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$1.50 MPERIUM TAPLE Vole2, No.1. #11, April 1987 fo <7 =| _ beniucn BIAPLE staple.| * The Past and.. (see the last page) Contents The Editor Is Dead; Long Live The Editor ‘by the new editor: W. &. J. Hinton Jr... se eee ee ee Me The PIAH Subsector, (Foreven sector continues) by HeRb Petro) icc) 0 eNom amin Be Pellow Travellers department: Gadagkhup Kampf ty Alani Nude eh. LPR ms). se eo Traveller Publication Checklist ‘by Ed Bdwards &@W. E. J. Hinton Jr... ... 1... .- + + 125 Letters, Submissions & Future Schlock (future developments) by the editor (and see last page). » se vee eee ee es the CONDINUEMG mira maviaweilile ailieel «(Me Mee ey oe + bee ue ede News & Views (newsicolum)s 0... 1 be et AD. Shelf (introduction). ...... Be Me ed ata pices wee ‘art: Phil Morissey-i; W.E.J.Hinton Jr.-1, 10, 1) Herb Petro -9, 11; Rob Caswell-16; W.W.Conners-16; Pete Lawson-16; Mike Jackson-16. Advertisements: Avalon-Hill-3, Seeker-7) Group Digest Pubs.-15.9 Colophon IS (the imperium Staple), is published by Gamesmasters Publishers Assn.,(20 Almont St., Nashua, N.H., 03060), on the 1st of each month. IS magazine (©) 1987, by G.P.A., All Rights Reserved. Subscription price $5 for 6 issues, or $10 for 12 issues. Advertising rates, submission payment rates, and advertising and artwork mechanical requirements available on request. Submissions reported within 90 days (payment upon acceptance); payment usually by issue credit unless re- quest for cash payment is made with submission. Hditoggamechief . .:. te a Mee .e see WE. 0.Hanton Jr. Correspondent for Starport Authority, department . . . Ed Edwards Correspondent for Trade & Commerce department . . . Alan M. Nuss Traveller® is a registered trademark for the Game Designers' Workshop game of Science Fiction adventure in the far future. JS thanks GDW and Mare Miller for permission to produce this periodical of Travelle: derivitive fan material. This is GPA publication number 264. . Shelt MALONE gi O87 Greetings. As promised by outgoing editor Herb Petro, last issue, there has been a change of staff at the old Imperium Staple. IS has been passed to my hands and, as is cringingly expected, this issue contains an in- troductory article to give you some idea of who I am and what can be expected of IS in the future. Since it was written (back on February 1st) a number of changes have been made. Firstly, I haven't decided on a standard typestyle as yet. This typewriter has been in the shop so much lately that I can't rely on it in future. (That is also why this issue is a bit late.) You will also find your current subscription has increased by one issue to make this issue free. The next issue will be out in about 10 days. Secondly, I have some excellent, professional artwork in store, as you can see on the back page cf this issue. Rob Caswell, whose work has appeared on the cover of The Travellers’ Digest, and JTAS, will be submitting some items, as well. TI wish Phil would come back, but we are healthy in the art department. I do need more text submissions, in order to plan issues in advance. The next few issues already look very exciting! Finally, I want to see more audience participation. Write your questions or ideas to the new letter column. Do you have some news? Tell us about it. Over this year I hope that we can make IS grow. As an incentive I would like to try something I've done in other zines with some good results. If you recommend IS, and a new subscriber mentions your name, you receive an extra issue on your subscription! . Be One of 100 Prize Winners Subscribe to The General . .. and be eligible to win FREE GAMES FOR LIFE ... or a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to The General FOR LIFE... or one of 98 other prizes offered in this gigantic subscription sweepstakes. The General has stood the test of time ... now in its 23rd year, The General is older than most game companies today. The General accepts no outside advertising. All 48 pages are full of Avalon Hill game- related material designed to improve your play of our games. You read about history, company gossip, information on conventions, and various related gaming material that's made The General more popular today than at any time during the past two decades. Send no money. Just ask for the “Win 100 Prizes” Flyer that explains all about how you can be one of 100 winners in this contest sweepstakes. Please include with your request a self-addressed envelope bearing current first class postage. I The Avalon Hill Game Company Stareeet 4517 Harford Road % Baltimore, MD 21214 “ie

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