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Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Including Electric Circuits Third Edition Paul Lorrain Université de Montréal and McGill University Dale R. Corson Cornell University Frangois Lorrain W. H. Freeman and Company New York Cover image: Lines of E and of Hin an optical waveguide. See page 668 Back cover image: Differentiating circuit. See page 144. SAATUKOGL N ———_ Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lorrain, Paul, Electromagnetic fields and waves. Includes index, 1, Electromagnetic fields. 2. Electromagnetic waves. I. Corson, Dale R. I. Lorrain, Frangois IM. Title (QC665.EAL67 1987 530.141 8631803 ISBN 0-716-71823-5 ISBN 0-716-71869.3 (pbk.) Copyright © 1988 by W. H. Freeman and Company No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechani photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America 234567890 VB 654321089 CONTENTS “7 *8 10 i Preface vii : VECTOR OPERATORS. |. PHASORS 2 1 8? ELECTRIC FIELDS | 42 Coulomb’s Law and Gauss's Law ELECTRIC FIELDS II 64 The Equations of Poisson and Laplace. Charge Conservation. Conductors ELECTRIC FIELDS Ill Electric Multipoles ELECTRIC FIELDS IV 101 Energy, Capacitance, and Forces ELECTRIC FIELDS V9 Electric Circuits A: RC Circuits ELECTRIC FIELDS VI 149 Electric Circuits B: Circuit Theorems ELECTRIC FIELDS VII 172 Dielectric Materials A: Bound Charges and the Electric Flux Density D ELECTRIC FIELDS VIII 192 Dielectric Materials B: Real Dielectrics, Continuity Conditions at an Interface, and Stored Energy ELECTRIC FIELDS IX 211 Images. Laplace’s Equation in Rectangular Coordinates * Asterisks mean that the chapters can be skipped without losing continuity vi *13 “14 “15 *16 “17 18 19 *21 22 “24 *25 26 CONTENTS ELECTRIC FIELDS X 228 Laplace's Equation in Spherical Coordinates. Poisson's Equation for E RELATIVITY I 238 The Lorentz Transformation and Space-time RELATIVITY I] 281 The Lorentz Contraction and Time Dilation. The Transformation ofa Velocity RELATIVITY IIT 265 Mass, Momentum, Force, and Energy RELATIVITY IV 284 The Field of a Moving Electric Charge RELATIVITY V_ 308 Maxwell’s Equations. The Four-Potential A MAGNETIC FIELDS 1326 The Magnetic Flux Density B and the Vector Potential A MAGNETIC FIELDS Il 48. The Vector Potential A. Ampére's Circuital Law MAGNETIC FIELDS Ill 360 Magnetic Materials A: The Magnetic Flux Density B and the Magnetic Field Strength H MAGNETIC FIELDS IV 374 Magnetic Materials B: Ferromagnetism and Magnetic Circuits MAGNETIC FIELDS V 387 The Magnetic Forces on Charges and Currents MAGNETIC FIELDS VI 412 The Faraday Induction Law MAGNETIC FIELDS VII 437 Electric Circuits C: Mutual and Self Inductance MAGNETIC FIELDS VIII 482 Electric Circuits D: Inductive Circuits and Transformers MAGNETIC FIELDS IX 471 Magnetic Energy and Macroscopic Magnetic Forces MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS — 492 28 *29 30 31 32 33 44 “35 “36 37 38 39 vil PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES I 514 Uniform Plane Waves in Free Space, Nonconductors, and Conductors PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAV! Waves in Good Conductors and in Plasmas PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES II] ss4 Reflection and Refraction A: The Basic Laws and Fresnel’s Equations PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IV 578 Reflection and Refraction B: Nonuniform Plane Waves and Total Reflection PLANE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES V__ 594 Reflection and Refraction C: Reflection and Refraction at the Surface of a Good Conductor GUIDED WAVES I 610 General Principles. The Coaxial and Microstrip Lines GUIDED WAVES I] 62% The Hollow Rectangular Waveguide GUIDED WAVES II] 646 The Planar Optical Waveguide A: The E GUIDED WAVES IV 662 The Planar Optical Waveguide B: The Guided Wave RADIATION I 675 The Potentials V and A and the Fields E and B RADIATION II 692 The Electric Dipole Transmitting Antenna RADIATION III 712 The Half-Wave Antenna, Antenna Arrays, and the Magnetic Dipole Antenna Appendix A SI PREFIXES AND THEIR SYMBOLS 730 Tl 836 igenvalue Equation Appendix B_ CONVERSION TABLE 731 Appendix C WAVES 732 ANSWERS 739 INDEX 745

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