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2) United States Patent oy ow fo) 3) os) (2) (58) Tucker METHOD FOR REMOVING. CONTAMINANTS FROM CANNABINOID DISTILLATES Applicant: ME MORPHIC ALCHEMY & DISTILLATIONS, INC., Hayfork, CA (Ws) Inventor. Gary Tucker, Haylork, CA (US) Assignee) METAMORPHIC ALCHEMY & DISTILLATIONS, INC., Hayfork, CA ws) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the teem ofthis pateat is extended of adjusted under 35 USC. 15446) by 0 days. days Appl. Noz 18/688,713 Filed: Aug. 28, 2017 Related U.S. Applicator Continuation-in-part of application No, 15/477,668, filed on Ape. 3, 2017, now Pat No, 9,748,200, which is 8 continuation-in-part of application No. 15/410,288, filed on Jaa, 19, 2017, now Pat, No, 9,649,349. Data Im. Cl, AGIK 36/00 (2006.01) Bo. 3700 (2006.01) AOIN 6304 (2006.01) A231 33/105 (201601) a. BOLD 3/001 (2013.01): AOIN 63/04 (2013.01), A23L 39/208 (2016.08); 461K AGIK 36100 ‘US0099S6498B1 US 9,956,498 BI May 1, 2018 (10) Patent No.: (4s) Date of Patent: usre ‘Se application file for complet a24i72s earl history 66) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS. 909s.sss e+ 2oueis2aoot Al 2015. Winnick 112016 Lewis eta AsiK 91127 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ca. DoULIG# AL S018 * cited by examiner Michael V Meller ARC IP Law, PC (74) Attorney, Agent, oF Firm Joseph J. Mayo on al RACT A metho for removing contaminants sich as pesticides and fungicides from cannabinoid extracts. Cannabinoid extracts containing contaminants may be dissolved in a water and ethanol solution, and then cooled 10 allow water-soluble contaminants to settle out of the mixture. ‘The water and ethan may then he removed via evaporation or dsilation, leaving purified cannabinoids withott contaminants. Con ‘aminant removal may be ineorporated into a method for producing a blended extract of cannabinoids and terpenes, Which extricis terpenes using supercritical CO2, and extracts a cannabinoid concentrate from the residual mate- Fal using a cold ethanol fush followed by distillation and then by contaminant removal; the CO2-extrictd terpenes are then added boc to the purified cannabinoid concentrate jn a final blending step. Blending terpenes at the end of extraction may’ enhance the favor and effectiveness of the purified cannabinoid concentrate. 6 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets US 9,956,498 BL Sheet 1 of 12 May 1, 2018 U.S. Patent ‘SpIOUIGeUUED peoueyug-auadio, puarg ‘Avanooey ow wosigeuueg jouewg rouse Zob bold {to sudo. uoyoexg ZOO. ai + sol TuEEN Suu siqeuueg Veo U.S. Patent May 1, 2018 Sheet 2 of 12 US 9,956,498 B1 10 we FIG. 2 . I Naadee or : 02 Desired WeNeeded or : ne ‘Grind Ready \’ 202 Material Sticks / Stoms / ‘Stalks Ground7 Sifted Material ‘naterial Loaded to CO2 Systeny 1036 TTeroene 104 ‘Dry Plant waste’ | 220 Disposal / | 5 Compost x Watera™\¢ (Soaked Pam) [Cannabinoid ] 2080 Bry / Bag Material erpene Ethanol |-7 \ 2056 2058 = Ethanol Recovery 108a- Prant Concentrate Ol

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