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Glorification of the family patron.That custom dates from the XIII c

whwn Sava-Rastko Nemanjic canonized this previously pagan

The story says that in time when Serbs accepted cristianity in 9 a.c.
they had to choose the saint who would represent them in front the
good and protect them.

The oldest written document about this custom dates from 1018.

Slava also glorificate our ancestors and the roots of this custom is in
our need to be connected with ancestors.

Unlike the greek we don’t celebrate the Nameday individuly but hol
Family and frieends.We have never stop to practice this custom,
even during the Turkish okupation.Slava actualy was unic chance for
keep the family strong during this hard times. Only during Comunist
rule practicing this custom was very dangerous.All who celebrated
and guests were under the eye of notorious secret service-Udba.

Celebration: we need Kolač-bread makes from flour mixed with holy

water that priest bleased prior to slava. Than boild wheat-žito with
honey-wheat simbolize death,resuraction and eternal life and vine
for the priest to blased kolac,zito and icon.

Acording to custom household should serve and stending all the time
but in reality wife serves and household siting and make the speach –
variouse topics but also is blassphemy if on Slava topic is politics...but

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