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7 Types of Curriculum

Operating in Schools
EDUC 211 – Curriculum Development
Recommended Curriculum
• Comes from a national agency like the
DepEd, CHED, DOST or any professional
organization that has a stake in education
• CHED Memorandum Order No. 30 Series
Subject: Revised Policies And Standards For
Undergraduate Teacher Education Curriculum
• Includes documents,
course of study, or
syllabi handed down
to the schools,
districts, division,
departments, or
colleges for
Taught Curriculum
• Different planned activities which are
put into action in the classroom
• Varied activties that are implemented
in order to arrive at the objectives or
purposes of the written curriculum
• Used by the learners with the guidance
of the teachers
• Varies according to the learning styles
of the students and the teaching styles
of the teachers.
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Supported Curriculum
• Materials which support or help in
the implementation of the written
• Should enable each learner to
achieve real and lifelong learning.
Assessed Curriculum

• Tested or evaluated
• A series of evaluations
done by the teacher to
determine the extent of
teaching or to tell if the
students are progressing
Learned Curriculum

• Learning outcomes
achieved by the students
• Indicated by the results
of the tests and changes
in behavior which can
either be cognitive,
affective or psychmotor
Hidden Curriculum
• Unintended curriculum which is not
deliberately planned but may modify
behavior or influence learning outcomes

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