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Cheat warcraft III

*Speed Up Construction
In a game or campaign level type "warpten" to speed up the workers construction.

**Codes Galore
WarpTen = speeds construction.
IocanePowder = fast deathdecay
WhosYourDaddy = god mode
KeyserSoze[amount]gives you x gold
GreedIsGood[amount] gives you x lumber and gold
LeafItToMe = gives you x lumber
PointBreak = removes food limit
ThereIsNoSpoon = unlimited mana
StrengthAndHonor = no defeat
Motherland[race][level] = level jump
SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb = instant defeat
AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs = instant victory
WhoIsJohnGalt = enable reaserch
SharpAndShiny = researches upgrades
IseeDeadPeople = remove fog of war
Synergy = disables tech tree requirments
RiseAndShine = sets time of day to dawn
LightsOut = sets time of day to dusk

**To Halt Time

To halt time enter the code 'daylightsavings[time]if a time is specified, it will
halt time in that time area.

**Ultimate Player
When your playing a custom game or campaigns press enter and type in whosyourdaddy.
Then press enter again.

**See All
This trick is best used when doing campaigns it shows the whole map when playing
press enter and type in iseedeadpeople.

**Auto Win
If you are having trouble with a game or campaign level press enter and type in

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