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His name is Luis Rodriguez Davila but all the people that meet him like Lucho.
I meet him when I was studied in the Secondary School Ignacia Velasquez.

When I was in math s class, he would sell his chicken s sandwiches and all my
classmates were happies because they had so much hungry, other moments he
used to talk with the class encouraging them for learning math because lot of
people in class didn’t like.

Also, he used to be happy when he taught us and maked us laugh with his
jokes, sometimes when we were bad students he had so much patient with us
and again taught us the class.

The last year of my secondary school he would said that “when you leave high
school the life will be harder so my advice for you, is never left the studies”.

when he was taking an exam, he would see the students for that they won’t
copy, he was very strict in that aspect.

He used to say “never give up, you can” when we didn’t t want learned, when
we only wanted go to home and sleep.

He was be able to give us the taste of the math but later of a long time, we
arrived at one point where he give us the class and pick up quickly, I was
understanding better than before.

He never had a one of my class like the teacher s pet because he doesn’t t like

He liked the responsibility and he used to say us that “the day that you don t
going to school you should brush up on with my subject”, he worried for us so
much in the secondary and I think that is his better quality, he was be able to
change a little of us for be better.

This is my favorite teacher, the teacher with who I passed my exams and I got
my better marks, the Sir Lucho.

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