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Act V:

Scene I:
 Ariel informs Prospero that the king and his entourage are imprisoned and that they can't
move until he releases them.
 Prospero feels sorry for them and orders Ariel to release them. He precedes with
promising that he will throw a book of magic spells and surrender all of his powerful
 As Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, Antonio, Adrian and Francisco enter, Prospero casts
away his spells, while he is weeping for Gonzalo, who stayed loyal to him.
 He turns to Antonio and says that he forgives him even though he is a monster. He also
demands his dukedom back.
 Alonso begs Prospero for forgivness and surrenders the dukedom back to him.
 Alonso thinks that his son Ferdinand is dead, and Prospero convinces him that he lost his
daughter in this recent tempest.
 Since Alonso t him back his dukedom, Prospero reveals that Ferdinand and Miranda are
 Everyone is happy that Ferdinand and Miranda are getting married.
 Master and Boatswain enter. After that Prospero orders Ariel to set Caliban, Stephano
and Trinculo free. He says he is going to forgive them, if they clean his room.
 This scene ends by Prospero announcing that he will tell them tales about his life on this
island and in the morning they will sale to Naples, where the young couple will get
 Ariel's last task is to make sea calm, after that he will be free.

 Prospero turns to the audience and begs them to let him go from this island. They can set
him free with applause.

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