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Problem Set 2

1. Starting with Maxwell’s equations and the expression for Lorentz force
in SI units, show that there is no experiment that can determine 0 and
µ0 independently.

2. Show that the combination 0 µ0 can be determined by intelligent use

of Capacitors and inductors.

3. Establish the analogy between 0 , µ0 and T, ρ for a wave propagating

along a string.

4. Think of at least three ways in which it is possible to show that Elec-

trodynamics is incompatible with Galilean transformations. Use the
experimentally observed fact charge is the same in all frames of refer-

5. Work out the pattern of the fringe shift expected because of (i) the
rotation of earth about its axis, and (ii) the orbital motion of the Earth
around the Sun.

6. Which of them would be more pronounced, relevant and reliable?

7. Reading assignment: What was the explanation of Lorentz for the null
result of Michelson Morley experiment?

8. Is there any known interaction that is similar to the Lorentz proposal

that ether acts on all bodies in the same way?

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