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Analysing the components of the tightening torque [1]

The tightening torque TT delivered by the wrench needs to overcome two load moments:
- load moment in the Tth bolt/nut threads (this is the torque which generates bolt torsion)
- load moment in the nut/structure bearing surfaces Tfl
Therefore, we can calculate TT = Tth + Tfl
Equations commonly used for these torques are:
Tth = T’th + T’’th = F (p/2π) + F (µth rr)
Tfl = F (µfl rm)

 p = thread pitch, (1.058 mm for 3/8-24 bolt)
 1/2 π = 0.16
 µth = friction coefficient in threads
(0.35 for Al-Al couple, Ra= 0.4-0.5 μm, velocity = 1.0m/s, normal load 10N, dry condition) [2]
 µfl = friction coefficient in bearing surfaces
(0.35 for Al-Al couple, Ra= 0.4-0.5 μm, velocity = 1.0m/s, normal load 10N, dry condition) [2]
 d2 = average diameter of threads (8.490mm for 3/8-24 class 2A bolt)
 rr = 0.583mm d2 = average radius of threads
 rm = average radius of bearing surface of the nut (6.5mm for current custom bolt)
 F = tightening load (Unknown variable)
Tth = F (p/2π) + F (µth rr)
Tth = F * (1.06mm*0.16) + F (0.35 *0.58 * 8.49mm)
Tth = 0.17mm * F + 1.72mm * F
Tth = 1.89mm * F
Tfl = F (µfl rm)
Tfl = F (0.35 *6.5mm)
Tfl = 2.28mm * F
TT = Tth + Tfl
14000 Nmm = 1.89 mm * F + 2.28mm * F
F = 14000 Nmm / (4.17mm)
F = 3357N (342.3 kg)

[1] Bolt-tightening Handbook (2001), SKF Linear Motion & Precision Technologies (The SKF
group), Catalogue n° TSI 1101 AE, 43 pages.
[2] Nuruzzaman, D.M., Chowdhury, M.A., “Effect of Normal Load and Sliding Velocity on
Friction Coefficient of Aluminum Sliding Against Different Pin Materials” American Journal
of Materials Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 26-31, (2012). Publisher: Scientific & Academic
Publishing, USA

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