
⚐​ Professor: Reina Isabel Pineda 

⚐​Matter: English 
⚐​ Topic: "​ Cities with best quality of life

⚐​ Course: 9 2 CBT 

Japan is a member of the Organization of the United Nations, G8, G4
and APEC. Japan is the
second country with the
lowest rate of homicides,
only behind Singapore,
Japanese women have the
second greatest hope of life
and, according to the UN,
the country has the third
lowest​ ​ infant mortality in
the world.

}Canada is an industrial nation and technologically pioneering and

advanced, widely self-sufficient in energy thanks to its relatively
extensive fossil deposits and extensive nuclear energy and
hydroelectric power generation. One of the more developed
countries, it has a diversified economy, which makes it
independent by its large deposits and abundant natural resources
and trade, particularly with the United States and Mexico. It is
currently member of the
OAS, G-8, G-20, NATO,
APEC, the Commonwealth,
la Francophonies. It is
considered one of the
countries with best quality
of lived.4
The Peru (quechua and Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of
Peru, is a sovereign country of the West South ofAmerica. The
Pacific Ocean along its coast and bordered by Ecuador and
Colombia to the North, Brazil to the East, yBolivia and Chile to the
South-East. Its territory is made up of different landscapes: the
valleys, plateaus and the high peaks of the Andes are deployed to
the West toward the desert coast and eastward to the Amazon. It
is one of the countries of greatest biodiversity in the world and
major mineral resource​ s​ .

​Sydney has an advanced market economy with strengths in

finance, manufacturing and tourism. Its gross regional product
was $337 billion in 2013, the largest in Australia.[13] There is a
significant concentration of foreign banks and multinational
corporations in Sydney and the city is promoted as Asia Pacific's
leading financial hub.[14][15][16][17] In addition to hosting
events such as the 2000
Summer Olympics, millions of
tourists come to Sydney each
year to see the city's
landmarks.[18]Its natural
features include Sydney
Harbour, the Royal National

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