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A pathways model of problem and

pathological gambling

Alex Blaszczynski1 & Lia Nower 2

Department of Psychology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia1 and Department of Social Work, University of Missouri-St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA2

Correspondence to: ABSTRACT

Professor Alex Blaszczynski
Department of Psychology
At the moment, there is no single conceptual theoretical model of gambling
Transient Building F12
University of Sydney, NSW 2006 that adequately accounts for the multiple biological, psychological and eco-
Australia logical variables contributing to the development of pathological gambling.
Tel: + 61 9351 7612 Advances in this area are hampered by imprecise definitions of pathological
gambling, failure to distinguish between gambling problems and problem gam-
Submitted 18 June 1999; blers and a tendency to assume that pathological gamblers form one, homoge-
initial review completed 2 August 1999; neous population with similar psychological principles applying equally to all
final version accepted 19 July 2001 members of the class. The purpose of this paper is to advance a pathways model
that integrates the complex array of biological, personality, developmental,
cognitive, learning theory and ecological determinants of problem and patho-
logical gambling. It is proposed that three distinct subgroups of gamblers
manifesting impaired control over their behaviour can be identified. These
groups include (a) behaviourally conditioned problem gamblers, (b) emotion-
ally vulnerable problem gamblers and (c) antisocial, impulsivist problem gam-
blers. The implications for clinical management are discussed.

KEYWORDS Addiction, biology of gambling, impulsivity, pathological

gambling, pathway model.

INTRODUCTION the development of a comprehensive explanatory model

of gambling and pathological gambling behaviour, which
Pathological gambling is defined as ‘persistent and recur- integrates knowledge sourced from research, theory and
rent maladaptive gambling behaviour’ characterized by practice. The purpose of this paper is to present a con-
an inability to control gambling, leading to significant ceptual model, delineating a series of three discrete path-
deleterious psychosocial consequences: personal, famil- ways leading to the development of distinct subgroups of
ial, financial, professional and legal (APA 1994). The lit- pathological gambling.
erature contains numerous studies describing prevalence The pathways model is predicated on the argument
estimates, demographic and clinical profiles, personality that the quest to impose one theoretical model to apply
traits and neurobiological substrates presumed to play an equally and validly to all pathological gamblers is a
integral role in the development of impaired control in misguided venture. An alternative and more productive
pathological gambling. However, to date there no are no approach is to acknowledge the existence of specific sub-
papers describing an empirically validated theoretical types of gamblers, each influenced by different factors yet
model of pathological gambling that effectively inte- displaying similar phenomenological features. Clinical
grates into a coherent conceptual framework, the wisdom has long recognized that, although symptoms of
complex array of biological, psychological and ecological depression, substance use, impulsivity and antisocial
factors to explain the aetiology of the disorder (Brown type behaviours are observed typically in pathological
1988; Shaffer & Gambino 1989; Ferris, Wynne & Single gamblers, the role and implication of these variables in
1998; Blaszczynski 1999). As Shaffer & Gambino (1989) the aetiology and management of the disorder varies
suggest, further advances in the understanding and widely for each case. For example, three-quarters of
treatment of pathological gambling are dependent upon problem gamblers manifest symptoms of depression

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(Blaszczynski & McConaghy 1988; Linden, Pope & Jonas criticizes for defining ‘harm’ based on subjective value
1986). For some, gambling is used as a means to induce judgements. In illustration, Walker (1998) states that,
dissociation to reduce or escape states of chronic depres- according to the VCGA’s definition, a person would be
sion (Jacobs 1986; Blaszczynski & McConaghy 1989) classified a problem gambler if his/her spouse had strict
while, for others, depression appears to represent the religious objections to gambling and was distressed by the
emotional reaction to financial crises and other problems mere purchase of $2.00 weekly lottery tickets. Under
created by excessive gambling behaviours. Each has its these circumstances, gambling may cause marital
own significant implication in determining appropriate discord (harm) but it remains questionable as to whether
interventions for clinical management. the gambler should be considered a pathological gambler
according to DSM-IV criteria.
Defining groups based on subjective criteria results in
PROBLEM GAMBLING VERSUS expanding the population pool of potential clients by
GAMBLING PROBLEMS including gamblers with problems in the same category
as pathological gamblers, resulting in increased Type I
Historically, the terms ‘compulsive gambler’ and ‘patho- errors. Gamblers experiencing gambling-related prob-
logical gambler’ have been used interchangeably to lems are thus misclassified as those who are unable to
denote individuals who report uncontrollable urges to control and regulate impulses to gamble.
gamble. Moran (1970) argued for the exclusive use of the From early intervention and public health per-
term ‘pathological’, a term subsequently adopted as the spectives, this approach may be associated with certain
official psychiatric classification on the basis that a ‘com- advantages in encouraging gamblers to enter counselling
pulsion’ denotes an ego dystonic behaviour. In contrast, at an earlier stage of progress. A negative aspect of this
most gamblers with problems view the behaviour as ego trend, however, is that it confuses concepts of gambling
syntonic, with little desire to cease despite the adverse problems and pathological gambling, ultimately leading
consequences. to the position where problem and non-problem gam-
More recently, alternative terms have been employed: blers are merged into one heterogeneous grouping. As a
‘problem’, ‘at-risk’, ‘in-transition’, ‘disordered’, ‘exces- consequence of this heterogeneity, contradictory and
sive’ and ‘Level 2’ gamblers. Each utilizes different cri- confusing results have been reported in the research lit-
teria and classification schemes. For example, Abbott, erature, and this confusion is further reflected in varied
Palmisano & Dickerson (1995) classify gamblers as either approaches to treatment and the absence of accepted
‘excessive’ or ‘normal’, based on amount of time, ex- ‘best practice’ guidelines.
penditure and number of trips to gambling venues. Gambling problems may be defined as a friction or
In contrast, Winters, Stinchfield & Fulkerson (1993) difficulty in any area of functioning that results from
employed a complicated classification scheme based on some element of gambling behaviour. Typically, gam-
symptom count and frequency of gambling. Others bling problems may arise as a result of differences of
use symptom count alone and differing categories (e.g. opinion regarding amounts potentially risked or time
Fisher 1993 (social gambler/pathological gambler); spent away from home/family in the absence of any
Gupta & Derevensky 1998b (social/problem/pathologi- excessive financial losses relative to disposable income,
cal); Shaffer et al. 1994 (non-pathological/in-transition/ preoccupation with gambling absent impaired control or
pathological); Vitaro, Arseneault & Tremblay, 1997 other adverse consequences. This situation, no doubt, is
(recreational/low problem/high problem). similar to the complaints often heard by the spouse of
The Victorian Casino & Gaming Authority (VCGA) golfers or other ardent hobbyist.
1997) argued that the presence of harm rather than In contrast, the defining feature of a problem gambler
symptom count should be used to define problem gam- is not only the emergence of negative consequences but
bling. This position is exemplified by the VCGA’s con- also the presence of a subjective sense of impaired
sensus definition: ‘“Problem gambling” refers to the control, construed as a disordered or diseased state that
situation when a gambling activity gives rise to harm to deviates from normal, healthy behaviour. Impaired
the individual player, and/or to his or her family, and may behavioural control, defined by repeated, unsuccessful
extend into the community’ (VCGA 1997; p. 106), and attempts to resist the urge in the context of a genuine
by the definition advanced by Ferris et al. (1998): desire to cease, is the central, diagnostic and foundational
‘Problem gambling is excessive gambling behaviour that feature of pathological gambling.
creates negative consequences for the gambler, others in While several researchers have attempted to identify
his/her social network, and for the community’ (p. 58). typologies of gamblers (Moran 1970; Kusyszyn 1972),
Under both definitions, the presence of harm dictates most studies tend to neglect the difficult task of clustering
diagnosis, an approach that Walker (1998) severely subjects into homogeneous samples based on aetiology,

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personality, gender or form of gambling. Consequently, as Conceptually, pathological gambling is perceived as

Ferris et al. (1998) observe in their review, current theo- either a categorical disorder or as an end-point on a
retical models with their own strengths and weaknesses continuum of gambling involvement. Both the psy-
have contributed to our understanding of the aetiology chodynamic and the disease model of addiction with its
of problem gambling, but none are sufficiently compre- biological derivates argue that pathological gamblers are
hensive in scope to explain all aspects of gambling. There categorically distinct from their non-pathological coun-
is little agreement on typologies beyond the view terparts. This has led to the search for qualitative simi-
expressed by Jacobs (1986) and Blaszczynski, Winter & larities and differences between social and pathological
McConaghy (1986) that there are at least two subgroups gambles and other substance use disorders. These include
of gamblers: one chronically understimulated and the aspects of personality traits (Blaszczynski, Buhrich &
other, overstimulated. McConaghy 1985; McCormick et al. 1987; Castellani &
Rugle 1995), co-morbidity (Hall et al. 2000; Slutske et al.
2000; Langenbucher et al. 2001) and biological corre-
CURRENT MODELS OF GAMBLING lates (Comings et al. 1996; Rugle & Melamed 1993).
Those adhering to a dimensional view suggest that
Popular models of pathological gambling include the pathological gamblers do not manifest qualitatively dif-
following; addictions (Jacobs 1986; Blume 1987), ferent and defining features except amount and time
psychodynamic (Bergler 1958; Rosenthal 1992; spent gambling (Walker 1992). Pathological gamblers
Wildman 1997), psychobiological (Blaszczynski et al. are classified according to an arbitrary cut-off point set
1986; Carlton & Goldstein 1987; Lesieur & Rosenthal along the dimensional continuum. The concept of sub-
1991; Rugle 1993; Comings et al. 1996), behavioural groups is discounted or neglected.
(Anderson & Brown 1984; McConaghy et al. 1983), cog- However, as described below, converging lines of
nitive (Sharpe & Tarrier 1993; Ladouceur & Walker research are pointing to differences between popu-
1996) and sociological (Rosecrance 1985; Ocean & lations supporting the existence of distinct subgroups of
Smith 1993) approaches. pathological gamblers (Rugle & Melamed 1993; Steel &
These models are not mutually exclusive but, rather, Blaszczynski 1996; Gonzalez-Ibanez, Jimenez & Aymami
share many common elements. For example, principles of 1999).
reinforcement derived from learning theory are incorpo-
rated as core elements in addictions, behaviour therapy
and biological models in explaining persistence in gam- GAMBLERS WITH MOOD DISORDERS
bling. Essentially, each of the above models acknowledges
the interaction of key biopsychosocial variables in the Blaszczynski et al. (1986) and Blaszczynski (1988) have
aetiological process but emphasizes a different set of argued that there exist at least two subsets of gamblers
operations to account for the progression from initial who differentially seek to reduce or augment arousal
participation to impaired control and persistence. states. Reducers suffer anxiety and select low skill activi-
The pervasive but faulty assumption embedded ties to narrow their focus of attention and produce states
within each model is that pathological gamblers form a of dissociation, while augmenters may choose high skill
homogeneous population, and that theoretically derived games to overcome states of dysphoria, a view consistent
treatments can be applied effectively to all pathological with Jacobs’ general theory of addictions model (Jacobs
gamblers irrespective of gambling form, gender, deve- 1986). Studies have reported a high prevalence of mood
lopmental history or neurobiology. Learning theories disorders, particularly anxiety and/or depression, among
(Dickerson 1979) invoke the operation of fixed and vari- problem and pathological gamblers (Black & Moyer
able schedules of reinforcement but fail to explain why 1998; Beaudoin & Cox 1999; Vitaro, Arsenault &
only a small proportion of the total population of gam- Tremblay 1999). In a sample of African American
blers lose control. Similarly, cognitive theories (Sharpe elderly people, Bazargan, Barzargan & Akanda (2001)
& Tarrier 1993; Ladouceur & Walker 1996) emphasize found a statistically significant positive relationship
the role of distorted and irrational cognitive schemas between gambling behaviours and levels of anxiety.
but lack empirical evidence establishing that these are Affective states may differ by gender. Marks & Lesieur
of causal significance and not secondary cognitive disso- (1992) reviewed the literature and concluded that female
nance effects. Psychodynamic approaches (Lesieur & gamblers differed systematically from male gamblers in
Rosenthal 1991) focus on intrapsychic processes associ- relation to manifest psychological distress. In a study of
ated with attempts to deal with unresolved conflicts but Gamblers Anonymous (GA) members, Getty, Watson &
see it variably as a compulsive neurosis or impulse dis- Frisch (2000) found that GA members manifested sig-
order along the lines of addictions and perversions. nificantly higher levels of depression than controls, and

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female GA members reported more depression than with high levels of trait impulsivity, and that impulsivity
males. Similarly, in a study of 817 high school students, has a direct relationship to the severity of problems in both
Gupta & Derevensky (1998a) found that adolescent gambling and non-gambling domains and responses
problem or pathological gamblers exhibited evidence to treatment (Moran 1970; McCormick et al. 1987;
of hyper- or hypo-arousal, greater emotional distress, Rugle & Melamed 1993; Castellani & Rugle 1995; Steel &
higher levels of dissociation and higher rates of co- Blaszczynski 1996; Gonzalez-Ibanez et al. 1999).
morbidity than non-problem gamblers. However, anxiety Studies have identified an ‘antisocial impulsivist’
(hyperarousal) and dissociation emerged as the highest subtype of gamblers who demonstrate elevated levels of
predictors for males and depressed mood, dissociation impulsivity that is highly correlated with measures of
and use of stimulants were significantly predictive of psychopathology and clinical criteria for antisocial per-
female problem and pathological gamblers. sonality disorder (Blaszczynski, Steel & McConaghy 1997;
Depression is a common co-morbid condition found Steel & Blaszczynski 1996). These gamblers exhibit a
among pathological gamblers but, within this cohort, a family history of problem gambling, early onset, more
number of important subtypes have been reported. severe levels of gambling, a history of suicidal ideation
Graham & Lowenfeld (1986) identified a depressive reac- and/or attempts, co-morbid substance dependency, anti-
tion personality subtype using the MMPI, while both social and narcissistic traits, affective instability, wide-
McCormick (1994) and Castellani & Rugle (1995) found spread dysfunction in non-gambling related areas and
a chronic dysthymic subgroup with a depressogenic cog- unresponsiveness to treatment (Blaszczynski, Steel &
nitive style, which is prognostic for predicting relapse. McConaghy 1997; Steel & Blaszczynski 1996).
Pathological gamblers within the depressive category,
particularly females, were reportedly more likely to
choose modes of gambling that were socially isolating, BIOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF
repetitive, or monotonous to modulate this mood state GAMBLING
(Rosenthal & Lesieur 1992; McCormick 1994).
Boredom is related to aspects of depression, and it Strengthening the concept of the existence of defined
has been demonstrated that pathological gamblers have subgroups of gamblers is the fascinating work within
poor tolerance for boredom (Blaszczynski, McConaghy & the field of biochemistry (Carrasco et al. 1994; Moreno,
Frankova 1990). McCormick (1994) described a hyperac- Saiz-Ruiz & lpoez-Ibor 1991) and genetics (Comings et al.
tive subtype, characterized as chronically understimu- 1996), tentatively linking receptor genes and neuro-
lated and constantly searching for relief from boredom. transmitter dysregulation to reward deficiency, arousal,
Lesieur and colleagues (Lesieur & Blume 1991; Rosenthal impulsivity and pathological gambling. Preliminary evi-
& Lesieur 1992) referred to these gamblers as ‘action dence supports the hypothesis that serotonin (mood
seekers’. Not only were these individuals chronically regulation), norepinephrine (mediating arousal) and
bored, but even the action provided by gambling became dopamine (reward regulation) may all play a role in
boring unless it was novel, varied and capable of produc- impulsivity, mood disorders and impaired control
ing increasing levels of arousal. These action-seekers (Lopez-Ibor 1988; Roy, De Jong & Linnoila 1989; Moreno
sought big payoffs, played competitive, skill-oriented et al. 1991; DeCaria et al. 1996; Bergh et al. 1997).
forms of gambling and possessed a need to impress. Genetic studies have also reported that, similar to
Action-seeking gamblers have also been characterized substance users, pathological gamblers are significantly
by high energy levels, a need for stimulating situations, more likely than controls to possess the dopamine D2A1
hyperactive, impulsive, unable to endure emotional ten- allele receptor gene (Comings et al. 1996), which prove
sions, unable to relax and hypomanic (Custer 1984; Peck a significant risk factor in pathological gambling. This
1986; McCormick & Taber 1987). Those falling within genetic variant has also been found more often in indi-
this profile tend toward activities considered highly viduals with impulse control disorders and has been
stimulating such as horse racing (Blaszczynski et al. associated with reduced D2 receptor density and deficits
1986) and stand in contrast to the depressed profile in dopaminergic reward pathways. Of note, 76.2% of
gamblers who typically prefer slot machines (Blaszczynski pathological gamblers who were co-morbid alcohol
et al. 1986). abusers carried the gene compared to 49.1% of males
without co-morbid alcohol abuse or dependency. It is
hypothesized that a lack of D2 receptors cause individu-
IMPULSIVE GAMBLERS als to seek pleasure-generating activities, placing them at
high risk for multiple addictive, impulsive and compulsive
There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that patho- behaviours, including substance abuse, binge eating, sex
logical gambling may be associated in some individuals addiction and pathological gambling (Blum et al. 2000).

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Thus, the genetic research suggests that the drive toward (Abbott & Volberg 1996; Volberg 1996; Grun &
intense and, sometimes, detrimental pleasure-seeking is McKeigue 2000).
biologically prescribed, though the choice of behaviour The next process commonly applicable to all gamblers
differs by individual. in the pathway is the influence of classical and operant
The discovery of a link between the D2A1 allele conditioning leading to increasing participation and
and impulsive-addictive-compulsive behaviours such as the development of habitual patterns of gambling, and
pathological gamblers may also have implications for cognitive process resulting in faulty beliefs related to
pharmacological treatment. Blum et al. (1996) speculate personal skill and probability of winning.
that pharmacological sensitivity to dopaminergic ago- Studies have demonstrated an association between
nists may be determined in part by DRD2 genotypes and subjective excitement (Dickerson, Hinchy & Fabre 1987),
that carriers of the A1 gene would be more responsive to dissociation (Jacobs 1986), increased heart rate
D2 antagonists. Thus, it is possible that pathological gam- (Anderson & Brown 1984; Leary & Dickerson 1985;
blers carrying the D2A1 allele would respond favourably Brown 1988; Griffiths 1995) and gambling. Operant con-
to D2 agonists such as bromocryptine, bupropion and ditioning occurs when intermittent wins delivered on a
n-propylnor-apomorphine. variable ratio produce states of arousal often described as
It is possible that biologically based traits of impulsiv- equivalent to a ‘drug-induced high’, while with repeated
ity may create a subset of gamblers who manifest pairings, this arousal is also classically conditioned to
differential responses to reward and punishment, char- stimuli associated with the gambling environment
acterized by a marked propensity to seek out rewarding (Dickerson 1979; Sharpe & Tarrier 1993). In addition,
activities, an inability to delay gratification, a dampened negative reinforcement is produced when aversive anxiety
response to punishment and failure to modify behaviour states and depression are reduced by the excitement of
because of adverse consequences. gambling, further increasing the probability of continued
There is consistent evidence emerging to support the gambling. Eventually, a habitual pattern of gambling
argument that subgroups of problem and pathological emerges.
gamblers with distinct clinical features and aetiological From a neo-Pavlovian perspective, a ‘neuronal model’
processes. The first group lacks psychiatric pathology but of the habitual behaviour is built through a process of
falls prey to a highly addictive schedule of behavioural cortical excitation (McConaghy 1980). Once triggered by
reinforcement. The second group is biologically and gambling-related cues, the behaviour completion mecha-
emotionally vulnerable, characterized by high levels of nism underlying this neuronal model is stimulated to
depression and/or anxiety, while the third group, also produce a drive to carry out the habitual behaviour to
possessing these vulnerabilities, is decidedly impulsive, completion (McConaghy et al. 1983). Attempts to resist
antisocial and typically dually addicted. completing the habit provoke a state of aversive arousal
experienced as a drive, compulsion or urge to carry out
the behaviour. This state persists as a compulsive drive to
A PATHWAYS MODEL OF GAMBLING carry out the habitual pattern of behaviour through to
its completion.
This paper postulates a preliminary model that attempts As the frequency of gambling progresses, strong
to integrate biological, personality, developmental, cog- biased and distorted cognitive schemas appear. These
nitive, learning theory and environmental factors schemas shape beliefs surrounding attribution, personal
described in the literature into a theoretical framework. skill and control over outcome, biased evaluations, erro-
The model postulates three major pathways culminating neous perceptions, superstitious thinking and probability
in pathological gambling; each pathway is associated theory (see Griffiths 1995; Ladouceur & Walker 1996 for
with specific vulnerability factors, demographic features a comprehensive review of these processes). The potency
and aetiological processes. All pathways contain certain and pervasiveness of distorted and irrational cognitive
processes and symptomatic features in common but are belief structures strengthen with increasing levels of
distinguishable by empirically testable factors. involvement in gambling (Griffiths 1990, 1995).
The starting block common to the three pathways Invariably, due to the nature of gambling odds, losing
must be availability and access to gambling. Ecological streaks occur and losses begin to accumulate. Pressure
determinants are those that relate to public policy and mounts to chase losses through further gambling as
regulatory legislation that create and foster an environ- debts rapidly escalate (Lesieur 1984), and the gambler
ment in which gambling is socially accepted, encouraged desperately tries to extricate him/herself from a deterio-
and promoted. Epidemiological surveys indicate that rating financial predicament. By this stage, diagnostic
availability and access to gambling facilities is associated indicators for pathological gambling become readily
with a higher incidence of pathological gambling identifiable.

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492 Alex Blaszczynski & Lia Nower

Increased availability
Principles of learning theory and cognitive processes are Increased accessibility
instrumental in fostering a loss of control for all patho-
logical gamblers. However, it is argued that there is subset
of ‘behaviourally conditioned gamblers’ who at times
may meet formal criteria for pathological gambling but
who are characterized by an absence of any specific CONDITIONING
premorbid feature of psychopathology. Essentially, these Arousal/excitement
gamblers fluctuate between the realms of regular/heavy Subjective
and excessive gambling because of the effects of condi- Physiological
tioning, distorted cognitions surrounding probability of arousal
winning, and/or a series of bad judgements or poor Cognitive schemas
Irrational beliefs
decision-making rather than because of impaired
Illusion of control
control. As demonstrated in Fig. 1, members of this sub-
group may be preoccupied with gambling, engage in
chasing, abuse alcohol and exhibit high levels of depres-
sion and anxiety in response to the financial burden
imposed by their behaviour. Most importantly, these HABITUATION
Pattern of habitual gambling
symptoms are the consequence not the cause of patterns
of repeated excessive gambling behaviour.
Entry into this subgroup may occur at any age and may
be precipitated by exposure to gambling through chance,
family members or peer groups. This subgroup reports the CHASING
Chasing wins, losses
least severe gambling and gambling-induced difficulties of Losing more than expected
any pathological gamblers, and they do not manifest gross
signs of major premorbid psychopathology, substance
abuse, impulsivity, erratic or disorganized behaviours.
The profile of this subgroup is characteristic of the
‘cluster one’ sample identified in Gonzalez-Ibanez et al.’s PROBLEM AND
(1999) cluster analytical study of 60 male fruit ma- GAMBLING
chine gamblers, and of the controlled gamblers in
Blaszczynski’s (1988) treatment outcome study. Subjects
in both studies were found to display minimal levels of Figure 1 Integrated model of problem gambling, Pathway 1
psychopathology or levels that fell to within normal limits
following treatment.
Placed at the low end of the pathological dimension, family background experiences, developmental variables
they fluctuate between heavy and problem gambling, and life events. As Fig. 2 shows, these factors each
demonstrate motivation to enter treatment, comply contribute in a cumulative fashion to produce an ‘emo-
with instructions and may successfully re-establish con- tionally vulnerable gambler’, whose participation in
trolled levels of gambling post-treatment. It is proposed gambling is motivated by a desire to modulate affective
that counselling and minimal intervention programmes states and/or meet specific psychological needs.
benefit this subgroup. Jacobs (1988), Lesieur & Rothschild (1989) and
Gambino et al. (1993) each reported strong evidence that
a family history of pathological gambling is an important
PATHWAY 2: EMOTIONALLY predisposing risk factor for children. In Gambino et al.’s
VULNERABLE PROBLEM GAMBLERS (1993) study, subjects with parents identified as problem
gamblers were three times more likely to be problem gam-
For this subgroup, the identical ecological determi- blers; that figure increased to 12 times the risk when both
nants, conditioning processes and cognitive schemas are parents and grandparents were problem gamblers. A
present. However, in addition, these gamblers present family history of problem gambling may be one risk
with premorbid anxiety and/or depression, a history of factor; however, it cannot be construed as a sufficient
poor coping and problem-solving skills, and negative cause alone.

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Increased availability
Increased accessibility

Childhood disturbance Biochemical
Personality Serotonergic
Risk taking Noradrenergic
Boredom proneness Dopaminergic
Mood disturbance
Depression Cortical
Anxiety EEG differentials
Poor coping/problem-
OPERANT Life stresses
CONDITIONING Substance use
Subjective excitement
Physiological arousal
Cognitive schemas
Irrational beliefs
Illusion of control
Biased evaluation
Gambler’s fallacy

Pattern of habitual gambling

Chasing wins, losses
Losing more than expected

Figure 2 Integrated model of problem
gambling, Pathway 2

Jacobs (1986), in his general theory of addiction, pos- more likely to engage in table games and sports betting,
tulated that certain personality characteristics and life which generate higher levels of arousal.
events, interacting with physiological states of arousal, Gonzalez-Ibanez et al.’s (1999) ‘cluster two’ sample
are instrumental in influencing the development of gam- provides evidence in support of a subgroup of emotion-
bling problems. He states that excessive gambling is ally vulnerable gamblers, a group occupying an interme-
produced by the interaction of two sets of predisposing diary position between the less severe cluster one and
factors; abnormal physiological resting states of hyper- or the more dysfunctional cluster three sample. Similarly,
hypo-arousal states, and a history of negative childhood the factorial structure reported by Steel & Blaszczynski
experiences. Personal vulnerability is linked to childhood (1996) identified one group, comprised primarily of
experiences of inadequacy, inferiority, low self-esteem females, that loaded highly on a psychological distress
and rejection (McCormick et al. 1987; McCormick, Taber factor and was characterised by higher scores on psy-
& Kruedelbach 1989). In this context, gambling is viewed chological distress indices, history of depression, suicidal
as a means of producing emotional escape through the attempts and family psychiatric history. Compared to
effect of dissociation on mood alteration and narrowed males, these female gamblers were older, obtained sig-
attention (Anderson & Brown 1984; Jacobs 1986). This nificantly higher Beck depression and anxiety inventory
subgroup of gamblers displays higher levels of psy- scores, and indicated a stronger preference for slot
chopathology, in particular depression, anxiety and machines even though their South Oaks gambling screen
alcohol dependence. Females show a preference over scores were identical. They also reported high levels of
males for low-skill gaming devices such as slot machines, impulsivity that equalled those for males but lower levels
video-draw poker and fruit machines, whereas males are of financial debt.

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494 Alex Blaszczynski & Lia Nower

The psychological profile is also exemplified by the a family history of antisocial and alcohol problems are
abstinent gamblers in Blaszczynski’s (1988) and characteristic of this group. Gambling commences at an
Blaszczynski, McConaghy & Frankova’s (1991) 2–5-year early age, rapidly escalates in intensity and severity, may
treatment outcome study, involving a sample of 63 gam- occur in binge episodes and is associated with early entry
blers. On psychological measures, abstinent subjects into gambling-related criminal behaviours. These gam-
showed an intermediate position between the more blers are less motivated to seek treatment in the first
adjusted controlled and severely disturbed uncontrolled instance, have poor compliance rates and respond poorly
gamblers in terms of psychopathology. Because of their to any form of intervention. Blaszczynski et al. (1997)
negative developmental history and poor coping skills, have labelled these gamblers the ‘antisocial impulsivist’
these subjects were considered too fragile to maintain subtype.
sufficient control over behaviour to permit controlled In support of this clinical description, Steel &
gambling. Blaszczynski (1996) investigated the relationship
Figure 2 illustrates the essential differences between between impulsivity, antisocial features, and gambling in
the first two pathways. Pathway 1 gamblers gamble ini- a cohort of 115 gamblers. This study replicated earlier
tially for entertainment or socialization, facilitated by findings, showing levels of psychological distress to be
access and availability. In contrast, Pathway 2 gamblers significantly correlated with impulsivity and antisocial
are emotionally vulnerable as a result of psychosocial personality characteristics, a finding consistent with
and biological factors, utilizing gambling primarily to McCormick’s (1994) observation that pathological gam-
relieve aversive affective states by providing escape or blers with concurrent substance abuse problems were
arousal. Once initiated, a habitual pattern of gambling more impulsive and manifest higher levels of affective dis-
fosters behavioural conditioning and dependence in turbance than substance abusers. Gamblers in Gonzalez-
both pathways. However, psychological dysfunction in Ibanez et al.’s (1999) ‘cluster three’ group exhibited
Pathway 2 gamblers makes this group more resistant to similar features: higher levels of gambling problems,
change and necessitates treatment that addresses the impulsivity, thrill and adventure seeking, disinhibition
underlying vulnerabilities as well as the gambling and susceptibility to boredom than other gamblers.
behaviour. The hyperactive subtype of attention deficit hyperac-
tivity disorder is a developmental disorder characterised
by impulsivity that commences in childhood and is often
PATHWAY 3: ‘ANTISOCIAL found in conduct disorder and antisocial personality
IMPULSIVIST’ PROBLEM GAMBLERS behaviours. Goldstein and colleagues (Goldstein et al.
1985; Carlton et al. 1987) reported differential patterns
The third subgroup of pathological gamblers describes of EEG activity and self-reported symptoms that paral-
highly disturbed individuals with substantial psychoso- leled those found in childhood attention deficit disorder
cial interference from gambling and characterized by in a series of small samples of recovered gamblers.
signs suggestive of neurological or neurochemical dys- Carlton & Manowitz (1994), in an extension of their
function. Similar to Pathway 2 gamblers, this subgroup work, found high levels of impulsivity in 12 members of
possesses both psychosocial and biologically based vul- Gamblers Anonymous but impulsivity scores of these
nerabilities. However, this group is distinguished by fea- subjects were not related to personal or social disruption
tures of impulsivity and antisocial personality disorder due to gambling. However, as the authors acknowledge,
(Steel & Blaszczynski 1996; Blaszczynski et al. 1997) and the lack of correlation may be a Type II error given the
attention deficit (Rugle & Melamed 1993), manifesting in low power associated with the small sample size.
severe multiple maladaptive behaviours and impulsivity Similarly, in a study of substance abusers, pathological
affecting many aspects of the gambler’s general level of gamblers and controls, Petry (2001) found a significant
psychosocial functioning (Fig. 3). association between impulsivity, substance abuse and
Clinically, gamblers with a background history of pathological gambling.
impulsivity engage in a wider array of behavioural prob- Rugle & Melamed (1993) administered several neu-
lems independent of their gambling, including substance ropsychological measures of attention deficits to 33 male
abuse, suicidality, irritability, low tolerance for boredom pathological gamblers and a similar number of normal
and criminal behaviours. In an interactive process, the controls. Significant differences between the samples on
effect of impulsivity is aggravated under pressure and measures of executive functions led these authors to con-
in the presence of negative emotions. Poor interper- clude that childhood differences in behaviours related to
sonal relationships, excessive alcohol and poly drug overactivity, destructibility and difficulty inhibiting con-
experimentation, non-gambling-related criminality and flicting behaviours were of primary importance in differ-

© 2002 Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs Addiction, 97, 487–499
Pathways model of gambling 495

Increased availability
Increased accessibility

Childhood disturbance Biochemical
Personality Serotonergic
Risk taking Noradrenergic
Boredom proneness Dopaminergic
Mood disturbance
Depression Cortical
Anxiety EEG differentials
Poor coping/problem-
OPERANT Life stresses
CONDITIONING Substance use
Arousal/excitement IMPULSIVIST
Subjective excitement TRAITS
Physiological arousal Neuropsychological
Cognitive schemas ADHD
Irrational beliefs Impulsivity
Illusion of control Anti-social behaviour
Substance abuse
Biased evaluation
Gambler’sf allacy

Pattern of habitual gambling

Chasing wins, losses
Losing more than expected

Figure 3 Integrated model of problem
gambling, Pathway 3

entiating gamblers from controls. Rugle & Melamed DISCUSSION

(1993) concluded that there is some support for the
notion that at least attention deficit-related symptoms The majority of studies report findings that are based
reflecting traits of impulsivity are present at childhood on samples of gamblers compared to control groups.
and predate the onset of pathological gambling behav- Until recently, little consideration appears to have been
iour. This biological vulnerability weakens behavioural directed beyond gender and age toward determining
control not only in the domain of gambling but also in whether or not intragroup differences exist among
other areas of life. This gives rise to the hypothesis that pathological gamblers. In most cases samples are
impulsivity proceeds and is independent of gambling, regarded as homogeneous in type.
and functions as a good predictive factor for severity of Single domain models that assume pathological gam-
involvement in at least a subgroup of gamblers. blers form a homogeneous population may no longer be
In summary, Fig. 4 illustrates the integrated pathways adequate in the face of data that putatively demonstrates
model, in which problem gambling is initiated due to gambling to be a heterogeneous and multidimensional
ecological factors, proceeds through one of three disorder, the end result of a complex interaction of
distinct pathways, and ultimately converges at the level genetic, biological, psychological and environmental
of classical and operant conditioning that fosters habitu- factors. Simple consideration of gambling as an addiction
ation, chasing, and problem and pathological gambling or as a compulsive or impulse control disorder is too limi-
behaviour. ting in scope. There is a need to identify clinically distinct

© 2002 Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs Addiction, 97, 487–499
496 Alex Blaszczynski & Lia Nower

Increased availability
Increased accessibility

Childhood disturbance Biochemical
Personality Serotonergic
Pathway 1 Risk taking Noradrenergic
Boredom proneness Dopaminergic
Mood disturbance
Pathway 2 Depression Cortical
Anxiety EEG differentials
Poor coping/problem-
OPERANT Life stresses
CONDITIONING Substance use
Arousal/excitement IMPULSIVIST
Subjective excitement TRAITS
Psysiological arousal Neuropsychological
Cognitive schemas ADHD
Irrational beliefs Impulsivity
Illusion of control Anti-social behaviour
Biased evaluation Substance abuse
Gambler’s fallacy

Pattern of habitual gambling

Chasing wins, losses
Losing more than expected

Figure 4 Integrated model of problem

subgroups of gamblers who exhibit common, overt car- Pathway 1 gamblers may achieve sustained controlled
dinal symptoms, but, at the same time, differ significantly gambling post-intervention.
with respect to key variables that are of aetiological The model also acknowledges a second subgroup
relevance and determine approaches to management characterized by disturbed family and personal histories,
and prognosis: premorbid psychopathology, childhood poor coping and problem-solving skills, affective instabil-
history and neurobiological maturity. ity due to both biological and psychosocial deficits and
The pathways model is a preliminary, empirically later onset of gambling. Gambling is pursued as a means
testable schema that hypothesizes the existence of three of emotional escape through dissociation or a medium
subgroups of pathological gamblers. All three are subject aimed at regulating negative mood states or physiologi-
to ecological variables, operant and classical condition- cal states of hyper- or hypo-arousal.
ing, and cognitive processes. The strength of this model The third group in this schema is characterized by a
is its recognition that a proportion of gamblers are essen- biological vulnerability toward impulsivity, early onset,
tially ‘normal’ in character; that is, they do not show attentional deficits, antisocial traits and poor response to
signs of premorbid psychological disturbance but simply treatment. Dysfunctional neurological structures and
lose control over gambling in response to the effects of functions and dysregulation of neurotransmitter systems
conditioning and distorted cognitions surrounding prob- underpin this vulnerability.
ability of winning. Their ‘pathological gambling’ is a From a clinical perspective, each pathway contains
transient state where fluctuations between heavy and different implications for choice of management strate-
excessive gambling are observed, a condition which also gies and treatment interventions. Clinical observations
may remit spontaneously or with minimal interventions. supported by empirical data suggest that Pathway 3 gam-

© 2002 Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs Addiction, 97, 487–499
Pathways model of gambling 497

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