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Let�s start with the direction set by the rulers.

The PTI government�s 100-day

performance was
announced with great fanfare at a function where platitudes and self-praise
obscured the vision and
priorities required to reflect the direction the prime minister has set as a
tireless leader. He is
expected to change the culture of governance through transparency and
Credit is due to a former civil servant and current adviser on institutional reform
who admitted that
the government could �complete� only 18 out of 34 �deliverables�.
The prime minister�s Nov 29 address demonstrated good intentions. There is no doubt
he aims to
build a welfare state based on socioeconomic justice. However, translating his
desires into reality
depend on sound advice, legislative reforms and political forces abandoning the
collision course
they have embarked on. Sagacity in parliament is essential

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