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These are all good suggestions.

I would like to say though that there a wide range of third

party VU meters out there and some of the well known ones such as Klanghelm especially
with all their Version 2 VUMT stuff these meters have gone from great to really great now.

The Presonus meters are functional. I like using the Presonus meters in K System mode.
They perform pretty well for a VU meter in this mode. Keeping track of VU levels or rms
levels at various points in your system. There is enough information in the normal peak/rms
mode to see if transient peaks are clipping anywhere.

I did find that Studio One records 3 dB lower than 0 dB FS with a test I did the other day. I
think it is a good thing building in 3 db of extra room for safety reasons and I like it. The
input meters are interesting to watch and they also are shy 3 dB of the 0 dB FS line. They
are different again to the Presonus meters in K mode. They tend to respond faster overall.
Quite a different ballistic to the Presonus level meter.

I would like the add-on Presonus VU meter to include all the K levels as well such as K-14
and K-20. Currently the ref levels are -18 and -12. The ballistic of the Presonus add-on VU
meter is not great compared to some third party meters. The built in Presonus level bar
graph meter has quite a nice ballistic in K mode.

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