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Addis Ababa and its development

Addis Ababa is a city which has developed very quickly.

There are now many large buildings like Africa Hall and wide
But it still has some of the characteristics that we shall read
about in this passage written by C.F.rey, a visitor about fifty
years ago.
The houses with their metal roofs shining in the sun between the
dense eucalyptuses woods are still part of Addis Ababa.
The traveler’s first distant glimpses of Addis Ababa are very
The road winds upwards towards the city and the woods are
very large and very dense.
At first, it seems to be all forest but nearer the town the houses
begin to stand out amongst the trees.
The rays of the sun sparkle and glitter on the metal roofs and the
white washed walls.
Avery extensive town stands among the foliage.
The traveller gets nearer and nearer, the place begins to take
shape, the few white walls are like islands in a sea of smaller
brown buildings.
Two large buildings on higher ground and the rest stand out
from the large number of houses and huts in the woods.
Addis Ababa is like no other African town that I have seen.
It has beauty and ugliness, it shows signs of modern progressive
efforts, and UN development.
Its mixture of trees and half made streets makes a picture of
Many of the roads and streets are mainly loose rocks and
earth most of the roads are very wide.
The trees everywhere are in leaf all the year.
High banked rivers and watercourses intersect the town in every
These unusual and pleasant features have made Addis Ababa a
fascinating town.

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