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Center for the Study of Oppressive Societies

Form FEP-1A

[Formerly Enslaved Person Questionnaire]

This questionnaire is developed by sociologists, economists, and experts
working with the Free Kingdom Government and allied forces to gather
sociological, economic, cultural and other information about slaver societies.
By filling out this questionnaire you assist the government of the Free Kingdom
of Allanea, and allied states, in collating additional information about slaver

Information collected via this questionnaire will be anonymized, and stored

separately from your name and identified data at a secure facility. Your
identifying information will not be released to the public, and will be only used
to contact you in the event of follow-up questions and additional research.

Filling out this questionnaire is not mandatory, and you are free to abstain from
answering any questions within it. We ask, however, that if you do choose to
answer, you do so truthfully, and we ask also that you provide the most
complete information possible.

1. What is your gender? ​Male

2. What is your age? ​38

3. At what age have you been forced into slavery? [Write "0" if you have
been an enslaved person since birth]. ​33

4. Have you received any immunizations, and if yes, against what diseases?
Yes, all usual childhood/adult vaccinations

5. What was your role as an enslaved person? What sort of work did you
do? ​Laborer

6. What roles are enslaved persons typically assigned in the slaver society?
Do the roles differ based on the enslaved person’s background or
identity? ​Men and older boys were sentenced to labor camps. I don’t
know what happens to women or younger children.
7. Which person or group of people was designated as your so-called
"master"? [If you had been forced to work for a state agency, please name
both the state agency in question, and the specific facility/prison/camp at
which you were held]. ​Mount Zeon Government, Directorate of Camps

8. What is your educational background? ​Primary and secondary school

education through local community schools, private school for education

9. What work tools are you familiar with? What professional skills do you
have? ​None prior to conviction for “teaching falsehoods”

10.Have you been provided any training by your so-called "master" to carry
out your work, or have you been made to rely solely on your pre-existing
training? ​Rudimentary training in road and rail building and repair, use
of hand tools

11.In what conditions did you have to work (how hard/easy was the work,
for how many hours a day, etc.? Was the work dangerous?) ​Manual
construction labor, sunup to sundown. Danger level varied depending on
exact type of construction and weather conditions.

12.Have you had any opportunity to receive medical care during your period
as an enslaved person, and if yes, what kind? (Please provide detail).
Regularly checked for illness. Those unable to work due to injury or
illness were disposed of.

13.What disorders and diseases have you noticed to be common among

enslaved persons in the slaver society? ​Obvious mental trauma from
conditions and brutality, but disease kept in check by medical staff to
maintain the labor force

14.In the slaver society, was it considered legally and morally permissible to
carry out physical punishments of enslaved persons? ​Yes
15.Were you personally aware of anyone subject to physical violence
(whether yourself, an acquaintance, friend, or family member)? ​Yes

16.In the case of the incidents you were aware of, was this violence more or
less severe than what is customary to be employed against enslaved
persons in the slaver society? ​More severe

17.Have you been often transferred between different "masters" or between

different government facilities/agencies? ​No

18.In the event of such a transfer, what explanation was given for it, if any?
In your view, what was the actual motivation for the transfer?

19.Have you ever witnessed, or were you aware of, incidents where enslaved
persons were separated from/denied access to their family? ​Yes

20.Have you been aware of any incidents of escapes by enslaved persons?

Please provide as much information as possible. Individuals escaped
while on various labor assignments but frequently died soon after escape
or were recaptured by militia.

21.Were there any slaver personnel or collaborationists that were known,

either to you personally, by rumor, or by other means, to be particularly
cruel, or involved in acts of violent or sexual nature against enslaved
persons? No. Overseers and guards were frequently rotated through the

22.Would you be interested in accessing various services offered for

refugees by the Inter-Ministry Refugee Task Force (therapy, medical
assistance, legal assistance, job counseling, resettlement assistance or
other help)? ​Yes

23.Would you be interested in volunteering to assist other Formerly

Enslaved Persons in integrating into the Free Kingdom’s society, either
during your own integration period, or after it is complete? ​Yes

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