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Warlord Name: Lord Cassius/N�Rheem (Keep of Secrets)

Might Hero Upgrades:

Artificer Weapon
Finely Balanced
Hard to Kill
Divine Protection

Mark of Slaanesh
Plasma Pistol
Power Sword (contains Keeper of Secrets soul)

Backstory: A few standard centuries after the fall of the Eldar, a cult of
Slaaneshi Daemons invaded a dying craftworld. Lead by a ferocious Keep of Secrets
named N�Rheem the daemons carved through what remained of the Eldar forces. At the
climax of the battle, a lone Warlock named Mellosa enacted a spell to end the
Keeper of Secrets and send the daemons back to the warp. Her spell ended up binding
N�Rheem into an Eldar Ghostsword trapping the daemon in the blade for millenia.
This act reduced the warp presence on the Craftworld and slowly the Eldar were able
to push back the daemons. It�s not known what became of Mellosa after the fight.
It�s believed she succumbed to the wounds of battle and the stress of her spell.
N�Rheem�s prison would remain on the ground of the craftworld for thousands of
years until discovered by a cult of Emperor�s Children.

Eons had passed on the now forgotten Craftworld. The Orks had eventually stumbled
upon this wasteland and made it into their new home. While scouting out in the
wastelands, a Weirdboy had heard the whispers of a powerful entity. It had directed
the Weirdboy to the sword that contained N�Rheem. The once elegant Ghostsword now
displaced screaming faces all along the blade and was writhing in warp energy. The
Weirdboy immediately snatched up the sword and proceed to give it to the Warboss as
a �gift�. Warboss Buzz-Killa ended up keeping it as a trophy and dubbed it �DAH
TALKIE SPIKE� as N�Rheem tried to persuade the Ork to let it out to no avail.
N�Rheem had to get creative about it�s freedom and was able to sense the use of
psychic powers nearby off world.

The user was a Sorcerer in a warband consisting of former members of the Emperor�s
Children legion. This Sorcerer reported the whisperings to the leader of the
warband Chaos Lord Cassius. Cassius had been active around the Heresy. Unlike most
of the third legion at the Siege of Terra, he is known to have been some of the few
Emperor�s Children attacking the palace instead of running through the streets of
Terra like the bulk of his Legion. He and his bodyguard had began hunting Astartes
where they could to help open up holes in the defenses. After the defeat of Horus,
He lead the men under his command to the Eye of Terror and began honing his skills
as a hunter in the warp. Daemons, former brothers, lords, sorcerers, nothing was
safe from Cassius and his men. The Prince of excess took notice of his skills and
his desire to perfect his hunting skills and proceeded to guide his desire to be
the best. Finally after Abaddon marched the first Black Crusade out of the warp did
the other traitor legions also start emerging. Cassius�s forces broke real space
looking for a real challenge. They emerged near a Death-World that contained a
strike force of Eldar. To him this was the perfect challenge as he deemed Eldar the
most interesting to fight and most challenging to do their heightened senses and
reflexes. His lead the charge on the world and it turned into a massacre for the
Eldar. Slaanesh greatly took notice of this slaughter and proceeded to reward him
as one of his mortal champions due to him and his men�s desires of hunting and
slaying Eldar in Slaanesh�s name.

More time past since the slaughter on the Death-World and the Warband had listened
to the whispers that the Sorcerer had been hearing from N�Rheem. It took them
directly to the Ork stronghold. Where as the Eldar hunt had been precise and
effective, the assault on the Orks was relentless and brutal. Cassius and his men
deemed the Orks not a challenge and proceeded to kill them like useless animals.
Once in the center of the stronghold, Cassius proceeded to challenge Buzz-Killa to
a duel. Normally this duel would have been exciting and dramatic for normal
Astartes, but to the deranged sons of Fulgrim, Cassius found this Warboss boring.
He easily slayed the Warboss and made his way to the once called �DAH TALKIE SPIKE�
the Ork�s came to call it. N�Rheem directly spoke to Cassius and told him to take
up the blade. Once his hand touched the hilt, everything that Cassius once was had
been pushed to the side. N�Rheem had possessed the Chaos Lords mind. With a body to
control that was his for the time being, N�Rheem had set a path to fully break out
of this flesh prison and take its original form once again to spread the influence
of the Prince of Excess across the galaxy.

Campaign Goals:
Convert existing populations or lesser units of other players armies to the lure of
Eventually have the Keeper of Secrets break free of the Chaos Lord�s body/sword to
wreak havoc across the galaxy.
Hunt any Eldar forces as revenge for traping N�Rheem in the sword.

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