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Word Synonym Antonym

Extend Enhance Decrease
Diversification Variety Narrow
Expansion Magnification Contraction
Deadline Target date, limitation Increase
Retail Distribute Wholesale
Compatible Adaptable Incompatible
Envisage Consider Ignore
Tailor Modify Misadjust
Initial Basic Last
Reinvest Bring back, revive Destroy
Resources Possessions Liabilities
Outstanding Phenomenal Inferior
Incurred Acquire Avoid
Declaration Announcement Denial
Depleted Consume Sufficient

1. Trend
a. Name of a company
b. practice/ work popular in current times.
c. Walk

2. Investigation
a. Reading thoroughly
b. A formal inquiry or systematic study
c. Watching carefully

3. Consolidate
a. Make more strong/solid
b. tie up
c. Make up

4. Budget
a. Boundary
b. Expenditure set for time-period or activity
c. Expenditure that you have already made

5. Rival
a. enemy
b. competitor
c. colleague
6. Vulnerable
a. breakable
b. Possibility of being influenced
c. detachable

7. Dessert
a. Sweet course eaten at the end of a meal
b. Sweet course eaten in the beginning of a meal
c. Sweet course eaten during a meal

8. Per capita
a. For each person
b. For everyone
c. For none

9. Urbanization
a. Process of going away from urban
b. Process of making area more urban
c. Process of making it like rural

10. Delicatessens
a. Shop selling groceries
b. Shop selling prepared meals
c. Shop selling bakery products

Synonyms Antonyms

1. Endorsement- sanction/approval denial/disapproval

2. Launch- set up/ start/ begin/initiate phase out/close down
3. Boost- support/assistance hindrance
4. Barrage- bombardment/shower
5. Splintering- split/shiver/disintegrate combine/mend/fix
6. Enormous- massive/huge miniature/minute
7. Sophistication- complicacy/complexity simplicity/plainness
8. Portable- mobile/movable immobile/irremovable
9. Credibility- plausibility/integrity implausibility/ improbability
10. Implications- presumption/indication reality/proof
11. Connotation- essence/nuance denotation
12. Scanners- reading/optical character
13. Tracked- chased/pursued captured/seized
14. Boosted- sustain/promote/encourage discourage/dissuade/condemn
15. Sceptical- sceptic/cynic unbeliever
16. Promotion- elevation/preferment/boost demotion/impediment
Word Synonym Antonym
Straight forward Simple Complicated
Haggle Dispute Undisputed
Trade-in Exchange Irreplaceable
Browse Navigate Static
Handy Useful Useless
Appraisal form Assessment Unmeasured
Pop up Appear Disappear
Screen out Filter Unfiltered
Inventory Complete list of items Incomplete list of items
Hoarding Temporary display board Permanent display board
Considerable Significant Insignificant
Word Synonym Antonym
Subsequent Consecutive Antecedent
Opportunity Chance Threat
liability Accountability Unaccountability
Plummet Collapse Ascend
Suggest Conjecture Declare/order
Experience Empiricism Inexperience
Reluctant Cautious Anxious
Dwindle Abate Escalate
Knowledge Awareness Ignorance
Enthusiastic Agog Apathetic
Final terminate Commence
Result Aftermath Cause/apathetic
SYNONYMS: proposal, proposition, recommendation, advice

SYNONYMS: originator, creator, initiator, instigator, organizer, founding
father, developer, pioneer, inventor

SYNONYMS: chance, break, opening
ANTONYMS: closing, misfortune, bad luck

SYNONYMS: comfort, ease, benefit
ANTONYMS: inconvenience, difficulty, hindrance, restriction

SYNONYMS: distinctive, individual, special, especial, outstanding, extraordinary
ANTONYMS: common, ordinary, regular, usual, standard

SYNONYMS: grumble, fuss, growl
ANTONYMS: accept, applaud, cheer, bear

7. GAIN:
SYNONYMS: profit, increment, proliferate
ANTONYMS: decline, decrement, lower, loss

SYNONYMS: hope, anticipate, presume, assume, foresee
ANTONYMS: doubt, question

SYNONYMS: advantage, gain, merit, favorable point
ANTONYMS: disadvantage, drawback, demerit

SYNONYMS: convince, induce
ANTONYMS: constraint, obstacle

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