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A. Summary: Color Psychology talks about the psychological impact that color
has on human feelings and reactions (Kalia 106). Colors are suspected to trigger certain
emotions and that’s why public spaces use light and colors that pertain to their aesthetic.
Warm colors usually make a person feel welcomed and happy, it creates a comfortable
atmosphere with a sense of friendliness.
D. THESIS STATEMENT: Amazon’s “Lion” commercial claims that they have
a fast and reliable service that can bring any family together through by heavily playing
off pathos and ethos through the Color Theory. Though, a clever way to advertise, the
company has committed to the fallacy of “appeal to emotion.” The lack in logos creates
the appeal to emotion fallacy, and this damages their credibility. This deceives the
viewers by using an emotion appeal through bright, warm colors, to persuade their
viewers to purchase their product.
Topic Sentence: Color psychology plays off the psychological reactions of
a person, which is why public spaces have color schemes. It is to set the tone and mood
of the public space. (Kalia 106). Warm colors create a sense of warm greeting, friendship,
and warm atmosphere (Pile,J, 1997).
1. Evidence: a scene (00:00:39-53) the warm toned colors set the mood
2. Analysis: In this scene, Amazon has used warm colors to create a
warm and happy atmosphere. Intertwining a happy family as well sets a
welcoming feeling.
3. Warrant: Unknowingly, most people are unaware of the effects the
color has, yet still can be heavily influenced. Amazon takes advantage
of this happy, warm setting to create a positive message with a positive
influence when persuading the audience.
Topic Sentence: Color and light are major factors in man made
environments; and there is no doubt that they have a strong influence on psychological
and physiological well-being (Mahnke, F, 1993). A person is more likely to feel cheerful
on a sunny day than on a gloomy and rainy day.
1. Evidence: The whole commercial
2. Analysis: This commercial not only has warm colors, but its in a bright
and spacious room, which set the mood of cozy and happy. Warm toned colors and bright
places are more likely to provoke happiness and comfort compared to a dark, crammed
3. Warrant: With the bright space and light, warm colors, it creates a warm
comfort. The company uses this to their advantage and appealing to the ethics of families
and friends. By using an animal, they’re able to produce happiness with the combination
of colors and light, and togetherness through the family.

A. Re-stated Thesis: Amazon’s commercial “Lion” provokes positive emotions
through their family values and color psychology by providing an open, bright space with
warm colors.
B. A couple of colors that have been used in this commercial were oranges and
yellows with the neutral color white to dull out the warmness. This works with the ethos,
pathos, and logos in the commercial to persuade the audience to use their service by
showing a happy family coming together.
C. Reflection/Call for action: Amazon successfully executed this commercial
from the lyrics in the song to the warmth in family values. However, the fallacy, appeal
to emotion, adverts the eyes away from the evidence, logos, that could support the
commercial, which could be deceiving. Overall, the rhetoric that Amazon has used to
promote their company proved to be effective through their strong emotional appeals and
color choices.

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