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Seawater is extracted from the Atlantic coast, in the open sea, between the first and third

nautical mile, taking into account all the necessary precautions to guarantee its

maximum purity.

It also has different stages of filtering. The first stage consists of a decanting process in

order to remove solid particles in suspension. The second, the water is filtered through a

fine mesh to finish removing the small particles that may have remained after the

decanting process.

What is sea water?

It is the organic, bioavailable and alkaline antioxidant par excellence. It is also highly

moisturizing and nourishing with all existing minerals and with a salt concentration of

almost 36g / 1L.

It is the "marine soup" where the first cell originated. It contains, at present, the same

components that made it possible in its origins, 3,800 million years ago, that is; nucleic

acids, DNA, essential amino acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, all the minerals of the

periodic table and vitamins, in addition to phyto and zooplankton.

René Quinton French scientist, creator of the work "Seawater, organic medium",

discovered that all vertebrates, including humans, we are in 70% of our volume isotonic
seawater in a concentration of 9g of salts per 1L . Tears, sweat, blood, excretions and

secretions are "salty."

Our organism is like a big fish tank, whose little fish -the cells- live in a medium that is

seawater, and the health of these fish will depend on the quality of that seawater. " Rene


Benefits of Seawater

Sea water bases its curative and preventive power on three axes that move in a balanced

way thanks to the information provided by the innate wisdom of marine DNA.

• Hydro-electrolytic recharge. It rehydrates at the same time that it supplies all of the

purest and most organic minerals (electrolytes) in an easily assimilable organic form.

• Rebalance of enzyme function. For the repair that governs the DNA and the

consequent health.

• Cell regeneration. The sea water supplies the cells with the essential elements for their

proper functioning, with which the organism returns to the homeostatic equilibrium.

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