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UNIT 3 Diagnostic

1 Identify the things in the pictures as living or non-living things.

a b c

living things

d e

2 Are these non-living things natural or man-made?

a b c

3 Match the sentences with the three life processes

a. Living things make new living things. Nutrition

b. Living things need food for energy and to grow. Interaction

c. Living things interact. Reproduction

1 Natural Science Primary 4 • Downloadable and printable © Ediciones Bilingües, S.L.


4 Read the sentences and circle if they are True or False.

a. Living things obtain nutrients from food. True / False

b. Plants need sunlight to make their own food. True / False

c. Animals can make their own food. True / False

d. All plants reproduce by making seeds. True / False

e. Some animals lay eggs and others give birth to live young. True / False

f. Plants can’t react to their environment. True / False

g. Moving and communicating are examples of interaction. True / False

5 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

bacteria  animals  plants  fungi  animals  algae  plants

a. Mushrooms are __________________.

b. Frogs are __________________.

c. Cacti are __________________.

d. Trees are __________________.

e. Seaweed is __________________.

f. E. coli is __________________.

g. Snails are __________________.

6 Circle the correct word in the following sentences.

a. Deciduous / Evergreen trees lose all their leaves in the autumn.

b. Bushes / Trees have woody stems with low branches.

c. Fungi / Plants feed on other living things that are decomposing.

d. We can only see algae / bacteria under a microscope.

e. Animals / Fungi can be oviparous or viviparous.

2 Natural Science Primary 4 • Downloadable and printable © Ediciones Bilingües, S.L.

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