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Preoxygenation and general anesthesia: a review


Service d’Anesthésie Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France

Because intubation can potentially become a lengthy procedure, the risk of arterial oxygen (O2) desaturation during
intubation must be considered. Preoxygenation should be routine, as oxygen reserves are not always sufficient to
cover the duration of intubation. Three minutes of spontaneous breathing at FiO2=1 allows denitrogenation with
FAO2 close to 95% in patients with normal lung function. Tolerable apnea time, defined as the delay until the SpO2
reaches 90%, can be extended up to almost 10 minutes after 3 minutes of classic preoxygenation. Eight deep breaths
within 60 seconds allow a comparable increase in O2 reserves. For effectiveness, the equipment must be adapted
and tightly fitted. Inadequate preoxygenation (FeO2 <90% after three minutes tidal volume breathing) is frequently
observed. Predictive risk factors for inadequate pre-oxygenation share overlap with criteria predictive of difficult
mask ventilation. In cases of respiratory failure, oxygenation can be improved by positive end expiration pressure or
by pressure support. In morbidly obese patients, preoxygenation is enhanced in a seated position (25°) and by use
of positive pressure ventilation. O2 can also be administered during the intubation procedure; techniques include
pharyngeal O2, special oxygen mask, or even pressure support ventilation for patients with spontaneous ventilation
or positive pressure ventilation to the facial mask for apneic patients. Clinicians (especially anesthesiologists trained
in ENT and traumatology) must be prepared to handle life-threatening emergency situations by alternate methods
including trans-tracheal ventilation. The availability of equipment and training are two essential components of
adequate preparation. (Minerva Anestesiol 2015;81:910-20)
Key words: Intubation, intratracheal - Cell respiration - Laryngeal masks - Ventilation - Anesthesia.

P reservation of oxygenation during intuba-

tion is essential because lack of control of
O2 intake can cause life-threatening complica-
Pathophysiology of oxygenation
During anesthesia, oxygenation primarily de-
tions. Anesthetic induction usually leads to ap- pends on three parameters: alveolar ventilation
nea, when tissue oxygenation is maintained by (VA), distribution of ventilation/perfusion ratio,
consumption of the oxygen reserve and by con- and consumption of O2 (VO2).
tinuous administration of O2. In the majority
of cases, rigorous preoxygenation and face mask Oxygen reserves
ventilation are provided until muscle relaxation
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

is sufficient to facilitate intubation in good con- During apnea, tissue oxygenation is main-
ditions. In some cases oxygenation cannot be tained at the expense of the body’s O2 reserves,2
maintained, either due to pulmonary disease or which are very low in quantity and are mainly
to mask ventilation or intubation difficulties. situated in lungs, plasma, and hemoglobin.
These critical situations can often be foreseen Upon breathing ambient air, the lung O2 reserve
and avoided by preparation for alternative meth- is calculated as follows, for a functional residual
ods of oxygenation following a validated algo- capacity (FRC) of 3000 mL: 0.21x3000=630
rithm.1 mL. After complete pre-oxygenation, the alveo-


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lar fraction of O2 (FAO2) is close to 0.95 and the oxygenation. The duration of apnea tolerated is
reserve increases as follows: 0.95x3000=2850 additionally decreased if O2 reserves are low due
mL. These theoretical figures are maximal values; to decreased FRC, low PAO2, and/or high VO2.
the FAO2 is lower in practice because the venti-
lation/perfusion ratio is heterogeneous. Ventilation/perfusion mismatch
The plasma O2 reserve of a subject breathing
in ambient air (PaO2=80 mmHg) with a plasma Preoxygenation leads to increased shunt and
volume of 3 L is calculated as 0.003x80x3x10=7 micro-atelectasis after anesthetic induction.5
mL. At a PaO2 of 500 mmHg, this plasma re- High FiO2 is not the only mechanism respon-
serve amounts to 45 mL. The hemoglobin O2 sible because atelectasis has also been observed
reserve is calculated as follows for a concentra- when a FiO2 0.4 is used.6 The use of a FiO2 of
tion of hemoglobin of 12 g. 100 mL-1 and a total 0.8 does not prevent the appearance of micro-
blood volume of 5 L: 1.34x0.98x12x10x5=788 atelectasis, and it results in a considerably short-
mL in ambient air (saturation=98%). The value ened margin of time before unacceptable desatu-
increases to 804 mL with a FiO2 of 1 (satura- ration compared with the use of 100% oxygen.7
tion=100%). In cases of anemia, hyperoxic ven- Microatelectasis are reversible by application of
tilation increases the utilizable O2 by augment- an alveolar recruitment maneuver (tracheal pres-
ing the dissolved O2.3 sure >30 cm H2O for 15 seconds) and they can
Considering the three main physiological O2 be prevented by the addition of a positive end
reserves, the total O2 reserve is about 1450 mL expiration pressure (PEEP) of 10 cm H2O.8
when breathing in ambient air and it rises to In morbidly obese patients and in parturients,
approximately 3700 mL when breathing pure shunt can exceed 20% and even increasing FiO2
O2. This increase (approximately 2250 mL) is to 1 does not provide correction of the hypox-
mainly due to the rise FAO2 in FRC. The theo- emia. Implementation of a microatelectasis pre-
retical values were confirmed experimentally by vention strategy of alveolar recruitment maneu-
measurement of oxygen uptake breath-by-breath vers and PEEP limits the extent in elderly 9 and
in healthy volunteers during preoxygenation. obese patients.10
The mean expired fraction of O2 (FEO2) after 3
minutes of breathing O2 was 0.92±0.01, and the Epidemiology of arterial desaturation
mean additional oxygen taken up was 2.23±0.85 during induction and intubation
L. This value closely agrees with the physiologi-
cal model.4 Anesthetic induction
Several factors influence O2 availability: the
initial rise in PaCO2 (Haldane effect), FRC, Before upper airway control, arterial O2 de-
FAO2, fraction of shunt, VO2, hemoglobin con- saturation occurs when the O2 reserves are insuf-
centration, and cardiac output. Replacement ficient to support the O2 consumption during
of nitrogen by O2 in the lung reservoir during the apnea period. There are three mechanisms
preoxygenation obeys an exponential law.2 The responsible (Figure 1): quantitative decrease in
change in O2 reserve over time is linear in both reserves (decrease in FRC, impairment of gas
blood and tissue compartments. exchange), increase in VO2 (parturient, fever),
and prolonged apnea. Four high-risk situations
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

O2 consumption deserve special mention:

—— rapid induction sequence in which mask
The O2 consumption of an awake subject is ventilation increases the risk of inhalation of gas-
about 300 mL per min and it falls about 15% in tric fluid (although this has never been demon-
the elderly. After ventilation in ambient air, O2 strated to occur);
reserves allow, at maximum, 3 minutes of apnea —— predicted difficulty with face mask venti-
without serious impact on O2 transport. This lation;
time can be doubled by correctly performed pre- —— predicted difficulty with intubation due


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Figure 1.—Mechanism of arterial desaturation in O2 during anesthetic induction.

Figure 2.—Duration of apnea after pre-oxygenation and rapid induction sequence.

The durations in minutes were estimated from the literature for a rapid sequence induction data and have shown in timeline with
pre-oxygenation conditions and duration of apnea up to SpO2<90%. In some cases the apnea time will be less than the duration
of action of anesthetic agents and that an alternative method for oxygenation will become necessary.

to anatomical abnormality or specific technical µ, the administration of succinylcholine

considerations (e.g., double lumen tube); (0.56 and1 increases the risk
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

—— obesity or pregnancy. of desaturation and apnea duration compared to

After rapid sequence induction, the resump- placebo.12 In a pharmacodynamic study of suc-
tion of spontaneous ventilation does not occur cinylcholine (from 0.3 to 1, intubation
fast enough to allow recovery after a failed in- conditions were found to be excellent at dos-
tubation procedure, and saturation falls below ages above 0.5 (Table I), but the delay
90% in 11% of patients (Figure 2).11 After in- in resumption of spontaneous breathing rose
duction by propofol (2 and fentanyl (2 from 4.0 to 6.16 minutes after administration


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Table I.—Period of apnea and onset of desaturation after rapid sequence induction. Naguib used propofol and fentanyl and
Heier thiopental
Succinylcholine Succinylcholine
Placebo 0.65 1
% patients with desaturation Naguib 2005 12 45% 65% 85%
Heier 2001 70 42%
Times mean±SD in minutes to spontaneous of Naguib 2005 12 2.7±1.2 4.8±2.5 4.7±1.3
diaphragmatic movements

of 0.6 and 1, respectively.13 Reversal of Infection of the upper respiratory tract is noted
profound high-dose rocuronium-induced neu- to increase the risk of desaturation during induc-
romuscular block used for rapid sequence in- tion.18
duction (1.2 mg/kg) with sugammadex (16 mg/
kg) was significantly faster than spontaneous re- Resuscitation and prehospital emergency
covery from succinylcholine (1 mg/kg): 6.2±1.8
minutes versus 10.9±2.4 minutes respectively.14 Variability exists among published incidences
Rapid sequence induction with rocuronium fol- of desaturation in various studies 22, 23 but it is
lowed by reversal with sugammadex allowed ear- reported to reach 60% during prehospital intu-
lier re-establishment of spontaneous ventilation bation.22 In emergency medicine, desaturation
than with succinylcholine (216 seconds versus occurs frequently, even in patients who are not
406 seconds respectively).15 Thus, the choice of difficult to intubate and for whom the intubation
the rocuronium would increase the margin of process is relatively rapid. Decreased FRC relat-
safety for a resumption of spontaneous ventila- ed to lung pathology (pulmonary edema, pneu-
tion after a rapid sequence induction. monia, pulmonary contusion) is a determining
factor. Pulmonary aspiration and esophageal in-
Anesthesia and spontaneous breathing tubation are responsible for some cases of severe
desaturation during the intubation process.24 In
Outside of pediatrics, no study has evaluated a prospective study, preoxygenation was found
the risk factors for desaturation during induction to be effective (achieved PaO2>100 mmHg) in
with spontaneous ventilation. For most hypnot- 7 of 8 cases in which the indication was the pro-
ics, alveolar hypoventilation exhibits a dose-de- tection of the airway (coma) and in 5 of 34 cases
pendent effect.16 In the absence of sedation, air- (15%) in which intubation was indicated due to
way local anesthesia decreases inspiratory flows respiratory or cardiac failure.23
for a duration of approximately 45 minutes.17
Desaturation in pediatrics
In cases in which there is a potential risk of
Desaturation episodes occur commonly in desaturation before securing the airway by en-
children, with a frequency of 4-10% during in- dotracheal intubation, pre-oxygenation is highly
duction and 20% during tracheal intubation.18 recommended during induction of anesthesia. In
Desaturation occurs much more rapidly when its absence, the risk of desaturation is increased.
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

the child is young,19, 20 and the duration of apnea

before desaturation is linearly correlated with the Preoxygenation techniques
age of the patient. The less the child weighs, the
higher the incidence of severe arterial desatura- The equipment must be adapted and tightly
tion after reinstitution of manual ventilation fitted to the patient, particularly the face mask.
with 100% oxygen. It has been suggested that A morphological mismatch between the mask
a SpO2 of 95% might be the safe limit for ap- and the face of the patient (e.g., inappropriate
nea during induction of pediatric anesthesia.21 mask size, presence of beards or moustaches)


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Table II.—Comparison of the different techniques of pre-oxygenation in normal subjects.

Preoxygenation technique used
Study N. Endpoint TVB with
TVB 4 DB 30s 8 DB 60s AI + PEEP
Gambee AM 29 12 DAWD to 90% min 8.9±10* 6.8±1.8
Fleureaux O 33 17 DAWD to 95% min 3±1* 1.87±0.99
Pa O2 mmHg 397±49* 293±86
Baraka AS 34 24 DAWD to 95% min 3.73±0.76 2.78±0.39 5.21±0.96*
Herriger A 30 40 DAWD to 90% min 9.98±2.25* 7.83±2.63
Gold MI 71 22 Pa O2 mmHg 350.4±35.8 339±33.9
Rooney MJ 32 24 FeO2 % 91.9±3 90.8±3
Nimmagadda U 72 24 FeO2 % 88±5* 80±5 87±3*
Pandit JJ 4  5 FeO2 % 92±1* 83±9 91±4*
Gagnon C 73 20 FeO2 % 89±3* 76±7
Tanoubi I 36 20 FeO2 % 89±6 94±4*
TVB: tidal volume breathing; DB: deep breaths; DAWD: duration of apnea without desaturation.

prevents a perfect seal and can cause failure.25 desaturation.29 In experiments performed with
The mask must be applied securely on the face of healthy subjects, apnea time (with the exception
the patient; 20% dilution of O2 by ambient air of an insufflation to verify tracheal intubation)
occurs when the mask is not tightly applied, and that is maintained until the SpO2 reaches over
40% dilution occurs when it is held close to the 90%, can be extended to almost 10 minutes af-
face.26 The circle system with fresh gas flow (5 ter 3 minutes of classic pre-oxygenation. The ap-
L.min– 1) is used as the standard for comparison nea time can be increased by an additional two
in anesthesia studies evaluating the effectiveness minutes by application of positive pressure dur-
of different circuits because it allows higher in- ing the preoxygenation and by ventilation to the
spiratory flow rates.27 Some open circuit (Bain mask after induction.30
or Magill) systems have been shown to be much
less effective.27 Before preoxygenation, the cir- Vital capacity maneuvers
cuit and the reservoir should be filled with O2.
Three preoxygenation techniques are used: spon- The four vital capacities method is used in
taneous breathing at FiO2 of 1 for 2 to 5 min- cases in which patient cooperation is lacking.
utes, the “four vital capacities” method, and deep The duration of apnea without desaturation is
breaths (Table II). shorter after four capacities maneuvers than with
spontaneous breathing. Technical requirements
Spontaneous breathing at FiO2 of 1 are responsible for the limitations of this tech-
nic: bag capacity, inspiratory flow and room gas
The following technique of pre-oxygenation inspiration. They are partly resolved by the ad-
that was initially proposed by Hamilton in dition of an additional 2 liter bag and a non-
1955 is still the reference standard: 3 minutes of rebreathing “Ambu” valve. The vital capacity
spontaneous breathing at FiO2 of 1. In patients maneuver preferably begins with a forced expira-
with normal lung function, this provides deni- tion to optimize the elevation of FeO2.31 To be
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

trogenation with an FAO2 of close to 95%. The fully effective, the inspiratory O2 flow should be
denitrogenation is effective from the first minute greater than the peak inspiratory flow, which is
of the preoxygenation; nevertheless, circuit leak- attained by activating the O2 system “by-pass”
age cancels these effects by a rapid decrease of during inspiration; 4 or 5 forced breaths of pure
the FiO2.28 Breathing pure O2 for longer than a O2 were found to be as efficient as conventional
minute appears to have little benefit in terms of pre-oxygenation assessed on the FeO2.32 Howev-
SpO2 or denitrogenation alveolar, but positively er, these results were not confirmed when PaO2
influences the duration of apnea before arterial was used for comparison; PaO2 was observed to


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be lower after the four vital capacity maneuver age >55 years. These predictive factors overlap
(293±86 mmHg) than after spontaneous venti- with those previously associated with difficult
lation in pure O2 (397±48 mmHg) (Table II).33 mask ventilation.
While SpO2 measurement is not informa-
Deep breathing method tive regarding the quality of pre-oxygenation
maneuvers, it is essential to identify oxygenation
Eight deep breaths within 60 seconds at an problems. The FeO2 depends on the tidal vol-
oxygen flow of 10 L per min constitutes a sim- ume; small tidal volumes increase the difference
ple method of preoxygenation. This technique between FeO2 and FAO2, leading to overestima-
results in a mean arterial oxygen tension of tion of FAO2. The CO2 wave shape is informa-
369±69 mmHg, which is not significantly dif- tive regarding the quality of the ventilation and
ferent from the value achieved by 3 minutes of the tightness of the circuit. A FeO2 of <90% in-
tidal volume breathing at an oxygen flow of 5 dicates incomplete denitrogenation at the FRC
L per minute.34 The voluntary hyperventilation level. In a study of 40 volunteers,25 9 subjects
technique (1 minute at FiO2 1 followed by 2 were unable to attain FeO2>90%. Even if the
minutes of voluntary hyperventilation) has been mechanisms that cause incomplete denitrogena-
proposed to prevent post-apneic hypercapnia. tion are not identified, this monitoring method
PaCO2 after intubation was similar, compared has utility in routine practice.2 If the FeO2 can-
to a control, when either hyperventilation before not be increased above 90%, PSV may be pro-
induction or 3 min normal breathing was used posed to improve preoxygenation quality.38 In
as the pre-oxygenation technique.35 emergency medicine, the monitoring of preox-
ygenation is typically based on SpO2 measure-
Pressure support ventilation ment and pre-oxygenation duration, as the FeO2
is not usually available.
In healthy volunteers, PSV has been shown to
improve the quality of pre-oxygenation by two Morbidly obese patients
mechanisms: acceleration of nitrogen washout
and better contact between the mask and the In the obese, the decrease in FRC, increase in
face. In a healthy volunteer study,36 FEO2 after 3 O2 consumption, and heterogeneity of the venti-
minutes of preoxygenation was higher (p<0.001) lation/perfusion (V/Q) ratio result in a decrease
with PSV 4 cm H2O/PEEP 4 (94±3%) and PSV in the time required for alveolar denitrogena-
6 cm H2O/PEEP 4 (94±4%) than with the tion 39, 40 and a decrease in O2 stores, which in
standard technique (89±6%). One hundred per- turn reduce the duration of apnea tolerance.
cent and 90% of the participants reached 90% After 3 minutes of classic preoxygenation,
FEO2 with PSV 4 and 6 cmH20 respectively vs. obese patients can tolerate apnea of 3 minutes
65% with spontaneous breathing at FiO2 of 1 duration while maintaining SpO2 higher than
(P=0.0013). Clinical tolerance was impaired at 90%, and the time required to increase satura-
the highest level of pressure tested. tion above 96% after desaturation is 37 seconds,
which is longer than the 22 seconds required
Preoxygenation failure in healthy subjects.40 Pulmonary abnormali-
ties are correlated to Body Mass Index and are
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

Inadequate preoxygenation, defined as an responsible for early desaturation, before com-

FeO2<90% after three minutes of tidal volume plete muscle relaxation and intubation.39 The
breathing, is seen frequently in practice (56% in effectiveness of spontaneous ventilation and
a sample of 1050 patients).37 The effective FiO2 eight deep breaths as preoxygenation methods
delivered was observed to be lower in patients are comparable in the obese when regarding Fe
with a FeO2<90%. Risk factors for inadequate O2 and the duration of apnea before the SpO2
preoxygenation were determined to be bearded reaches 95%.41 Continuous Positive Airway
male, beardless male, ASA>1, lack of teeth, and Pressure (CPAP) (7.5 cm H2O versus Mapleson


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circuit) during spontaneous ventilation in pure 104±30 seconds between 13-26 weeks of preg-
O2 were observed not to improve the duration of nancy, 80±20 seconds between 26-42 weeks, and
apnea (240 and 203 seconds CPAP versus zero 130±30 seconds in controls, due to the reduc-
end expiratory pressure, respectively).42 When tion in the FRC during pregnancy.50 Spontane-
CPAP (10 cm H2O) is followed by a PSV with ous ventilation in FiO2 of 1 for 3 minutes and
PEEP, post-intubation PaO2 is significantly im- the four vital capacities method for 30 seconds
proved.43 give comparable results, whether judged by
Because lung volume reduction is the main PaO2 51 or apnea duration.52 Some women were
factor causing impaired oxygenation in the observed to have a tolerable apnea duration of
obese patient, use of PSV with PEEP has been only approximately 60 seconds; this short delay
proposed. PSV improves the quality of preoxy- carries obvious risk.52 The shortening of the time
genation in the obese, probably due to improved to FeO2 of 90% (average 107 seconds) is a good
alveolar ventilation and recruitment.44 Com- argument supporting recommendation of the 8
pared to five minutes of spontaneous ventilation deep breaths technique during obstetric emer-
with FiO2 of 1, PSV results in increased FeO2 gencies.53
(96.9%±1.3% vs. 94.1%±2.0%) and accelera-
tion of nitrogen elimination (185.3±46.1 vs. Preoxygenation and chronic obstructive pulmonary
221±41.5 s).45 However, this gain was not as- disease
sociated with an increase in the duration of
tolerable apnea, defined by a 95% SpO2 cutoff In patients with chronic obstructive pulmo-
value. This is due to the small increase in O2 re- nary disease, the time needed to decrease the
serve, which can be estimated at 58 mL O2 for alveolar fraction of nitrogen (FAN2) from 78%
a 2000 mL FRC (2000x2, 8%=58 mL). When to 2% can exceed 30 minutes, as it is inversely
associated with a recruitment maneuver, the ef- proportional to the peak expiratory flow rate.54
fectiveness of PSV is statistically significant re- FetO2 monitoring is used to evaluate the time
garding the arterial oxygenation.46 In morbidly necessary for preoxygenation in such patients.55
obese patients, CPAP of 5 cm H2O combined
with PSV of 5 cm H2O during preoxygenation Preoxygenation in pediatrics
resulted in better oxygenation compared with
neutral-pressure breathing, and it prevented In pediatrics, the respiratory physiology of
desaturation episodes.47 The postintubation young children is particularly age-specific. The
PaO2 was significantly higher in the CPAP/PSV inhibition of intercostal tonus by general an-
group (32.2±4.1 kPa) than in the control group esthesia is responsible for a reduction in FRC.
(23.8±8.8 kPa) (P<0.001). In the control group, Hypoxemia arises more quickly in children be-
the nadir of oxygen saturation was lower (medi- cause of a higher VA/FRC ratio, a higher O2
an 98%, range 83-99%) than in the CPAP/PSV consumption, and lower O2 reserves. Children
group. The PaO2 is greater and the time of apnea exhibit a delay before reaching FeO2 close to
extended when preoxygenation (either CPAP for 90% of approximately 80 to 90 seconds when
3 minutes 48 or 8 deep breaths) 49 is performed breathing at FiO2 of 1.56 While young children
in a 25° head-up position compared to a supine show a rapid drop in saturation, they also reach
position. After preoxygenation in the head-up a FeO2 of 0.9 more quickly.56 After a period of
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position, the time to a SpO2 of lower than 92% at least 2 minutes breathing at FiO2 of 1 and
was always measured at longer than 3 minutes. after muscle paralysis, the duration of apnea be-
fore the SpO2 reaches 90% is found to be 96.5
Preoxygenation in pregnancy seconds in children less than 6 months of age,
160.4 seconds in 2- to 5-year-olds, and 382.4
In the parturient, the time required for com- seconds in 11- to 18-year-olds.57 In children
plete denitrogenation (FeN2=2%) is shorter younger than 6 months, even shorter apnea
than in non-parturient young women as follows: time limits, on the order of 70-90 seconds, have


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been reported.19 The duration of apnea required FRC.60 An indirect method of apneic oxygena-
to reach a SpO2 of 98%, 95%, or 90%, is sig- tion is the administration of O2 during intuba-
nificantly increased when the preoxygenation is tion attempts, and the administration of O2 at a
extended for 1 to 2 minutes, but no benefit was rate of 3 L per min by a naso- or oro-pharyngeal
found by extension past 3 minutes.21 When the catheter can significantly delay the onset of arte-
gas mixture used during pre-oxygenation passes rial O2 desaturation.61 Similar results have been
from an average FiO2 of approximately 93% to reported more recently in ASA 1-2 patients after
39%, the duration of apnea until a 95% SpO2 preoxygenation. This method is easy to apply
decreases from 210 to 71 seconds.58 and it confers a definite advantage in patients
without respiratory pathology 62 and probably in
Intensive care patients and emergency medicine morbidly obese patients as well.63

In emergency medicine, all of the patients Management of failures of

can be considered to be at risk for desaturation preoxygenation and oxygenation
during airway control and thus preoxygenation
should be recommended as part of routine prac- As the risk factors for pre-oxygenation failures
tice. In emergency nonsurgical intubation, pre- and difficult mask ventilation are similar, such
oxygenation is difficult to achieve. The benefit at-risk patients should be identified and carefully
of the pre-oxygenation is probably greater in monitored. If FeO2 is lower than 0.9 after pre-
patients who do not have respiratory illness at oxygenation, alternative methods of oxygenation
the time of intubation.23 Thus, all patients who should be immediately available. Knowing that
are intubated for neurological distress should none of techniques is 100% reliable, it is essen-
benefit from a careful preoxygenation of at least tial to be able to provide several methods. The
3 minutes in duration, even if a lack of patient equipment must be immediately available and
cooperation limits its effectiveness. During intu- the team must be familiar with its use. The most
bation of hypoxemic patients, pre-oxygenation popular device is the intubating laryngeal mask
using PSV is more effective at reducing arterial airway (ILMA). The ventilation is of good qual-
desaturation than the usual method.59 At the end ity in the vast majority of cases and oxygenation
of the preoxygenation period, SpO2 was higher failures are rare when using this device.64 How-
in the PSV group than in the control group ever, only the No. 3 size exists for use with child
(98±2 vs. 93±6%, P<0.001). During the intu- patients, and little data are available about ILMA
bation procedure, lower SpO2 values were ob- use in pediatrics.65. For patients of less than 30
served in the control group (81±15 vs. 93±8%, kg, the standard laryngeal mask is used, with the
P<0.001). Twelve (46%) of the patients in the awareness that implementation is more difficult
control group and two (7%) in the PSV group and not always successful.
had a SpO2 below 80% (P<0.01). In the event of ventilation failure with the fa-
cial or laryngeal mask, rescue trans-tracheal oxy-
Apneic oxygenation genation is to be considered. Inter-crico-thyroid
membrane puncture is straightforward in 98%
It is possible to maintain oxygenation dur- of non-emergency cases.66 Because the use of
ing a long period of apnea by administering 10 transtracheal ventilation in emergency medicine
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

to 15 L per min of continuous oxygen into the is very rare, studies on this subject include only
pharynx. However, this method is only effec- very few patients. The success rate of the emer-
tive following a complete preoxygenation. Ap- gency puncture procedure is unknown.67
nea of longer than 30 minutes in duration has Jet ventilation is administered using a man-
been reported to result in severe hypercapnia ual injector with operator control or using a jet
(>150 mmHg) without damage to the patient. ventilator with control of the driving pressure.
Apneic oxygenation failures are related to failure The major risk is the possibility of pulmonary
of the preoxygenation procedure and to reduced barotrauma by lung overdistension, the impact


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Conflicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the
material dis-
cussed in the manuscript.
Received on October 28, 2014. - Accepted for publication on June 3, 2015. - Epub ahead of print on June 5, 2015.
Corresponding author: J. Bouroche, Département d’Anesthésie, Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus Grand-Paris, 114 rue Edouard Vaillant,
94800 Villejuif. E-mail:
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