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Woedys change by phows fe 4[3[46 Tellow errate DECONSTRUCTING HARRY EXT. NORMAN AND LESLIE’S COUNTRY HOUSE - DAY OPEN at the country house. Ideal location would be a few acres with a pond and a house with picture windows so one can be inside and have a nice view of the front lawn that leads quickly to the pond or small lake. Some folks are barbecuing down by the water’s edge and we pick up general ad-libbing. stuff like: Who wants chicken and who wants hot dogs? Be careful -- did you put on sun block? It’s smoking, don’t put so much fluid on. Etc. LESLIE (ad-lib; a pretty blonde in her late twenties or early to mid to late thirties, the hostess) I can’t get the fire started. NORMAN (her husband, a doctor) Let me... LESLIE Norman‘s the barbecuer in this family. I can only cook indoors over a good stove and then only pasta The conversation is basically ad-lib to clarify the relationships for the audience and should overlap and run together not sticking religiously to my words. NORMAN (ne says to his sister-in- law, Janet, who is a year or two older than Leslie) I’m always afraid your sister will burn down the house and start a major forest fire ... JANET Dad, you want chicken or meat? JANET’S DAD (sitting in lounge chair with magazine) Chicken is fine. This is a brilliant article. (MORE) JANET’S DAD (contd) (calling to Norman) Did you read Ken’s article on China? JANET’S NOM (also lounging) Where is Ken? JANET He’s inside watching the Yankee game. NORMAN = (good naturedly) Your husband -- drives up for a day in the beautiful country -- goes directly for the television set -- JANET (calling) Ken! C/mon! Ken -- KEN (appears at screen door) Two more outs -- three minutes -- LESLIE Dad, you want a drink? You want some wine, Mom? JANET’S MOM Grandma seems in good spirits. She was her usual self in the car up. NORMAN (to his wife, Leslie) I think everybody’s dying for a little libation. Leslie, make some of your famous Stoly Martinis. Leslie goes toward house. JANET’S MoM When are you and Ken going to have a child? why should your sister have such a head start? JANET Let Leslie practice the viola six hours a day -- then it’s not so easy. More ad-libbing as the barbecue flairs.

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