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Annotated Bibliography

2002, prfan. “Amazon Japan Dog to Lion Full Commercial.” YouTube, YouTube, 11 Oct. 2016,

This is the Amazon Prime commercial that was originally meant for Japan, but since it touched

many hearts, was shown in the US and has gone viral online as well.

“Asking the Right Questions .” Asking the Right Questions , by Neil M. Browne and Stuart M.

Keeley, 12th ed., Pearson, 2018, p. 78.

Page 78 is where I found the quote for the "Appeal to Emotion Fallacy" which is prominent in

the Amazon commercial. Appealing to emotion takes away from the logical evidence that

an advertisement provides to the audience and the commercial Amazon Prime lacks that


Kalia, Soma. “PDF.” International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology,


This is the PDF that I gathered my information about Color Psychology from. It talks about

warm tone colors and how they affect emotions along with cool tones and neutrals. It

connects with the commercial because of the tone it sets for the commercial. Through this

commercial, yellow, orange, and white were needed in creating that home environment.

Yellow and orange were diluted by the white but still served purpose.
Scott 2

School of Liberal Arts. “The Rhetorical Triangle: Understanding and Using Logos, Ethos, and

Pathos.” School of Liberal Arts,

This is where I found information on the Greek Triangle. It was essential to this rhetorical

analysis because of the heavy use of ethos and pathos in the commercial. It connects to the

feelings provoked by Color Psychology as well.

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