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LUIGI STECCO - CARLA STECCO PRACTICAL PART Lele Myf ROBERT SCHLEIP ALLRIGHTS RESERVE [No part of this work may be reproduces! or used in any form or by any means — graphic, electronic. or mechanical, including ‘but not limited to photoeapying, reeonting, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval ‘systems — without the wtten permission of the publisher. |Asnew scientific information Bscomses available thmwgh basis ans clinical resarchs recommended treatments ad ahup therapies undergo changes. Te authors) and publisher have done everything posible to make this book accurate up to date, an in accord with accepted ‘andar atthe tim of pabliation, The author(s), editor, and publisher are not responsible for ‘rors or missions or for comequences fram application of the book, and make no warranty. expressed ce plied ia regard to che contents of the book. Any practice deserbed in this book. should be applied by the reader in asvordance with professional siandards of are used in regard to the unique circumstances that may apply in each station. The reader is acised always 10 chk product information (package mets) for changes apd new information reparding dose ard ‘contraindicstions before administering ay drug, Caution is especially urged when using ‘new or infiequenty erred drugs. ISBN 978-88-299.1978-9 Printed in thaly ‘Copyright © 2009, by Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A., Padova wor picein it GENERAL INDEX Foreword, Mfunits of the upperlimb............. 82 _ Example of treatment... a 90 Abbreviations Nit Preface eee ene ene sees sunese IX Chapter S— Mf Sequence of mediomotion .. 91 Acknowledgements eeese XT Mfunits of the trunk 92 MEunits of the lower limb ............. 102 MF units of the upper limb . coe 109 Chapter 6 = Mf Sequence of lateromotion ... 119) MEunits of the trunk oc... .cccceeee 120 Mfunits of the lower limb ~~ 130 Part I:'The centres of coordination Mf units of the upper limb... 2137 Example of treatment : 15 Chapter 1 — Faseial Manipulation ......... 19 A= Fascial control of segmental movement 19 Chapter 7~ Mf Sequence of intrarotation ... 147 The myofascial unit .............0..-- 19 - Mfunits hoe dR B - Fascial control of posture Sr nr ne ee a ar ‘The myofascial sequence 28M units of the upper limb +... 165 Chapter2—Treatment of the CC. 2.2... 31 Example of teatment se IB A- Compilation of an assessment chart Chapter 8 — Mf Sequence of extrarotation ..._175 for segmental treatments... 31 B- Compilation of an ‘assesment chart fOr Mfunits of the trunk 176, global treatments “35 Mfunits of the lower limb ., Contraindications oe 3 Chapter 3 — Mf Sequence of antemotion .... 39 ‘Mfunits of the trunk AO Mf units of the upper limb... . 5 56 Example of treatment... - 64 Chapter 4 — Mf Sequence of retromotion .... 65 MEunits of the unk 60, ‘Mf units of the lower limb 76 Example of treatment Parte Hz The centres of fusion Chapter 9 ~ Fascial Mobilisation , A- Fascial control of segmental_motor schemes The centre of fusion B - Fascial control of global complex movements 20 The myofascial diagonals .......0..0+8 211 The myofascial spirals . . 213 205 208

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