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“A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, But the simple pass on and are
punished” (Proverbs 22:3 NKJV).

S uccess can be defined as the ability to minimize your errors. The virtue that
imparts this ability is prudence. Prudence is practical wisdom that is applicable
everyday and every time. With it, you make wise choices and wise decisions. It ensures
that you make fewer mistakes in your life by guiding you to make right choices. With this
virtue, you’ll never be financially bankrupt. You’ll always get things right the first time
you do them.
A prudent person is someone who is marked by sound judgment. If God endows
you with prudence, others will take notice that you have such a virtue. When Job was in
great distress, everybody who came to see him reminded him of his suffering. His wife
advised him to curse God and die, but Job, standing his ground said, “…the counsel of
the wicked is far from me” (Job 21:16). Job was able to stand his ground because he
refused the wrong counsel.
What people need today to strengthen the virtue of prudence is the counsel of God’s
Word; nothing else can replace it. It’s the only correct answer to every human need or
desire. “The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh
knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15). You must make personal efforts to study God’s Word.
This way, your paths in life will be directed by the Word of God. This is what will guide
you into making the right decisions.


F U RT H E R S T U DY : P ROV E R B S 14:8; P ROV E R B S 19:20-21.

Rhapsody of Realities Topical Compendium Vol.2  464 

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