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Feat Reward System


Acrobat (UA) .............................. If you are not proficient in Acrobatics you must succeed 20 times on (Dex) Acrobatics checks at
disadvantage, 10 times if you are proficient.

Actor ...................................... Out of combat, succeed 10 times using your deception or performance skills to mimic another party member.
Alert ....................................... Win Initiative (Be First) 8 times and be the first into a room/area consistently.
Animal Handler (UA) .............. If you are not proficient in Animal Handling you must succeed 20 times on (Wis) Animal Handling checks at
disadvantage, 10 times if you are proficient.

Arcanist (UA) ........................... If you are not proficient in Arcana you must succeed 20 times on (Int) Arcana checks at disadvantage, 10
times if you are proficient.

Athlete.................................... Succeed on Dexterity/Strength checks 10 times outside of combat and increase your Dexterity or Strength
score by 1.

Bountiful Luck (XGE).............. Prerequisite: Halfling | On any d20 rolls you must roll a 1 20 times.
Brawny (UA) ............................ If you are not proficient in Athletics you must succeed 20 times on (Str) Athletics checks at disadvantage, 10
times if you are proficient.

Charger.................................. Use your action to use the Dash action 10 times and use your action to shove a creature 10 times successfully.
Crossbow Expert .................. Wield a crossbow and deal 50 points of damage.
Defensive Duelist ................... Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher | Dexterity score needs to be 13 or higher and wield a finesse weapon
and take 50 points of damage.

Diplomat (UA).......................... If you are not proficient in Persuasion you must succeed 20 times on (Cha) Persuasion checks at
disadvantage, 10 times if you are proficient.

Dragon Fear (XGE) .................. Prerequisite: Dragonborn | Succeed on 10 (Cha) Intimidation checks, the DC to beat is (8 + your proficiency
bonus + your charisma modifier).

Dragon Hide (XGE) .................. Prerequisite: Dragonborn | Take 50 points of damage and succeed on 10 unarmed strikes.
Drow High Magic (XGE) ......... Prerequisite: Elf (Drow) | Cast any spells 25 times successfully.
Duel Wielder ......................... Wield two weapons, and deal 100 points of damage and take 50 points of damage.
Dungeon Delver .................... Get caught or disable 10 traps.
Durable .................................. Take 100 points of damage or successfully roll 10 death saving throws.
Dwarven Fortitude (XGE) ....... Prerequisite: Dwarf | In combat take 50 points of damage while taking the dodge action.
Elemental Adept ................... Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell | Cast any spell that does acid, cold, fire, lightning or
thunder damage 25 times successfully.

Elven Accuracy (XGE) ............. Prerequisite: Elf or Half-Elf | While using a ranged weapon or spell, attack and gain advantage 20 times.
Empathic (UA) ......................... If you are not proficient in Insight you must succeed 20 times on (Wis) Insight checks at disadvantage, 10
times if you are proficient.

Fade Away (XGE)..................... Prerequisite: Gnome | Take 50 points of damage from opportunity attacks.
Fey Teleportation (XGE) ......... Prerequisite: Elf (High) and Level 5 or higher | Cast any spells 25 times successfully.
Flames of Phlegethos (XGE) .... Prerequisite: Tiefling and Level 5 or higher | Cast any fire damaging spells 25 times.
Fletcher (*HB) ......................... Successfully craft 50 arrows or bolts and be at least level 3 and gain proficiency in *Fletcher’s Tools (or
*Bowyer’s Tools).
Grappler ................................ Prerequisite: Strength 13 or higher and Level 3 or higher | Successfully use the grapple action 20 times in

Great Weapon Master .......... Wield a great weapon and score a critical hit 3 times and deal 25 points of damage in 1 round.
Healer .................................... Prerequisite: Level 3 or higher | Use a Med Kit 5 times or stabilize a creature 3 times.
Heavily Armored .................. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Medium Armor | Wear medium armor and sustain 100 points of damage.
Heavy Armor Master ........... Prerequisite: Proficiency with Heavy Armor | Wear heavy armor and sustain 100 points of damage.
Historian (UA) ......................... If you are not proficient in History you must succeed 20 times on (Int) History checks at disadvantage, 10
times if you are proficient.

Infernal Constitution (XGE).... Prerequisite: Tiefling | Take 50 points of Cold or Poison Damage.
Inspiring Leader ................... Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher | Plot a strategic plan and persuade your way out of a conflict.
Investigator (UA) ..................... If you are not proficient in Investigation you must succeed 20 times on (Int) Investigation checks at
disadvantage, 10 times if you are proficient.

Keen Mind ............................. Successfully use the nature or history skills 10 times.
Lightly Armored ................... Wear light armor and sustain 50 points of damage.
Linguist .................................. Successfully use investigation or insight 10 times to translate another creature’s language or writing.
Lucky ..................................... Roll a natural 20 whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check or a saving throw 20 times.
Mage Slayer........................... Prerequisite: Level 5 or higher | Slay 10 magic users.
Magic Initiate ........................ Prerequisite: Level 5 or higher | Use a scroll/wand/staff 10 times.
Martial Adept........................ In combat use your action to use the dash, disengage, dodge, help, hide, or ready actions 20 times.
Medic (UA) ............................... If you are not proficient in Medicine you must succeed 20 times on (Wis) Medicine checks at disadvantage,
10 times if you are proficient.

Medium Armor Master ........ Prerequisite: Proficiency with Medium Armor | Wear medium armor and sustain 50 points of damage.
Menacing (UA)......................... If you are not proficient in Intimidation you must succeed 20 times on (Cha) Intimidation checks at
disadvantage, 10 times if you are proficient.

Mobile .................................... Prerequisite: Level 5 or higher | Use the dash action 20 times.
Moderately Armorer ............ Prerequisite: Proficiency with Light Armor | Wear light armor and Sustain 50 points of damage.
Mounted Combatant ............ Be mounted and successfully attack 5 creatures.
Naturalist (UA) ........................ If you are not proficient in Nature you must succeed 20 times on (Int) Nature checks at disadvantage, 10
times if you are proficient.

Observant .............................. Prerequisite: Level 5 or higher | Get the highest roll on (Wis) Perception Checks 10 times.
Orcish Fury (XGE) ................... Prerequisite: Half-Orc | Use Relentless Endurance ability 5 times.
Perceptive (UA)........................ If you are not proficient in Perception you must succeed 20 times on (Wis) Perception checks at disadvantage,
10 times if you are proficient.

Performer (UA)........................ If you are not proficient in Performance you must succeed 20 times on (Cha) Performance checks at
disadvantage, 10 times if you are proficient.

Polearm Master .................... Wield a reach weapon and deal 50 points of damage.
Prodigy (XGE) .......................... Prerequisite: Half-Elf, Half-Orc or Human | Use one skill you are not proficient in and use a set of tools 5
times successfully.
Quick-Fingered (UA) .............. If you are not proficient in Sleight of Hand you must succeed 20 times on (Dex) Sleight of Hand checks at
disadvantage, 10 times if you are proficient.

Resilient ................................. Succeed on any type of Saving Throw 20 times.

Ritual Caster ......................... Prerequisite: Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher | Observe someone casting a ritual spell 10 times.
Savage Attacker .................... Roll max damage on your dice 5 times or score 10 critical hits.
Second Chance (XGE) .............. Prerequisite: Halfling | Take 50 points of damage.
Sentinel .................................. Successfully attack 10 times on attacks of opportunity.
Sharpshooter ......................... Prerequisite: Level 3 or higher | Kill 10 creatures at within max distance of bow and get 3 critical hits with

Shield Master ........................ Prerequisite: Level 3 or higher | Wield a shield and sustain 50 points of damage.
Silver-Tongued (UA) ............... If you are not proficient in Deception you must succeed 20 times on (Cha) Deception checks at disadvantage,
10 times if you are proficient.

Skilled .................................... Use any skill or tools you are not proficient in 30 times successfully.
Skulker .................................. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher | Hide 10 time successfully and attack 3 times while sneaking.
Spell Sniper ........................... Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell | Kill 10 creatures at within max distance of spell and get 3
critical hits with spell.

Squat Nimbleness (XGE) ......... Prerequisite: Dwarf or a Small Race | Use your action to use the Dash action 10 times and successfully
escape a grapple 5 times.

Stealthy (UA)............................ If you are not proficient in Stealth you must succeed 20 times on (Dex) Stealth checks at disadvantage, 10
times if you are proficient.

Survivalist (UA) ....................... If you are not proficient in Survival you must succeed 20 times on (Wis) Survival checks at disadvantage, 10
times if you are proficient.

Tavern Brawler ..................... Use improvised weapons 5 times and fight unarmored and deal 25 points of damage.
Theologian (UA) ...................... If you are not proficient in Religion you must succeed 20 times on (Int) Religion checks at disadvantage, 10
times if you are proficient.

Tough ..................................... Get knocked to 0 hit points 10 times or successfully roll 10 death saving throws.
War Caster ............................ Prerequisite: Level 4 or higher and have the ability to cast at least one spell | Cast a spell 5 times with a
weapon wielded or cast 5 spells within a threatened square.

Weapon Master..................... Use 4 different weapons to get 10 kills.

Wood Elf Magic (XGE) ............ Prerequisite: Elf (Wood) | Cast any spells 25 times successfully.

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