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Hw 3

Yes, there are problems that lay outside in the purple area of the diagram. I would think that
spacetimes and quantum gravity may be in that area.

2. NP complete can be shown from any K > = 3 by deduction on a set of graphs. K = 3 is only
performed when “correct cover” by 3 sets are used for NP completeness clique. This output can
be expanded to clique position on graph. There is not more than n^3 cliques in a given k4 graph.

3. For both graphs to show NP Complete they should be Isomorphic to H. For the subgraph to
be NP-Complete is should be a Hamiltonian cycle. If it satisfies all the problems its NP-Complete.
G and H are isomorphic since it has bijections between the vertex sets of G and H. They are
both isomorphic and Hamiltonian path, so the problem is NP-Complete.

4. Can a post card go into an envelope or not, depending on the size of the card and the
envelope. We must check each envelope for a post card, we do this by ‘n’ comparisons. So, for
n^2. Therefore, the complexity is O(n^2)

5. There are 6 ways of process the viruses effect the complete.

-Download handful
-Open the mail with the virus
-Contains virus link
Virus can spread through the network and to other computers on the network.

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