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 They are multicellular organisms

 They interact with their environment

 They don’t move around

 They use the sunlight to make their own food

Seed plants

- They reproduce by growing seeds.

- There are 2 main groups:

Angiosperms Gymnosperms

they produce flowers

they produce cones

They are called flowering plants they are called conifers

Fruit grow from the flowers and the seed grow inside the fruit the seeds grow inside the cones. Some conifer
seed are called nuts
Non- seed plants

They produce special cells called spores

Ferns and mosses

They grow their spores inside spore capsules. When the spores fall to the ground, they can grow and develop into new plants


- Have got special leaves called fronds.

- Spore capsules grow on the fronds.

- They have got roots that anchor them to the ground.

- The roots absorb water and nutrients from the ground


- They grow spore capsules

- they have got rhizoids , but they haven’t got roots.

- The entire plant absorb water and nutrients


Most plants have got 3 parts: stem, roots and leaves

Seed plants and ferns have the 3 parts.

Mosses haven’t got roots, they have got rhizoids

1- Stem:

it brings water and minerals up from the roots and takes them to the leaves.

It supports the leaves, flowers and fruit.

According to the stem, plants can be:

Herbaceous plants woody plants

Ferns have got soft and green stems shrubs trees

have got hard stem

are smaller. Are larger

the branches are near the ground with a thick stem: trunk

the branches grow high

2- Roots

Grow underground.

They anchor the plant

They absorb water and minerals from the soil

Many plants have got a large primary root and smaller secondary roots and these have got tiny root hairs

3- Leaves:

They are where a plant performs photosynthesis

The wide, flat part is called the blade. It is connected to the stem by the petiole

Simple leaves have got one blade

Compounds leaves are divided into leaflets


The plants are autotroph organisms, they produce their own food

Plants perform photosynthesis during the day

Use sunlight to make food from water , minerals and carbon dioxide from the air. And they produce oxygen

They don’t perform photosynthesis at night: take oxygen from the air and they produce carbon dioxide. This is called plant respiration

Plants perform interaction. They detect how much light and water there is around them. They react to it.

Some parts of the plants can make movements to receive more light or to find water.


Sensitivity to light sensitivity to contact sensitivity to water

Sunflowers venus flytraps


Flowers are the sexual organs of flowering plants. Most flowers have got 4 main parts:


They look like brightly coloured leaves

They protect the inner parts of the flower

They form the corolla

Are small green leaves that grow at the base of the flower.

They form the calyx


It’s the female reproductive organ

It has got 3 parts: the stigma, style and ovary. The ovary contains the ovules.


Male reproductive organs

It has a tube called a filament and a sac called an anther. Each anther contains grain of pollen
Pollination: the movement of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma .

Cross- pollination: when the bees exchange the pollen between different flowers

Fruit and seeds

Fertilization: The union of pollen with an ovule

The ovules are fertilized the ovary grows larger the fruit protects the seeds

Germination: takes place when a seed begins to grow into a new plant.

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