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Lift up your hands to God

Sometimes we tend to forget what is the real meaning of happiness and what is the real meaning of life,
because we only see and feel all the heartaches and sadness within and around us. But have we try to
ask ourselves,” What are the things that made us happy?” and “What are things that made our lives
goes on?” Is it power? Is it money? Is it all the material things around us? Are these things made us
happy? How about our family, our children? Aren’t they enough to fulfil us? What about the sweet smile
of the children, the hugs and the kisses of our parents? Aren’t they enough to make us complete as a

There are a lot of things in our lives that we want to happen but unfortunately God did not want too.

With this we end up crying and keep asking ourselves “WHY?”

All of these are God’s plan for us maybe by now we did not know “WHY?”

But surely in time we will know why God let things happen even if this thing will make us distress and
even miserable.

Do not let sadness ruined us. Let God be part of our lives and go through his plan for us. GOD BLESS....

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