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18. DELA TORRE VS IMBUIDO (GR NO. 192973 by a medical professional which has caused bodily harm.

SEPTEMBER 29, 2014) In order to successfully pursue such a claim, a patient, or

his or her family as in this case, must prove that
Dela Torre vs Imbuido
healthcare provider, in most cases, a physician, either
GR No. 192973 September 29, 2014 failed to do something which a reasonably prudent
health care provider would have done, or that he or she
Facts: At around 3:00pm of February 3, 1992, Carmen did something that a reasonably prudent provider would
was brought to Divine Spirit General Hospital’s operating not have done; and that failure or action caused injury to
room for her caesarian section operation, which was to the patient.
be performed by Dr. Nestor. By 5:30pm, of the same day,
Pedrito was informed by his wife’s delivery of a baby boy. Four essential elements must be established namely: 1.)
In the early morning of February 4, 1992, Carmen duty; 2.) breach; 3.) injury and 4.) proximate causation.
experienced abdominal pains and difficulty in urinating. All four elements must be present in order to find the
She was diagnosed to be suffering from urinary tract physician negligent and thus, liable for damages.
infection (UTI), and was prescribed medication by Dr.
For the trial court to give weight to Dr. Partilano’s report,
Norma. On February 10, 1992, Pedrito noticed that
it was necessary to show first Dr. Partilano’s
Carmen’s stomach was getting bigger, but Dr. Norma
specialization and competence to testify on the degree
dismissed the patient’s condition as mere fratulence.
of care, skill and diligence needed for the treatment of
When Carmen’s stomach still grow bigger despite
Carmen’s case. Considering that it was not duly
medications, Dr. Norma advised Pedrito of the possibility
established that Dr. Partilano practiced and was an
of a second operation on Carmen. Dr. Norma, however,
expert on the fields that involved Carmen’s condition, he
provided no details on its purpose and the doctor who
could not have accurately identified the said degree of
would perform it. At around 3:00pm on February 12,
care, skill and diligence and the medical procedure, that
1992 Carmen had her second operation. Later in the
should have been applied.
evening, Dr. Norma informed Pedrito that “everything
was going on fine with his wife.” The condition of
Carmen, however, did not improve. It instead worsened
ALANO VS LOGMAO (GR NO. 175540 APRIL 7, 2014)
that on February 13, 1992, she vomited dark red blood.
Alano vs Magud-Logmao
At 9:30pm of the same day, Carmen died. Per her death
GR No. 1755540 April 7, 2014
certificate upon information provided by the hospital,
the immediate cause of Carmen’s death was cardio- Facts:
respiratory arrest secondary to cerebro vascular At around 9:50pm of March 1, 1988, Arnelito Logmao
accident, hypertension and chronic nephritis induced by then 18 y/o, was brought to the East Avenue Medical
pregnancy. An autopsy report prepared by Dr. Partilano, Center (EAMC) in Quezon City by two sidewalk vendors,
medico-legal officer designate of Olongapo City, who allegedly saw the former fall from the overpass near
however, provided that the cause of Carmen’s death was the Farmer’s Market in Cubao, Quezon City. The patient’s
shock due to peritonitis severe with multiple intestinal data sheet identified the patient as Angelito Lugmoso of
adhesions; status post caesarian section and exploratory Boni Ave., Mandaluyong. However, the clinical abstract
laparotomy. Pedrito claimed in his complaint that the prepared by Dr. Paterno F. Cabrera, the surgical resident
on-duty at the emergency room of EAMC, stated the
respondents failed to exercise the degree of diligence
patient is Angelito Logmao. Dr. Cabrera reported that
required of them as members of the medical profession,
Logmao was drowsy with alcoholic breath, was conscious
and were negligent for practicing surgery on Carmen in and coherent; that the skull x-ray showed no fracture;
the most unskilled, ignorant, and cruel manner. that at around 4:30am of March 2, 1988, Logmao
Issue: Whether or not respondents were liable for developed generalized seizures and was managed by the
neuro-surgeon resident on-duty; that the condition of
medical malpractice that resulted to Carmen’s death.
Logmao progressively deteriorated and he was intubated
Held: No. Medical malpractice or, more appropriately, and ambu-bagging support was provided; that admission
medical negligence, is that type of claim which a victim to the ICU and mechanical ventilation support became
has available to him or her to redress a wrong committed necessary, but there was no vacancy at the ICU and all
the ventilation units were being used by other patients;
that a resident physician of NKTI, who was rotating at second to show that respondent’s emotional suffering at
EAMC, suggested that Logmao be transferred to NKTI; the sight of the pitful state in which she found her son’s
and that after arrangements were made, Logamo was lifeless body be categorically attributed to petitioner’s
transferred to NKTI at 10:10am. At the NKTI, the name conduct.
Angelito Logmao was recorded as Angelito Lugmoso.
Lugmoso was immediately attended to and given the Thus, there can be no cavil that petitioners employed
necessary medical treatment. As Lugmoso had no reasonable means to disseminate notifications intended
relatives around, Jennifer Misa, transplant coordinator to reach the relatives of the deceased. The only question
was asked to locate his family by enlisting police and that remains pertains to the sufficiency of time allotted
media assistance. Dr. Enrique Ona, chairman of the for notices to reach the relatives of the deceased.
Department of Surgery, observed that severity of the
brain injury of Lugmoso manifested symptoms of brain If respondent failed to immediately receive notice of her
death. He requested the laboratory section to conduct son’s death because the notices did not properly state
tissue typing and tissue cross-matching examination, so the name or identity of the deceased, fault cannot be laid
that should Lugmoso expire despite the necessary care at petitioner’s door. The trial and appellate courts found
and medical management and he would be found to be that it was the EAMC, who recorded the wrong
a suitable organ donor and his family would consent to information regarding the deceased’s identity to NKTI.
organ donation, the organs thus donated could be The NKTI could not have obtained the information about
detached and transplanted promptly to any compatible his name from the patient, because as found by the lower
beneficiary. The identity of Lugmoso was verified by Misa courts, the deceased was already unconscious by the
from EAMC and she was furnished the patient’s data time he was brought to NKTI.
sheet. She then contacted several radio and television
stations to request for air time for the purpose of locating BONDOC VS MANTALA (GR NO. 203080 NOVEMBER 12,
the family of Angelito Lugmoso of Boni Ave., 2014)
Mandaluyong who was confined at NKTI with severe Bondoc vs Mantala
head injury after allegedly falling from the Cubao GR No. 203080 November 12, 2014
overpass, as well as police station no. 5 Eastern Police
District. Lugmoso was pronounced brain dead on March Facts:
3, 1988 7:00am. Two hours later, Dr. Ona was informed Respondent was admitted at the Oriental Mindoro
that EEG recording exhibited a flat tracing thereby Provincial Hospital (OMPH) on April 3, 2009, at around
confirming his brain death. He was found to be a suitable 11:00am, with referral from the Bansud Municipal Health
donor of the heart, kidneys, pancreas, and liver, and after Office. She was due to deliver her 5th child and was
the extensive search, no relatives were found. Dr. Ona advised for a caesarian section because her baby was big
then requested the removal of the specific organs of and there was excessive amniotic fluid in her womb. She
Lugmoso from the herein petitioners, Dr. Alano, the started to labor at 7:00am and was initially brought to
director of NKTI who thereafter issued a memorandum the Bongabon Health Center. However, said health
stating that only after the requirements of RA 349 as center also told her to proceed directly to the hospital. In
amended by PD 856 was complied, they can remove the her complaint-affidavit, respondent alleged that inside
specified organs of Lugmoso. Lugmoso’s remains was the delivery room of OMPH, she was attended to by
brought at La Funeraria Oro. A press release made by petitioner who instructed the midwife and two younger
NKTI announcing a double organ transplant led to the assistants to press down on respondent’s abdomen and
findings of the relatives of Lugmoso. even demonstrated to them how to insert their fingers
into her vagina. Thereafter, petitioner went out of the
Issue: delivery room and later, his assistants also left. After
Whether or not the removal of Lugmoso’s organs were hours of being in labor, respondent pleaded for a
valid. caesarian section. The midwife and the younger
assistants pressed down on her abdomen causing
Held: excruciating pains on her ribs and made her very weak.
Yes. The internal organs of the deceased were removed They repeatedly did this pressing until the bay and
only after he had been declared brain dead; thus the placenta came out. When she regained consciousness,
emotional pain suffered by respondent due to the death she was already at the recovery room, she learned that
of her son cannot be in any way be attributed to an operation was performed on her by petitioner to
petitioner. Neither can the court find evidence nor removed her ruptured uterus but what depressed her
most was her stillborn baby and the loss of her cases, his own conscience, violation of this rule on his
reproductive capacity. The respondent noticed that her part is discreditable and inexcusable.
vulva swollen and there is an open wound which
widened later on and was re-stitched by petitioner. A doctor’s duty to his patient is not required to be
Petitioner was heard uttering words unbecoming of his extraordinary. The standard contemplated for doctors is
profession pertaining to the respondent’s states while in simply the reasonable coverage merit among ordinarily
labor. Respondent filed then a complaint for grave good physicians i.e. reasonable skill and competence.
misconduct against the petitioner before the Even by this standard, petitioner fill short when he
ombudsman. The petitioner resigned as medical officer routinely delegated an important task that requires his
of OMPH, alleging that the complaint against him is now professional skill and competence to his subordinates
moot and academic. who have no requisite training and capability to make
crucial decisions in difficult child births.
Whether or not petitioner’s conduct during the delivery A physician should be dedicated to provide competent
of respondent’s baby constitute grave misconduct. medical care with full professional skill and accordance
with the current standards of care, compassion,
Held: independence, and respect for human dignity.
Yes. Misconduct is defined as a transgression of some
established and definite rule of action, more particularly
unlawful behavior or gross negligence by a public officer, BONTILAO VS GERONA (GR NO. 176675 SEPTEMBER 15,
a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, willful in character, 2010)
and implies wrongful intent and not mere error in Bontilao vs Gerona
judgement. It generally means wrongful, improper or GR No. 176675 September 15, 2010
unlawful conduct motivated by a premeditated,
obstinate or intentional purpose. The term, however Facts:
does not necessarily imply corruption or criminal intent. On December 28, 1991, respondent Dr. Carlos Gerona,
To constitute an administrative offense, misconduct an orthopedic surgeon at the Vicente Gullas Memorial
should relate to or be connected with the performance Hospital, treated petitioner’s son, 8 y/o Allen Roy
of the official functions and duties of a public officer. On Bontilao, for a fractured right wrist. Respondent
the other hand, when the elements of corruption, clear administered a “U-spint” and immobilized Allen’s wrist
intent to violate the law or flagrant disregard of with a cast, then sent Allen home. On June 4, 1992, Alen
established rule are manifest, the public officer shall be re-fractured the same wrist and was brought back to the
liable for grave misconduct. hospital. The x-ray examination showed a complete
fractured and displacement bone, with the fragments
In deliberately leaving the respondent to a midwife and overlapping each other. Respondent performed a closed
two inexperienced assistants despite knowing that she reduction procedure, with Dr. Vicente Jabagat as the
was under prolonged painful labor and about to give anesthesiologist. Then he placed Allen’s arm in a plaster
birth to a macrosomic baby by vaginal delivery, cast to immobilize it. He allowed Allen to go home after
petitioner clearly committed a dereliction of duty and a the post reduction x-ray showed that the bones were
breach of his professional obligations. The gravity of properly aligned, but advised Allen’s mother, petitioner
respondent’s conditions is highlighted by the expected Sherlina Bontilao, to bring Allen back for re-tightening of
complications she suffered – her stillborn baby, a the cast not later than June 15, 1992. Allen was however,
ruptured uterus that necessitated the immediate surgery only brought back after the said date. By then, because
and blood transfusion and vulvar hematomas. the cast had not be re-tightened, a rotational deformity
had developed in Allen’s arm. The x-ray examination
Article II section 1 of the code of medical ethics of the showed that the deformity was caused by a re-
medical profession in the Philippines states: A physician, displacement of the bone fragments, so it was agreed
should attend to his patients faithfully and that an open reduction surgery will be conducted on June
conscientiously. He should secure fore them all possible 24, 1992 by the respondent, again with Dr. Jabagat as the
benefits that may depend upon his professional skill and anesthesiologist. On the said date, Sherlina was allowed
care. As the sole tribunal to adjudge the physician’s to observe the operation behind a glass panel. Dr.
failure to fulfill his obligation to his patient is, in most Jabagat failed to intubate the patient after 5 attempts so
anesthesia was administered through a gas mask.
Respondent asked Dr. Jabagat if the operation should be negligence or the part of the person who controls the
postponed given the failure to intubate, but Dr. Jabagat instrument causing the injury, provided that the
said that it was alright to proceed. Respondent verified following requisites concur:
that Allen was breathing properly before proceeding
with the surgery. As respondent was about to finish the 1. The accident is of a kind which ordinarily does
suturing, Sherlina decided to go out of the operating not occur in the absence of someone’s
room to make a telephone call and wait for her son. negligence;
Later, she was informed that her son died on the 2. It is caused by an instrumentality within the
operating table. The cause of death was asphyxia due to exclusive control of the defendant or co-
the congestion and edema of the epiglottis. Hence, a defendants;
criminal, administrative and civil case was filed by the 3. The possibility of contributing conduct which
parents of Allen against the doctors for the negligence would make the plaintiff responsible is
that caused Allen’s death. eliminated.

Whether or not respondent is liable for medical GR No. 191225 October 13, 2014
negligence due to the death of Allen. Zarsona Medical Clinic (ZMC) v Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation
No. The trial court erred in applying the doctrine of res FACTS:
ipsa liquitor to pin liability on respondent for Allen’s Philhealth filed a claim against ZMC for violation of
death. Res ipsa liquitor is a rebuttable presumption or Section 149 of the Revised Implementing Rules and
influence that the defendant was negligent. The Regulations of Republic Act No. 7875 the National Health
presumption only arises upon proof that the Insurance Act of 1995 particularly Section 149 thereof
instrumentality causing injury was in the defendant’s which penalizes any health care provider that increases
exclusive control, and that the accident was one which the period of actual confinement of any patient with
ordinarily does not happen in the absence of negligence. revocation of accreditation. The case is based on the fact
It is a rule of evidence whereby negligence of the alleged that ZMC made a claim to Philhealth for the confinement
wrong does may be inferred from the mere fact that the of Lorna M. Alestre (Alestre) from 6-12 August 2003.
accident happened, provided that the character of the However, in the latter’s salaysay it was stated that her
accident and circumstances attending it lead reasonably actual confinement was only from 10-11 August 2003.
to the belief that in the absence of negligence it would The defense of ZMC was that Midwife/Clerk Jennifer R.
not have occurred and that the thing which caused injury Acuram commited an honest mistake in writing 6-12
is shown to have been under the management and August 2003 when it should onle be 10-12 August 2003.
control of the alleged wrong doer. Furthermore, ZMC provided an affidavit of explanation
by Alestre wherein she admitted that despite being
Res ipsa liquitor is not a rigid or ordinary doctrine to be confined in the hospital, she was able to log in in the
perfunctorily used but a rule to be cautiously applied school (where she was working) on August 12, 2003.
defending upon the circumstances of each case. In ISSUE: WON ZMC extended the period of confinement
malpractice case, the doctrine is generally restricted to punishable under Section 149 of the Revised
situations where a layman is able to say, as a matter of Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 7875.
common knowledge and observation, that the LAW: Section 149. Extending Period of Confinement. —
consequence of professional care were not as such as This is committed by any health care provider who, for
would ordinarily have followed if due care had been the purpose of claiming payment from the NHIP, files a
exercised. claim with extended period of confinement

Moreover, we note that in the instant case, the a. Increasing the actual confinement of any patient;
instrument which caused the injury or damage was not b. Continuously charting entries in the Doctor's
even within respondent’s exclusive control and Order, Nurse's Notes and Observation despite
management as Dr. Jabagat was exclusively in control actual discharge or absence of the patients;
and management of the anesthesia and endotracheal c. Using such other machinations that would result
tube. The doctrine of res ipsa liquitor allows the mere in the unnecessary extension of confinement.
existence of an injury to justify a presumption of
The foregoing offenses shall be penalized by revocation ZMC moved for reconsideration but it was denied for lack
of accreditation. In addition, a recommendation shall be of merit on 7 December 2009. In his Dissent, Court of
submitted to the DOH for cancellation of its license, or Appeals Associate Justice Ruben Ayson believed that
accreditation, or clearance to operate, as appropriate. ZMC should be given the opportunity to rectify any
defect or infirmity in the petition pursuant to the
CASE HISTORY: preference on liberal construction of the Rules of Court
Philhealth Arbiter On 12 December 2007, ZMC was found over strict construction.cralawlawlibrary
liable for the charge of “Extending Period of RULING OF THE SUPREME COURT: The Philhealth Arbiter
Confinement” in violation of Section 149 of the Revised and the Board did not give weight to the Affidavit of
Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 7875 and was Explanation submitted by the patient herself recanting
meted the penalty of suspension from participating in her previous statement and categorically stating that she
the NHIP for a period of three (3) months and a fine of was discharged only on 12 August 2003.
It is an oft-repeated rule that findings of administrative
While Health Insurance Arbiter Michael Troy Polintan agencies are generally accorded not only respect but also
considered the admission date of 6 August 2003 finality when the decision and order are not tainted with
reflected in Alestre’s clinical record as a mere clerical unfairness or arbitrariness that would amount to abuse
error, he refused to believe Alestre’s claim that she was of discretion or lack of jurisdiction. The findings of facts
discharged only on 12 August 2003 but on that day, she must be respected, so long as they are supported by
was travelling back and forth from hospital to the school substantial evidence even if not overwhelming or
where she teaches. The Philhealth Arbiter gave more preponderant.20cralawlawlibrary
evidentiary weight to the signature of Alestre in the
school’s attendance logbook which established the fact After an exhaustive review of the records, we find that
that she reported for work on 12 August 2003. this case warrants a departure from said rule.
Philhealth Board of Directors ZMC appealed but on 24
July 2008, the Philhealth Board of Directors (the Board) We are inclined to give more credence to Alestre’s
issued Philhealth Board Resolution No. 1151, Series of Affidavit, which is essentially a recantation of her
2008 dismissing the appeal and affirming the 12 previous Salaysay, for the following reasons: First,
December 2007 Decision of the Philhealth Arbiter. Alestre has fully explained to our satisfaction why she
initially misdeclared her dates of confinement in ZMC. In
The Board ruled that the contents of the Affidavit of her desire to report and be compensated for one day of
Explanation dated 3 May 2005 executed by Alestre is work, Alestre hied back and forth between school and
“too good to be true” because “in the first place, she has the hospital. It is difficult to believe that she would risk
stated in detail all her acts from 7:17 a.m. to 8:15 [a.m.], her reputation as a public school teacher, as well as
9:30 [a.m.], 9:50 [a.m.], 12:00 [noon]; 12:55 p.m., 1:30 prosecution for violation of civil service rules, to be an
p.m., 1:50 p.m., 2:15 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. The recollection abettor of ZMC. Second, Alestre truly cannot be in two
of all these times after 22 months is not only fantastic but places at the same time. But her narration clearly
likewise incredible.” Moreover, the Board also noted accounts for her whereabouts on 12 August 2003. She
that Alestre could not possibly be in ZMC and in the travelled at least 3 times to and from the hospital and
school at the same time on 12 August 2003 while her son school. She admitted that the school was a mere ten-
was still confined at the hospital. minute drive away from the hospital so she can easily
traverse between the two locations. Third, ZMC had in
Court of Appeals: fact admitted to its error in indicating the dates of
On 28 January 2009, the Court of Appeals dismissed the Alestre’s confinement so there is no reason for ZMC to
petition for failure on the part of ZMC to attach a valid further conceal the actual days of Alestre’s confinement.
SPA. The appellate court found the SPA defective on the Fourth, the Salaysay is not notarized. While recantation
ground that it does not explicitly authorize Dr. Bragat to is frowned upon and hardly given much weight in the
sign and execute the required verification and determination of a case, the affidavit is still a notarized
certification of non-forum shopping in this case. The document which carries in its favor the presumption of
appellate court noted that the powers granted to Dr. regularity with respect to its due execution, and that
Bragat pertain only to her administrative functions as there must be clear, convincing and more than merely
Medical Director of ZMC. preponderant evidence to contradict the same.
Based on the foregoing, the ZMC is not guilty of
extending the period of confinement. Issue:
Whether or not the hospital is liable for damages


MEDICAL CENTER, INC.  Conclusions are bereft of sound evidentiary basis,
G.R. No. 195909, September 26, 2012 self-serving and uncorroborated as they are
 Indeed the operation of private pay hospitals and
medical clinics is impressed with public interest and
MANILA DOCTORS HOSPITAL, petitioner, vs. SO UN imbued with a heavy social responsibility. But the
CHUA and VICKY TY, respondents. hospital is also a business, and, as a business, it has
G.R. No. 150355 | July 31, 2006 (1D) a right to institute all measures of efficiency
commensurate to the ends for which it is designed,
Facts: especially to ensure its economic viability and
 Respondent Chua, mother of Ty, was admitted to survival. And in the legitimate pursuit of economic
petitioner hospital for hypertension and diabetes. considerations, the extent to which the public may
 While Chua was confined, another daughter Judith be served and cured is expanded, the pulse and life
Chua was admitted for treatment of injuries of the medical sector quickens, and the
sustained after a vehicular accident. Ty shouldered regeneration of the people as a whole becomes
the hospital bills for the two. more visibly attainable.
 After Judith was discharged, respondent Chua  In the institution of cost-cutting measures, the
remained confined. Ty was able to pay P435,800.00. hospital has a right to reduce the facilities and
The hospital bills eventually totaled P1,075,592.95. services that are deemed to be non-essential, such
When Ty was unable to pay the bills, the hospital that their reduction or removal would not be
allegedly pressured her, by cutting off the telephone detrimental to the medical condition of the patient.
line in her room and removing the air-conditioning
unit, television set, and refrigerator, refusing to For the moment, the question to be considered is
render medical attendance and to change the whether the subject facilities are indeed non-essential –
hospital gown and bed sheets, and barring the the air-conditioner, telephone, television, and
private nurses or midwives from assisting the refrigerator – the removal of which would cause the
patient, to settle the same through the signing of a adverse health effects and emotional trauma the
promissory note. respondents so claimed.
 Ty issued postdated checks to pay the note. The
checks bounced. The petitioner alleged that that as Corollary to this question is whether the petitioner
early as one week after respondent Chua had been observed the diligence of a good father of the family in
admitted to its hospital, Dr. Rody Sy, her attending the course of ascertaining the possible repercussions of
physician, had already given instructions for her to the removal of the facilities prior to the removal itself
be discharged, but respondents insisted that Chua and for a reasonable time thereafter, with a view to
remain in confinement. prevent damage.
 It also alleged that Ty voluntarily signed the
agreement that she will pay the bills and that no The evidence in the record firmly establishes that the
undue pressure was exerted by them; and that the staff of the petitioner took proactive steps to inform the
cutting-off of the telephone line and removal of the relatives of respondent Chua of the removal of facilities
air-conditioning unit, television set, and refrigerator prior thereto, and to carry out the necessary
cannot constitute unwarranted actuations, for the precautionary measures to ensure that her health and
same were resorted to as cost-cutting measures and well-being would not be adversely affected: as early as
to minimize respondents' charges that were already around two weeks after her admission
piling up, especially after respondent Ty refused to
settle the balance notwithstanding frequent Authorities, including those of common law origin,
demands. Finally it alleged that this case was explicitly declare that a patient cannot be detained in a
instituted by Ty to provide leverage against the hospital for non-payment of the hospital bill.
hospital for filing criminal charges against the latter
for violation of BP 22.
If the patient cannot pay the hospital or physician's bill, Authorities are of the view that, ordinarily, a hospital,
the law provides a remedy for them to pursue, that is, by especially if it is a private pay hospital, is entitled to be
filing the necessary suit in court for the recovery of such compensated for its services, by either an express or an
fee or bill. implied contract, and if no express contract exists, there
is generally an implied agreement that the patient will
If the patient is prevented from leaving the hospital for pay the reasonable value of the services rendered; when
his inability to pay the bill, any person who can act on his a hospital treats a patient's injuries, it has an enforceable
behalf can apply in court for the issuance of the writ of claim for full payment for its services, regardless of the
habeas corpus. patient's financial status.

The form of restraint must be total; movement must be 571 SCRA 585 – Labor Law – Labr Relations – Labor
restrained in all directions. If restraint is partial, e.g., in a Standards – Strike – Managerial Employees – Control –
particular direction with freedom to proceed in another, Illegal Dismissal
the restraint on the person's liberty is not total.
However, the hospital may legally detain a patient Ronaldo Lanzanas and Merceditha Lanzanas are doctors
against his will: employed by Calamba Medical Center, Inc. They are
a. when he is a detained or convicted prisoner, or given a retainer’s fee by the hospital as well as shares
b. when the patient is suffering from a very from fees obtained from patients.
contagious disease where his release will be
prejudicial to public health, or when the patient One time, Ronaldo was overheard by Dr. Trinidad talking
is mentally ill such that his release will endanger to another doctor about how low the admission rate to
public safety, the hospital is. That conversation was reported to Dr.
c. or in other exigent cases as may be provided by Desipeda who was then the Medical Director of the
law. hospital.

Moreover, under the common law doctrines on tort, it Eventually Ronaldo was suspended. Ronaldo filed a case
does not constitute a trespass to the person to for Illegal Suspension in March 1998. In the same month,
momentarily prevent him from leaving the premises or the rank and file employees organized a strike against the
any part thereof because he refuses to comply with some hospital for unfair labor practices. Desipeda eventually
reasonable condition subject to which he entered them. fired Ronaldo for his alleged participation in the strike,
In all cases, the condition of this kind of restraint must be which is not allowed under the Labor Code for he is a
reasonable in the light of the circumstances. managerial employee. Desipeda also fired Merceditha on
the ground that she is the wife of Ronaldo who naturally
At any rate, as stated above, the patient is free to leave sympathizes with him.
the premises, even in the ostensible violation of these
conditions, after being momentarily interrupted by the The Labor Arbiter ruled that there was no Illegal
hospital staff for purposes of informing him of those Suspension for there was no employer-employee
reasonable conditions, such as the assessment of relationship because the hospital has no control over
whether the patient is fit to leave, insane, or suffering Ronaldo as he is a doctor who even gets shares from the
from a contagious disease, etc., or simply for purposes of hospitals earnings.
making a demand to settle the bill.
The National Labor Relations Commission as well as the
If the patient chooses to abscond or leave without the Court of Appeals reversed the LA.
consent of the hospital in violation of any of the
conditions deemed to be reasonable under the ISSUE:
circumstances, the hospital may nonetheless register its Whether or not there is an employer-employee
protest and may choose to pursue the legal remedies relationship?
available under law, provided that the hospital may not
physically detain the patient, unless the case falls under HELD:
the exceptions abovestated. Yes. Under the control test, an employment relationship
exists between a physician and a hospital if the hospital
controls both the means and the details of the process
by which the physician is to accomplish his task. There is
control in this case because of the fact that Desipeda
schedules the hours of work for Ronaldo and his wife.

The doctors are also registered by the hospital under the

SSS which is premised on an employer-employee

There is Illegal Dismissal committed against Rolando for

there was no notice and hearing held. It was never shown
that Rolando joined the strike. But even if he did, he has
the right to do so for he is not a part of the managerial or
supervisory employees. As a doctor, their decisions are
still subject to revocation or revision by Desipeda.

There is Illegal Dismissal committed against Merceditha

for the ground therefor was not mentioned in Article 282
of the Labor Code.

When is Control (One of the Four Tests of Employer-

Employee Relationship) Absent?

Where a person who works for another does so more or

less at his own pleasure and is not subject to definite
hours or conditions of work, and is compensated
according to the result of his efforts and not the amount
thereof, the element of control is absent.

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