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Forces of Nature

Alignment: Neutral Gnomes Infantry

Army Special Rules Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts

Keepers of the Balance Troop (10) 4 4+ – 5+ 10 10/12 85
When in melee against units whose alignment is Good or Regiment (20) 4 4+ – 5+ 10
Evil, all units in this list count as Vicious. Horde (40) 4 4+ – 5+ 20 20/22
Wild Companion
A Wild Companion is a feral animal that is bound by Special: Crushing Strength (1)
magical means to a Druid or other master of the natural Options
lore. Mark a Hero that is accompanied by a Wild Companion • Banner (+15 pts)
with a suitable model – a panther, bear, wolf, hawk, etc. • Musician (+10 pts)
The Hero then counts as being equipped with a throwing
weapon (12” range) that can be used only once per game Gnomes are underground dwellers, creatures so attuned
(remove the animal model once it has been unleashed). to their subterranean realm that it is rumoured that
This weapon can only be used against Heroes, Monsters, they spawn out of the very rocks. In battle, their grey,
War Engines and units of Infantry or Cavalry of 10 models flinty skin combines with the polished obsidian armour
or less: the wild beast refuses to attack any body of troops to form a truly formidable defence. They fight with the
larger than that. mattocks and other tunnelling implements that are the
When you send the beast to seek its prey, roll 5 dice to hit,
most common trading tools of their race.
regardless of the firer’s Attacks. The beast always hits on
4+, regardless of modifiers, and has the Piercing (1) rule.
Then, for any point of damage caused, roll to hit and to
damage again, as the beast savages the victims. Repeat
this process again and again until you fail to score any
damage, at which point the beast has been slain or has
wandered off to lick the gore off its paws/claws/talons.

Naiads Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts

Troop (10) 5 4+ – 3+ 10 10/12 60
Regiment (20) 5 4+ – 3+ 10
13/15 80
Horde (40) 5 4+ – 3+ 20 20/22
150 Sylvan Kin Infantry
Special: Regeneration
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
In addition, Naiads treat all water-based terrain features
as open ground (agree which terrain this applies to at the Troop (5) 6 4+ – 4+ 10
10/12 60
beginning of the game) Half-Regt (10) 6 4+ – 4+ 10
Options Regiment (20) 6 4+ – 4+ 20
• Banner (+15 pts)
• Musician (+10 pts) Special: Vanguard
Normally gentle spirits of pool, lake, stream and font, • Banner (+15 pts)
the Naiads can be dangerous opponents when their • Musician (+10 pts)
anger is aroused by the befouling of their watery abodes. Spirits and faery folk of the forest realms, these creatures
Then, they rise in great numbers, and walk the lands of can assume many guises – fauns, dryads, sprites and
Mantica in search of revenge, armed with their traditional will-o’-the-wisp. They tend to be shy and peaceful in
tridents and nets. As long as they remain in proximity nature, but if their forest realm is threatened, or by the
of water, or even above underground water that can command of their sylvan lords, they can be summoned
seep into their limbs through the earth, their flesh can in great numbers, assuming a frightening war-like aspect
regenerate the most grievous of wounds. and fighting with the unbridled fury of the Great Wild.
Salamanders Infantry Earth Elementals Large Infantry

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts

Troop (10) 5 4+ – 4+ 10 10/12 75 Troop (3) 5 4+ – 6+ 9 -/15 90
Regiment (20) 5 4+ – 4+ 10
100 Regiment (6) 5 4+ – 6+ 18 -/18
Horde (40) 5 4+ – 4+ 20 20/22
190 Special: Shambling, Crushing Strength (1)

Special: Crushing Strength (2)

• Banner (+15 pts)
• Musician (+10 pts) Fire Elementals Large Infantry
Salamanders are fire-people; reptilian in appearance,
they wear little armour and instead rely on their red, Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
scaly skin for protection. The great heat of their blood Troop (3) 5 4+ – 5+ 9 -/15 80
is manifest from the billowing vapours that constantly Regiment (6) 5 4+ – 5+ 18 -/18
exude from their slavering mouths and it seems to be
channelled through their crude weapons, which sear and Special: Shambling, Crushing Strength (2),
burn as much as they cut and crush.

Forest Shamblers Large Infantry

Air Elementals Large Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
1 6 4+ – 5+ 3 -/12 40
Troop (3) 10 4+ – 5+ 9 -/15 120
Troop (3) 6 4+ – 5+ 9 -/14 90
Regiment (6) 10 4+ – 5+ 18 -/18 220
Regiment (6) 6 4+ – 5+ 18 -/17 160
Special: Shambling, Crushing Strength (1), Vanguard. Special: Shambling, Crushing Strength (1) Fly

• Banner (+15 pts)
• Musician (+10 pts)
Slumbering spirits of nature that normally reside Water Elementals Large Infantry
within the trunks of ancient trees or in the vines and
plants that form the living veins of soil and marsh, the Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
Forest Shamblers can be aroused by the magic of the Troop (3) 5 4+ – 5+ 9 -/15 90
Druids and unleashed against the invaders as slow but Regiment (6) 5 4+ – 5+ 18 -/18
unstoppable humanoid beings, made of wood, foliage,
mud and stone. Special: Shambling, Crushing Strength (1), Renewal (see
page 32)
In addition, Water Elementals treat all water-based terrain
features as open ground (agree which terrain this applies to
at the beginning of the game)

Summoned on the battlefield by the Druids, these

creatures are the true incarnation of the natural energies
that form everything in Mantica (both living and
inanimate matter.) They resemble very large humanoids,
roughly the size of an ogre, and move slowly across the
field, crushing all before them like an unstoppable tide
of Fire, Water, Air or Earth.
Centaurs Cavalry Basilisk Monster

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts

Troop (5) 8 3+ – 4+ 5 9/11 60 1 7 3+ – 6+ 5 14/16
Regiment (10) 8 3+ – 4+ 10 12/14
105 Special: Crushing Strength (2), Zap (6).
Special: Crushing Strength (2) Options
• Can have wings, gaining Fly and increasing Speed
Options to 10, but reducing Defence to 5+ (+25 pts)
• Banner (+15 pts) This term groups a number of earth-spirits that assume
• Musician (+10 pts) the shape of weird beasts, often sporting elements of
Brutal incarnation of the most basic urges and instincts many different creatures mixed in the most bizarre of
that rule the natural world, the Centaurs are quick to fashion – reptile, mammal and bird. They are known
anger and merciless in their rage. They are however very by the peoples of Mantica as Basilisks, Cockatrices,
unreliable on the battlefield, as they are prone to stop Chimeras, Gorgons... many names and many forms, but
fighting right in the middle of an ongoing battle in order all with the terrifying ability of dealing death with but
to indulge in an orgiastic celebration of victory. a glance.

Tree Herder Monster

Unicorn Monster
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
1 6 3+ – 6+ 5 18/20
1 12 3+ – 5+ 3 14/16 150
Special: Crushing Strength (3), Vanguard
Special: Crushing Strength (2), Regeneration, Heal (3),
Inspiring, Individual Possibly the longest-lived mortal beings of all of Mantica,
the Tree Herders remember the days when the Celestians
The truest incarnation of the freedom and grace of the walked alone through the virgin forests of a primeval
natural world. Unicorns cannot be tamed and cannot world, still unspoilt by war and grief. These creatures
be ridden, even though legends tell that a maiden can are benign and care deeply for the other dwellers of the
actually achieve this feat. Whether that is true or not, forest, so when angered they make the most implacable
these magical creatures are powerful allies of the Druids of foes.
– fast, deadly and capable of restoring the most grievous
of wounds with but a glance.
Druid Hero

Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts

1 5 4+ – 4+ 1 12/14 150
Special: Individual, Inspiring, Heal (2), Zap! (3), Breath
Attack (9), Dark Surge (10)
• Can ride a stag, horse, lesser unicorn or similar
mount, increasing Speed to 9, for +10 pts.
• Up to two Wild Companions (+15 pts each)
In battle, the Druids can manipulate elemental energies
of the world of Mantica to unleash ruination upon their
enemies but they also to heal and guide the creatures
that fight on their side, which most often they themselves
would have summoned to the battlefield to defend order
and balance.
Keris and Shaarlyot Solar staff
How can a man and a spirit of the air be in love? Even The bearer has a single ranged attack with a range of
though he is a young and headstrong Druid initiate, 24” that always hits on 4+ (regardless of modifiers).
bearer of the Solar Staff, and she is a princess of her If the target unit is hit, it is blinded until the end of
kin and a gifted air-shaper? The nigh-impossibility of its following Shoot phase – place a suitable marker
their relation and the opposition it met amongst both next to the target. As long as it’s blinded, the unit
Shaarlyot’s people and the Druid order are the subject of cannot Charge and counts as Disrupted (so it cannot
many a ballade, and yet their love endures. The couple use ranged attacks either).
have lived an amazing series of adventures in defence of
the Whychwell Forest, resisting the attempt of both the
The Wind of V’yuu
Shaarlyot can summon winds strong enough to
Elves and the Undead to upset the natural balance of
propel friends across the battlefield. She has the
that great wood.
Dark Surge (4) special rule, but instead of targeting
Shambling units, she can target any friendly unit.
Keris [1] Hero If the target unit has the Fly special rule, then this
counts as Dark Surge (8).
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
1 5 4+ – 4+ 1 12/14 180 Ozzee
Special: Individual, Inspiring, Heal (1), Zap! (2), Breath Originating from fabled Khaoskye, Ozzee is Keris’
Attack (7), Dark Surge (8), Solar Staff familiar – an earth spirit in the shape of a mighty
hound. In game terms, he counts as a ranged
Options weapon for Keris – the Ozzee model is just a marker.
• Can be accompanied by Ozzee (+20 pts) Ozzee counts as a Wild Companion, except that he
has a range of 18”, and is not discarded automatically
when unleashed. Rather, after unleashing Ozzee,
Shaarlyot [1] Hero
roll a die: on a result of 3 or less the Ozzee model
is removed and cannot be used for the rest of the
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
game. On a 4+ he returns to Keris and can be used
1 6 4+ – 3+ 1 12/14 180 again in following turns.
Special: Individual, Fly, Inspiring (Sylphs and Air
Elementals only), Breath Attack (15), Heal (5, Sylphs and In addition, when using Ozzee against units with the
Air Elementals only), Wind of V’yuu Shambling special rule, you can re-roll any dice that
fails to damage... but then Ozzee is lost on a roll of
Options 4 or less rather than 3 or less, as he finds it hard to
• Can be accompanied resist stalking off to bury a thighbone somewhere
by Tiffee (+20 pts) secret.

Tiffee is a lesser spirit of the air bound to Shaarlyot. She
follows the same rules as Ozzee, except that she has a
range of 30”, and does not have the Piercing (1) rule.

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