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Session Title: “Laro Ko, Aral Mo”

Duration: 4 hours

Target Participants: TVL teachers (76 pax)

Link to the Previous Session/Topic:

Link to the Next Session/Topic:

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify power point menu and its functions.

2. Utilize power point as interactive tool in making their activities.
3. Appreciate the use of power point in presenting their lesson.

Key Understanding:

Participants will be able to prepare interactive game using power point to entice students’


Tools / Materials / Resources: Laptop, Desktop, LCD Projector, Manila Paper, Pentel Pen

Methodology: Lecture and Demonstration


Workshop is given to the participants following the given procedures.

1. Participants are divided into 5 groups. Distribute a strips where different procedures are given
for them to follow. As a group, they should come up with an output using a Manila Paper.
2. The Group representative will report the output ( 5 minutes per group)


1. How did you find the activity? Why?

2. How was your group able to prepare the output?
3. Did your group find difficulty in coming up with the group output? Why or Why not?
4. What insights did you gain from these activity?


1. Present the tips in creating power point presentation.

2. Discuss the commonly used Menu on the power point application.
3. Show and demonstrate on how to create digitize games using power point.
4. Respond to participants’ concerns or request an expert to answer.

1. Create their own power point presentation per specialization using any samples presented.


“Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers is

George Courus

Prepared by:

Jim Balangcod

Eugene Espiritu

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