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Official Update to Events Pack

17th April 2013

Your Force (page 1)
Add the following two bullet points:
 Your Kill Team must be comprised of at least 3 models
 No model in your Kill Team may have more than 3 Wounds (before Leader upgrades)

Your Leader (page 2)
On the Leader Upgrade table, insert an ** after the result of 14+ (Battle Experience). Insert bullet
point under table-
 Upgrades marked with an ** may be taken any number of times.

For upgrade “Souped-up Weaponary” (when a 9 is rolled), replace description with “One of your
Leader’s ranged weapons gains +1 Strength OR one of his Melee Weapons gets a +1 AP bonus
(choose one and note down which weapon has received the upgrade on your Leader record sheet).”

Favourite Game Votes (page 5)

Replace last sentence in Favourite Games Section with:
“ For every vote you receive from other players in this way, you will receive an additional 5 Victory
Q: If my Leader has Fleshbane or Armourbane, does that mean his weapons get it too?
A: No. The rulebook states for both rules, that if the model has it, then they get the
bonuses when attacking with a Melee weapon (p.33/ 35). You may not choose to put this rule on a ranged weapon
and get the bonus from shooting; it is the model that has the rule, not a weapon.

Q: How does the Necron Reanimation Protocols special rule work in Kill Team?
A: Very simply, treat each Necron which would normally have the Reanimation Protocols special rule as also having
the Ever-Living special rule too (Necron Codex p. 29).

Q: If I only have vehicles left when I am required to take a Break Test, what LD do I use?
A: Treat all vehicles in Kill Team as having Ld 10 (for the purposes of the Break Test only) .

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