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___ Date Performed: ____________

Course & Year: BSA-IV___ Date Submitted: ____________

Instructor: MS. GERALDIN FAILON___

Experiment No. 3

The cell is the fundamental structural and functional basis of life. All organisms (except
the virus) are made up of cells. It is the functional basis of life because it is the seat of all
processes, which make life possible.

Cells are varied shapes and size. The cell can be divided into the following main parts:
the cell covering, the cytoplasm and the nucleus.

I. Objective

To examine the plant and animal cells under the microscope

II. Materials:

Compound microscope Toothpick/matchstick

Onion bulb Alcohol

Glass slide Medicine dropper

Cover slip Blood lancet

Methylene blue solution

III. Procedure

A. Cut an onion bulb and get the inner white membrane between the layers of the
bulb. Cut a small portion of the membrane. Place it flat on the side, add a drop of
methylene blue and cover. Focus under the LPO and under the HPO

B. Sterilize a toothpick or matchstick with alcohol. Using as aside, scrape off lightly
the wall of your mouth, place the scrapping on the slide, add methylene blue
solution and cover. Focus the squamous cells under the LPO and under HPO.
C. Use a sterile blood lancet. Sterilize the tip of your finger with 70% alcohol and
prick with the lancet. Place a tiny drop of blood on a clean slide and cover slowly.
Focus under the LPO and HPO.

IV. Requirements

A. Draw the following as viewed under the HPO and label the visible parts

1. Onion cells

2. Squamous cells

3. Blood cells (RBC)

B. Answer the following

1. Give the structural and functional characteristics of the plant and

animal cells used in this exercise.

All animals are multicellular. Human body contains trillions of cells. All animal cells are
eukaryotic, they are surrounded by cell membrane and do not have a cell wall. The components
of animal cells are centrioles, cilia and flagella, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus,
lysosomes, microfilaments, microtubules, mitochondria, nucleus, peroxisomes, plasma
membrane and ribosomes.

Plant cell are eukaryotic cells; they are membrane bound organelles. They are surrounded by a
rigid cell wall. Plant cells are similar to animal cells in being eukaryotic and they have similar cell
organelles. Generally, plant cells are larger than animal cells and are mostly similar in size and
are rectangular or cube shaped. Plant cell contains a few distinctive features like a cell wall,
large vacuole and plastids

2. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Classify the

specimen cells used in this activity.

Prokaryotes are single-cell organisms (unicellular) which do not contain organelles or any
internal membrane structures. That means that they have a single chromosome and no
nucleus, but instead they have nucleoid (a circular container that has double-stranded DNA).
While eukaryotes are multi-cellular organisms, and they contain a nucleus and other organelles
encapsulated within membranes.

3. In a tabular form compare the plant and animal cells based on their
cellular components.


Cell wall Absent Present (formed of cellulose)
Shape Round (irregular shape) Rectangular (fixed shape)
Vacuole One or more small vacuoles One, large central vacuole
(much smaller than plant taking up to 90% of cell
cells). volume.
Centrioles Present in all animal cells Only present in lower plant
forms (e.g. chlamydomonas)
Chloroplast Absent Plant cells have chloroplasts
to make their own food
Cytoplasm Present Present
Ribosomes Present Present
Mitochondria Present Present
Plastids Absent Present
Endoplasmic Reticulum Present Present
(Smooth and Rough)
Peroxisomes Present Present
Golgi Apparatus Present Present
Plasma Membrane Only cell membrane Cell wall and a cell membrane
Microtubules/ Microfilaments Present Present
Flagella Present in some cells ( e.g. Present in some cells (e.g.
mammalian sperm cells) sperm of bryophytes and
pteridophytes, cycads and
Lysosomes Lysosomes occur in Lysosomes usually not
cytoplasm. evident.
Nucleus Present Present

Cilia Present Most plant cells do not

contain cilia.
Name: NACASI, SHIELA B.___ Date Performed: ____________

Course & Year: BSA-IV___ Date Submitted: ____________

Instructor: MS. GERALDIN FAILON___

Experiment No. 4

1. Complete the following table to fully describe the various cell parts. Insert your
responses in the space provided under each heading

Cell Structure Location Function

Plasma Membrane External body of the cell Confines cell contents
Regulates entry and exit of

Lysosomes Scattered in cytoplasm Digest ingested material and

worn out organisms

Mitochondria Scattered throughout the cell Control release of energy

from food, form ATP

Microvilli Projections of plasma Increase the membrane

membrane surface area

Golgi Apparatus Near the Nucleus Package proteins to be

incorporated into this plasma
membrane or lysosomes or be
exported from the cell

Nucleus Center of the cell Storehouse of genetic info.

Directs cell activities,
including division

Centrioles Two rod-shaped bodies near Direct formation of the

the nucleus Mitotic spindle

Nucleolus Dark spherical body in the Storehouse/ assembly site for

nucleus ribosomes
Smooth Endoplasmic In the cytoplasm Site of steroid synthesis and
Reticulum liquid metabolism

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum In the cytoplasm Transports proteins made out

of its ribosomes to other cell
sites; Syntheses membrane

Ribosomes Attached to membrane Synthesize proteins

systems or scattered in the
Chromatin Dispersed in the Nucleus Contains DNA, coils during

Peroxisomes Scattered in cytoplasm Detoxify alcohol, hydrogen

peroxide, etc.

Inclusions Dispersed in cytoplasm Provide nutrients, represent

cell waste, stored products,

*Written in RED are my answers.

2. Using the following list of terms, correctly label all cell parts indicated by leader lines in
the figure bellow. Then select different colors for each structure and use them to color
the coding circles and the corresponding structures in the illustration.

Plasma Membrane


Chromatin thread(s)

Golgi Apparatus


Nuclear Membrane


Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Nucleolus Nuclear Membrane

Chromatin thread
Smooth Endoplasmic
Centrioles Reticulum (ER)


Golgi Apparatus

Mitochondrion Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Plasma Membrane
Name: NACASI, SHIELA B.___ Date Performed: ____________

Course & Year: BSA-IV___ Date Submitted: ____________

Instructor: MS. GERALDIN FAILON___

Experiment No. 5


1. Identify substances as acid or base with the use of pH meter and litmus paper.
2. Differentiate acid from base


Vinegar Calamansi juice

Shampoo Salt solution

Conditioner Dishwashing liquid

Soda drinks Tooth paste

Ammonia pH meter

Litmus Paper Watch glass

Test tube Fabric conditioner


1. With the use of pH paper, determine and record the pH of each substance. Follow the
accompanying guide in the proper used of the pH meter.

2. Dip parts of the blue and red litmus paper on each substance. Observe and record the
resulting color
Data and Results

Substances pH Meter Blue Litmus paper Red Litmus Paper

Turned into Turned into
Vinegar 2.9 Red color No changes in color

Shampoo 5.5 Red color No changes in color

Dishwashing liquid 7.0 Blue color Dark blue color

Conditioner 7.5 Red color No changes in color

Soda drink 3.0 Red color No changes in color

Calamansi juice 2.2 Dark red No changes in color

Tooth paste 8.0 Red color No changes in color

Ammonia 12.5 No changes in color Blue color

Salt solution 7.0 No changes in color No changes in color

Fabric conditioner 7.0 Red color No changes in color


1. Based on you result, group the acidic and basic substances

a) From you list, identify which of the two types of specific substances being
compared is more acidic or more basic.

Calamansi juice has a pH falling between 2 and 3, which makes it 10,000–100,000 times more
acidic compared to water. Ammonia has pH of 12.5 which makes it more basic.

b) What is pH scale?

A solution's pH will be a number between 0 and 14. A solution with a pH of 7 is classified as

neutral. If the pH is lower than 7, the solution is acidic. When pH is higher than 7, the solution is
basic. These numbers describe the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution and increase
on a negative logarithmic scale.
If pH < 7, then the solution is acidic.

If pH = 7, then the solution is neutral.

If pH > 7, then the solution is basic.

c) Differentiate acid and bases.

Acids are chemical compounds that act as proton donors and can be easily recognized due to
the possession of a releasable H+ ion. Bases are chemical compounds that act as proton
acceptors and can be easily recognized in most cases, (inorganic bases) due to its possession of
a releasable OH– ion. The main difference between acid and base is that acids act as proton
donors whereas base act as proton acceptors. Upon the reaction of acids and bases in
solutions, the H+ ions are neutralized by OH– ions, and they form water molecules together. And
their ionic counterparts get together to form salts.

d) What will happen if normal pH of certain substances in the body and in the
environment will be changed? Cite two specific examples.

The human body is designed to maintain a very delicate pH balance in its fluids, tissues and
systems. When these fluids are maintained within a narrow pH range of 7.35 to 7.45, our body’s
immune system is operating in optimal conditions and is able to fight off illness and disease.
Over acidification of the body, on the other hand, is a dangerous condition that weakens all
body systems, and can give rise to an internal environment conducive to disease and even

If the pH of water is too high or too low, the aquatic organisms living within it will die. pH can
also affect the solubility and toxicity of chemicals and heavy metals in the water. The majority
of aquatic creatures prefer a pH range of 6.5-9.0, though some can live in water with pH levels
outside of this range.
Name: NACASI, SHIELA B.___ Date Performed: ____________

Course & Year: BSA-IV___ Date Submitted: ____________

Instructor: MS. GERALDIN FAILON___

Experiment No. 6

1. Test the essence of sugar and starch with the use of chemical reagents.


A slice of raw pork and beef Banana (raw and ripped)

Benedict’s solution Iodine solution

Test tubes Test tube rack

Dropper Water bath

Hot plate Sprite/7 up

Distilled water


A. Testing for the presence of sugar

Benedict’s solution is a chemical used to test for the presence of glucose. It is clear blue
solution, which in the presence of sugar will change color to green, yellow and brick red
depending on the amount of sugar. Brick red color indicates that the substance tested
has more sugar and green has the least sugar.

1. Mix sugar with distilled water in a test tube. Add 10 drops of Benedict’s solution.

2. Using two brands of clear white cola (sprite or 7 up) put equal amount of cola separately
in two test tubes. Then add 10 drops of Benedict’s solution.
3. Get one raw banana and two ripe bananas different types. Cut the same size and
thickness of banana. Mash the banana and place them separately into test tubes. Add
30 drops of distilled water and 10 drops of Benedict’s solution into each test tube. Make
sure all test tubes are properly labeled.

4. Put all test tubes in a water bath and slowly heat for about 5 minutes.

B. Test for the presence of starch

Iodine solution is used to test for the presence of starch. It is a yellow-brown solution
that will turn to blue-black in the presence of starch. Darker blue-black color indicates
greater starch content present.

1. Put small amount of distilled water in a test tube and add 3 drops of iodine solution.
Observe the color.

2. Put the same amount of distilled water 30 drops into six test tubes. Then in test tube 1
add starch powder, in test tube 2 small piece of bread, in test tube 3 small slice of raw
pork, in test tube 4 small slice of raw beef, in test tube 5 small slice of raw banana and in
test tube 6 small slice of ripe banana. Shake the test tube slowly and add three (3) drops
of iodine solution. Observe the resulting color each of the food substances tested.

a) Which has the darkest bluish-black color?

An iodine with bread substance has the darkest bluish-black color

b) Which does not have a resulting bluish-black color?

A solution with raw banana substance doesn’t have resulting bluish-black
color, same with distilled water

c) What do the resulting color indicate?

Darker bluish-black color indicates greater starch content present
Data and Results


Blue Yellow Protein
Red Yellow Glucose
Blue Black Starch

A. Test for Sugar

Substances Benedict’s Solution

Protein Blue
Sucrose Blue
Glucose Red
Starch Blue
Water Blue

B. Test for Starch

Substances Iodine’s Solution

Protein Yellow
Sucrose Yellow
Glucose Yellow
Starch Bluish-black
Water Yellow


1. What is the resulting color in the sugar solution?

In sugar solution, the color turned into yellow

2. Which of the two cola drinks contain more sugar? Justify your answer
Sprite contain more sugar than 7-up

3. Which among the banana is the sweetest? Justify your answer

The ripe banana is the sweetest. The solution turned into red color which indicates
that the ripe banana has a greater content sugar (glucose) content compare to raw
4. What is the role of sugar in the organism’s body?
Sugar is an important source of energy to the human body. It is a carbohydrate, which
is the most essential fuel for the brain, and it provides the body with the energy
needed for various other organs to function.

Sugar provides energy to your muscles and acts as a source of energy for your brain
and nervous system. You also need sugar because it helps metabolize fats and
prevents your body from using protein as energy. Blood sugar -- called blood glucose --
gets broken down in a series of chemical reactions that create energy, which fuels
your cells. A hormone called insulin is involved in the process, too -- it's released when
you eat sugar and tells your cells to absorb the glucose so they can use it as a source of

5. Which has the darkest bluish-black color?

Ripe banana has the darkest bluish color

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