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Letter a written symbol which represents Word a single meaningful unit of

a sound used in speech e.g B, F, etc. of language such as; pen, book etc.

Verb a word which expresses an action, Noun the name of anything such as
state such as go, write etc. beauty, school, Peshawar etc.

Articles a, an, the are articles. Adjective a word that describes noun
Such as beautiful, good, white etc.
Preposition a word which is used before Interjection a word which expresses
noun or pronoun to show place, position, emotions such as oh! Alas! Etc.
time or method e.g in, from, to etc.

Pronoun a word which is used instead of Adverb a word which describes adjective
noun such as he, you, they, we etc. verb or adverb such as very, slowly etc.

Sentence a group of words which make a Subject the doer of an action such as
A complete sense; He takes tea. Etc. she, the boy etc.

Predicate it tells us about subject Phrase a group of words which make a

In the sentence ‘He takes tea.’ a sense but not a complete sense such as
Takes tea is predicate. on the table, in the room etc.

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