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1. All social polarization during the “212 Reunion” Rally is "only" and "solely" for the battle of
the 2019 presidential election. Nothing to do with HTI, has nothing to do with Islamic Sharia,
has nothing to do with Pancasila and NKRI. It is pure business for the presidential election.

Leader of the hardline FPI, Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, called from his self-imposed exile in
Saudi Arabia, saying:

“During the 2019 elections, it is haram [forbidden] for us to vote for presidential and
legislative candidates backed by parties supporting the blasphemer.

2. The background of the peaceful action is the statement of DKI Jakarta Non-Active Governor
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok in Kepulauan Seribu which is considered to be insulting
Islam by Muslims. Regardless of whether or not Ahok defames religion, at least we have
learned to be more careful when speaking especially about things related to ethnicity,
religion, race, and culture (SARA). Because Indonesian people are very sensitive to this.

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