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“Tokhang” is a sensitive topic in the Philippines.

The misconception of the word “Tokhang” because of

the actions of the policemen. President Duterte Digong has good plans for this operation but because of
the mass murders that is happening it became a problem of the Philippines which needs to be address
soon. Presidents Duterte Digong’s plan was to get rid of illegal drugs in the Philippines with any means
necessary. However, this operation has been causing countless innocent lives to get harmed and in the
worst-case scenario people may die. The people are now afraid to step out of their houses due to this
countless extrajudicial killing. The intention of President Duterte Digong is all for the sake of our country.
He wants the Philippines to be a peaceful country wherein the people can smile freely by get ridding of
illegal drugs yet it turned out that more people are scared and are mourning for the death of many
innocent lives that were lost. “Tokhang” would be a great help to the Philippines but it should be
reassessed with the procedures, criteria, protocol and etc.

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