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Expressing promise

Read these conversations and answer the questions

a. Situation : This morning when Ani entered the living room she found her favorite vase broken.
She asked Nancy and Gery about it.
Ani : Wow, my favotite vase has broken. Who has done it Nancy ?
Nancy : Are you accusing me ?
Ani : No, I’m just asking you
Nancy : How about asking Gery ?
Ani : Gery, did you break my vase ?
Gery : Yes, but I did it accidentally. Sorry, it’s my fault. But don’t worry, I’ll buy a new one for
Ani : Alright, but I want the similar one
Gery : O.K. I promise

1. Whose vase has broken ?

2. Did Nancy break the vase ?
3. Who broke the vase ?
4. Did he do it on purpose ?
5. What did he promise to Ani ?

b. Situation : Nina’s computer is out of order. She wonders who has done it
Nina : My computer is out of order it doesn’t work who has done it ?
Popy : I have no idea
Nina : But you often play with it
Popy : I just play with it not break it
Nina : Right, but you are the only one who could have done it

1. How many persons are there in the dialogue ?

2. Why does Nina’s computer not work ?
3. Who often plays with the computer ?
4. Is it possible that she made it out of order ?
5. Did she confess to make it out of order ?

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