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Feldman 1!

Kelsey Feldman

Professor Granillo

English 103

31 January 2019

Self Reflection

This project was especially fun for me as a creative person. I had never used Prezzi

before so I was very excited to start. I think some of my strengths when creating this project are

the fact that I am able to re-think my old paper with a new perspective that I’ve gained since the

beginning of the semester. I feel like since the beginning of the five weeks I have grown so much

as a writer, that now as I re-asses I am seeing things in a way in witch I had not before.

As a creative person I had no issues coming up with an idea for the multimodal argument.

I would actually say I prefer it versus a linguistic argument as I have more opportunities to

showcase creativity and actually speak. When I have to write and type, sometimes I feel like I am

not able to get my words out as clear and concise as I would like. So, writing out the script for

my video was great because I could write how I actually speak and then do a voice over!

I hope to use everything I have accomplished in this class to launch me into my career

more professionally. I have to do lots of writing in my current job as a teacher and as I move

further into my second major, I am going to have to be doing a lot of writing as well. I think all

of the things I have learned in this class have made me an extraordinarily better writer as I had

never before received an “A” on a college paper. My confidence has gone through the roof and I

will no longer be afraid when having to write a professional piece either for school or work.
Feldman 2!

Works Cited

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Publisher, Publication date, location. Title of Container 2, Other contributors, Version,

Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.

Author Last, First. Title of Source. Title of Container 1, Other contributors, Version, Number,

Publisher, Publication date, location. Title of Container 2, Other contributors, Version,

Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.

Feldman 3!

Author Last, First. Title of Source. Title of Container 1, Other contributors, Version, Number,

Publisher, Publication date, location. Title of Container 2, Other contributors, Version,

Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.

Author Last, First. Title of Source. Title of Container 1, Other contributors, Version, Number,

Publisher, Publication date, location. Title of Container 2, Other contributors, Version,

Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.

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