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Hi Dr.


Here is my self-reflection.

Where was my work strong?

I believe my work was strong in classroom presence and management. This was
somewhat surprising to me, but I had quite an easy time of classroom management and
have been told that I already have a “teacher voice”.

What was my most significant learning moment?

My most significant learning moment was adjusting to the high needs of ELL students.
Working closely with ELL students has been great experience for me.

How has my stance changed on questions related to teaching, learning, and schooling?
My stance on teaching, learning, and schooling has not changed much, only been

What do I need to learn/do to strengthen my work in the program?

I believe my area for greatest improvement could be around adjusting my expectations
to the academic level of my students, fully explaining outcomes to minimize confusion,
and continually working to remove subconscious bias.

See you tomorrow for my observation.

Erin Davis

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