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William shakespeare author of romeo and juliet tells the tragic love

story of two teens named romeo and juliet. The teens love each other but

their families are enemies which prevents them from being with each other.

In the end, the two lovers end up killing themselves because they couldn't

be with each other.

Throughout the play shakespeare expresses his belief that love

causes violence through character actions and major events. This first body

paragraph will talk about how the major events demonstrated in quotes 2

and 4 and how they support the idea that love causes violence.

Character actions in shakespeare’s romeo and juliet proves that love

causes violence. For example “ the conflict between the two families

causes a war within the entire cities.” In this quote, This is proving that love

causes violence because of romeo and juliet’s love the two families

continue to fight. At the same time “ let me be ta’en, let me be put to death.”

This shows that romeo just wants to die he is fed up with life. In the end

these quotes 1 and 2 shakespeare believes that love causes violence

through character actions.

To begin this second body paragraph shakespeare expresses his

belief that love causes violence through conflicts. First of all “ boy, this shall

not excuse the injuries that thou hast done me. Therefore turn and draw.”
what this quote is saying is that right now mercutio and tybalt are about to

settle this disagreement. This quote is showing violence and conflict. In

addition “ tybalt is dead, and romeo is banished, romeo killed tybalt and he

is now banished.” Eventually this conflict is now resolved by banishment

and death.

Major events in shakespeare’s romeo and juliet proves that love

causes violence. One example would be “ that late thou gavest me, for

mercutio’s soul is a little way above our heads, staying for thine to keep him

company. Either thou or I, or both must go with him.” Regardless of the

situation at hand they are really considering suicide. However “ oh that

pharmacist was honest. His drugs work quickly, so i die with a kiss.

Eventually romeo kills himself with drugs.

In conclusion shakespeare’s beliefs were correct they end up killing

themselves because they were forbidden to love eachother.

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