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What kind of financial problems faced the Continental Congress during the

2.How did foreign aid assist the American cause?

3.For Americans at the time of the Revolution, what did republicanism come to

4.What were the flaws of the Articles of Confederation? IMAGES 6-11

The major downfall of the Articles of Confederation was simply weakness. The federal government,
under the Articles, was too weak to enforce their laws and therefore had no power. The Continental
Congress had borrowed money to fight the Revolutionary War and could not repay their debts.

5.What was the Northwest Ordinance? IMAGES 3-5

The Northwest Ordinance (formally An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United
States, North-West of the River Ohio, and also known as the Ordinance of 1787) was an act of the
Congress of the Confederation of the United States (the Confederation Congress), passed July 13, 1787.

6.What did the nationalists want?

Is to protect the white man upper class to protect their superiority( liberty ,
property, and freedom )and limit the power of the government. However this
only applies towards the small group of people.

8.What compromises did the framers of the Constitution have to arrive at in

order to create the new government?

the great compromise made senate with equal representation and a house of representative that had
seats based on population.

9.Who were the Federalists?

10.Who were the Anti-Federalists?

11.Do you think that the Constitution still works today, or do we need a new
one? Or does the amendment process provide enough ability to change so that
we can continue to use the same government that was written over 200 years

The constitution had not been changed till today. I think that the constitution
should not be changed because it has it’s stability in terms of politically and
systematically. The constant amendment provides a good changes towards the
current rules. One of them is the woman were given the rights to vote
.Therefore, we can continue using the same constitution that was being
written 200 years ago with amendment.

1. How did Thomas Jefferson envision the future of the United States?

Nation of small independent farmers

2. What brought about the birth of the First Party System?

It featured two national parties competing for control of the presidency, Congress, and the states:
the Federalist Party , created largely by Alexander Hamilton, and the rival Jeffersonian Democratic-
Republican Party , formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, usually called at the time the
"Republican Party ."

1. What was the “constitutional crisis” of John Adam’s presidency?

There may have been more than one, but "the one" that comes to mind is when (during Adam's
term in 1800) Jefferson and Burr "tied" for the Presidency in the Electoral College. Back then votes
for President and Vice President were not counted separately. This was changed by the 12th

. 7.What was the problem with Indians and assimilation? Cultural genocide was the primary problem - in
order to be assimilated (according to the standards of the day) Indians had to give up their language,
their music, their religion, their rites and their rituals. That was a pretty tall order - but even after all
that, they were still not accepted into the general fabric of society. One of the more tragic notes was
removing children from their parents and from their home villages and placing them in residential
school, where they were taught to be 'white' – and also abused and victimized.

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