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L FACTOR Espesor Peso
5 25 0.2 300

L FACTOR Espesor Base Peralte
Viga Principal 5 12 0.42 0.25 0.5
Viga Secudanria 5 14 0.36 0.25 0.4


DESCRIPCION 5 4 3 2 1 S/Parcial Sumatoria

Losa 300 300 300 300 300 1500
Acabado 100 100 100 100 100 500
Viga 100 100 100 100 100 500 3450
Columna 60 60 60 60 60 300
Muros 100 100 150 150 150 650
S/C 150 300 300 300 300 1350 1350
4800 kG/m2

Tipo C1 N P
Columna interior
(para los primeros pisos) 0.3 1.1
Tipo C1 N P
Columna interior
(para los 4 últimos pisos 0.25 1.1
Columnas externas de pórticos N P
Tipo C2, C3
interiores 0.25 1.25
Tipo C4 Columnas de esquinas
0.2 1.5


C1 4800 kG/m2 25.00 m2 120000 kG 0.3 1.1 132000 63 2095.2381
C2 4800 kG/m2 12.50 m2 60000 kG 0.25 1.25 75000 52.5 1428.5714
C3 4800 kG/m2 12.50 m2 60000 kG 0.25 1.25 75000 52.5 1428.5714
C4 4800 kG/m2 6.25 m2 30000 kG 0.2 1.5 45000 42 1071.4286

C1 45 46.56085 45 X 45 cm
C2 40 35.71429 40 X 40 cm
C3 40 35.71429 40 X 40 cm
C4 30 35.71429 35 X 35 cm
Unique Load FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
Story Joint Label
Name Case/Combo
tonf tonf tonf tonf-m tonf-m tonf-m
Base 1 6 U 0 0 96.502 0 0 0
Base 2 12 U 0 0.8447 52.292 -0.8231 0 0
Base 3 18 U 0 -0.8447 52.292 0.8231 0 0
Base 4 24 U 0.9753 0 52.549 0 0.9503 0
Base 6 36 U 0.5409 0.5095 31.631 -0.4964 0.5271 0
Base 7 42 U -0.5409 0.5095 31.631 -0.4964 -0.5271 0
Base 8 48 U -0.5409 -0.5095 31.631 0.4964 -0.5271 0
Base 9 61 U 0.5409 -0.5095 31.631 0.4964 0.5271 0
Base 10 60 U -0.9753 0 52.549 0 -0.9503 0

Unique Load FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
Story Joint Label
Name Case/Combo
tonf tonf tonf tonf-m tonf-m tonf-m
Base 1 6 S 0 0 64.606 0 0 0
Base 2 12 S 0 0.5573 35.410 -0.5431 0 0
Base 3 18 S 0 -0.5573 35.410 0.5431 0 0
Base 4 24 S 0.6437 0 35.507 0 0.6272 0
Base 6 36 S 0.3612 0.3395 21.642 -0.3308 0.3519 0
Base 7 42 S -0.3612 0.3395 21.642 -0.3308 -0.3519 0
Base 8 48 S -0.3612 -0.3395 21.642 0.3308 -0.3519 0
Base 9 61 S 0.3612 -0.3395 21.642 0.3308 0.3519 0
Base 10 60 S -0.6437 0 35.507 0 -0.6272 0

Ps= 31.6311 Tn b1= 0.40 m mv= 0.002 m2/Kgf. f'c= 21 Mpa.
Mx= -0.4964 Tn.m b2= 0.40 m μ= 0.3 fy 420 Mpa.
My= 0.5271 Tn.m λ= 1
Qadm= 15 Tn/m2 Origen Roca= 3600
C= 1 m.
Hzapata= 0.65 m.
r= 0.075 m.

Mr= 0.724 Tn.m Es= 500 Kgf/m2
d= 0.575 m. KL= 261.643 Kgf/m3
e= 0.023 m. f= 1
B= 1.7 m. K= 0.391 Tn/m3
B= 0.65 m Ic= 0.002 m4
L= 1.7 m. Ec= 1665185 Tn/m2

T= 17.183 Tn.


Qmáx= 10.946 Tn/m2

Qmín= 10.944 Tn/m2
Presion Admisible
Qmáx≤Qamd CUMPLE
Qmín> 0 CUMPLE
Qu-máx= 14.777 Tn/m2
Qu-mín= 14.774 Tn/m2
Pu= 42.70199 Tn.
Qu,d/2= 14.776 Tn/m2
λ(concreto)= 1
αs= 30
b0= 2.35 m.
Vud= 32.797 Tn.
Φv,Vc= 236.852 Tn.
Φv,Vc= 360.041 Tn.
Φv,Vc= 204.343 Tn.
Vud ≤ Φv,Vc=CUMPLE


Lv= 1.3 m

Mu= 11.49688 Tn.m
As= 5.326 cm2
Asmín= 26.663 cm2
Diseño As= 26.663 cm2
Verifiacion Longitudinal
ρ= 0.0027
Φf,Mn 54.73003 Tn.m
Mu= 11.49688 Tn.m
As= 5.326 cm2
Asmín= 26.663 cm2
Diseño As= 26.663 cm2
Verifiacion Transversal
ρ= 0.0027
Φf,Mn= 54.73003 Tn/m2

Mu= 10.821
As= 5.011
Asmín= 26.663
Diseño As= 26.663
Verifiacion Transversal
ρ= 0.0027
Φf,Mn= 54.73003

A= 3.75 m a1 = 1.65 m P= 96.50 ton.

B= 3.75 m a2 = 1.65 m Vx = 0.00 ton.
a (C1)= 0.45 m b1 = 1.65 m Mx = 0.00 ton-m
b (C2)= 0.45 m b2 = 1.65 m Vy = 0.00 ton.
h= 0.60 m a3 = 0.00 m My = 0.00 ton-m
Df = 1.20 m b3 = 0.00 m
h´= 0.10 m
recubrimiento r = 5.0 cm. fac. de carga Fc = 1.4 carga qa = 10.0 ton/m2 acero de ref. fy = 4200 kg/cm2
Relleno s = 2.12 ton/m3 concreto f'c = 250 kg/cm2
zona sismica = si

f*c = 0.8 f'c f*c = 200 kg/cm2

f''c = 0.85 f*c f''c = 170 kg/cm2

f *c
1  0.85ó1.05 1= 0.85
0 .7 f ' c = 0.002635
 min  min

f ' ' c 6000  1
b  x b = 0.02024
fy 6000  fy
max = 0.01518

Peso de la estructura

zapata = A x B x h x 2.40 = =
20.2500 ton.
dado = a x b x ( Df - h + h´) x 2.40 = =0.340 ton.
relleno = [( A x B ) - ( a x b ) ] x ( Df - h ) x γs = 17.63 ton. Peso cim.= 38.22 ton.
P = = 96.50 ton.
PT = 134.72172 ton.
Momentos en dirección X

zapata = 20.25 x 1.88 = 37.97 ton-m

dado = 0.34 x 1.88 = 0.64 ton-m
relleno = 17.63 x 1.88 = 33.06 ton-m
P = 96.50 x 1.88 = 180.94 ton-m
MRY = 252.60 ton-m
Momentos en dirección Y

zapata = 20.25 x 1.88 = 37.96875 ton-m

dado = 0.34 x 1.88 = 0.637875 ton-m
relleno = 17.63 x 1.88 = 33.056100 ton-m
P = 96.50 x 1.88 = 180.940500 ton-m
MRX = 252.60323 ton-m
Revisión de la estabilidad

MVX = MY+ VX(Df+h´) MVX = 0.00 ton-m

Momentos de volteo
MVY = MX+ VY(Df+h´) MVY = 0.00 ton-m

Mex = MRY Mex = 252.60 ton-m

Momentos de equilibrio
Mey = MRX Mey = 252.60 ton-m

Esfuerzos de contacto sobre el suelo.

Propiedades de la zapata
AR = A x B AR = 14.063 m2

AB 3 m4
AB 2 m3
IX  = 16.479 SX  = 8.789
12 6
BA 3 = 16.479 m4 BA 2 = 8.789 m3
IY  SY 
12 6
Esfuerzo Maximo

Momento total alrededor de X

M ' x  M vy  P b3   0.000 ton-m

Momento total alrededor de Y

M ' y  M vx  Pa3   0.000 ton-m

PT M' y M' x
q1   (A/ 2)  (B / 2)  9.580 ton/m2
AR Iy Ix
P M' y M' x
q2  T  ( A/ 2)  (B / 2)  9.580 ton/m2
AR Iy Ix
PT M' y M' x ton/m2
q3   (A/ 2)  (B/ 2)  9.580
AR Iy Ix
P M' y M' x ton/m2
qc  T  (A/ 2)  (B / 2)  9.580
AR Iy Ix
q máx.= 9.58 ton/m2 < qadm = 10.00 ton/m2

q min.= 9.580 ton/m2 No hay tensiones

Los esfuerzos serán los siguientes:

PT M ' x M' y
qa   ( y)  ( A / 2) q a= 9.58 ton/m2
AR 7 Ix Iy
PT M ' x M' y q b= ton/m2
qb   ( y)  ( A / 2) 9.58
AR Ix Iy
P M'x M' y ton/m2
qc  T  ( B / 2)  ( x) q c= 9.58
AR Ix Iy

PT M ' x M' y
qd   ( B / 2)  ( x)
AR Ix Iy
PT M ' x M' y q d= 9.58 ton/m2
qd   ( B / 2)  ( x)
AR Ix Iy
Si consideramos para diseño un ancho unitario de 1.0 mts.

Peso de relleno w = ( Df - h ) x γs x 1.0 = 1.272 ton/m

Peso de zapata w = h x 2.40 x 1.0 = 1.44 ton/m
peso total wt = 2.712 ton/m

Diseño a lo largo del eje X

Interpolando el esfuerzo al paño de la columna en el plano a-b
q1(a-b) = 9.580 ton/m2
a1 a a2 h'
q2 (a-b) = 9.580 ton/m2
q3 (a-b) = 9.580 ton/m
q4 (a-b) = 9.580 ton/m2
Momentos en los paños (puntos 2 y 3)
Mp2 = 9.3494 ton-m Df d d
Mp3 = 9.349 ton-m
Cortantes a un peralte del paños (puntos 1 y 4)
Vp1 = 7.555 t
Vp4 = 7.555 t

Se tomaran los elementos mécanicos mayores q3 q4

qa q2
Mp = 9.349 ton-m Mpu = Mp x Fc Mpu = 13.089 ton-m
Vp = 7.555 ton
Vpu = Vp x Fc Vpu = 10.577 ton

si tenemos que: b= 100 cm FR = 0.9 para flexión
d= 55 cm
h= 60 cm
f ''c  2Mpu 
 1  1   ρ= 0.00116
fy  FRbd 2 f ' ' c 
ρmaxmin entonces ρ = 0.002635 0.00116

As = rbd As = 14.49 cm2/m

se propone usar varillas # 5 Av = 1.98 cm2

100 Av
S  S= 13.7 cm
usar varillas del # 4 @ 20 cm
Cortante por tensión diagonal

Vcr  FRbd.(0.2  20). f *C Vcr  0 . 5 F R bd . f *C
100 Av
As  As = 9.9 cm2/m
As ρ = 0.0017994
 
Vcr = 14684 kg
Vcr = 14.684 ton > Vpu = 10.577 Ok

Diseño a lo largo del eje Y

Interpolando el esfuerzo al paño de la columna en el plano c-d
q1(c-d) = 9.580 ton/m2
b1 b b2 h'
q2 (c-d) = 9.580 ton/m2
q3 (c-d) = 9.580 ton/m2
q4 (c-d) = 9.580 ton/m2
Momentos en los paños (puntos 2 y 3)
Mp2 = 9.35 ton-m Df d d
Mp3 = 9.35 ton-m
Cortantes a un peralte del paño (puntos 1 y 4)
Vp1 = 7.555 t
Vp4 = 7.555 t

Se tomaran los elementos mécanicos mayores q3 q4

qc q2
Mp = 9.349 ton-m Mpu = Mp x Fc Mpu = 13.089 ton-m
Vp = 7.555 ton
Vpu = Vp x Fc Vpu = 10.577 ton

si tenemos que: b= 100 cm FR = 0.9 para flexión
d= 55 cm
h= 60 cm

f ''c  2Mpu 
 1  1   ρ= 0.00116
fy  FRbd 2 f ' ' c 
ρmaxmin entonces ρ = 0.002635 0.00116

As = rbd As = 14.49 cm2/m

se propone usar varillas # 4 Av = 1.27 cm2

100 Av
S  S= 8.7 cm
usar varillas del # 4 @ 20 cm
Diseño de Viga de Cimentacion
fc' = 3 ksi 210 KG/CM2
fy = 60 ksi
BC = 4.4092 Ksf
Tamaño of Column A (c1xc2) = 17.72 x 17.72 45 45
Tamaño of Column B (c1xc2) = 15.75 x 15.75 40 40
Distance between two Columns S = 16.40 ft 5 M.
Distance of Col A Left edge with edge of footing = 0 ft
Distance of Col A with edge of footing = 0.738189 ft
Service Load Pa = 115.85 kip 52.549 0.453592 115.851
Service Load Pb = 69.73 kip 31.631 0.453592 69.7346

Assume Dimesions :=

Thickness Length Bredth Lever Arm -X Lever Arm -Y

Footing Area (ft2) Status
(in) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
A 24 6.5 10 65.00 Dimension Ok 5.023622 4.261811
B 24 10.75 10.25 110.19 Dimension Ok 4.718832 4.468832

Eccentricity; e = 2.511811 ft
Eccentric Moment ; M = 291 k-ft
Shear; V = 21 kip

Reaction Ra = 137 kip

Reaction Rb = 49 kip

Area Required of Footing A = 31.03 ft2

Area Required of Footing B = 11.07 ft2

Factored Load :=

Pua = 168 kip

Pub = 101 kip
Mua = 422 k-ft
Vua= 30 kip

Rua = 198.4 kip

Rub = 70.7 kip

Linear Pressure Per Linear Foot; A = 30.52 k/ft

Linear Pressure Per Linear Foot; B = 6.58 k/ft

Shear and Moment Diagram :=

Point Distance (ft) Shear Point Distance (ft) Moment

Point 1 0.738189 Vu = 23 kip Point 1 0.738189 Mu = 8 k-ft
Point 2 0.738189 Vu= -145 kip Point 2 - Mu = - k-ft
Point 3 5.5047 Vu = 0 kip Point 3 5.5047 Mu = -338 k-ft
Point 4 6.5 Vu = 30 kip Point 4 6.5 Mu = -323 k-ft
Point 5 7.816847 Vu= 30 kip Point 5 7.8168471 Mu = -283 k-ft
Point 6 9.133694 Vu= 30 kip Point 6 9.1336942 Mu = -243 k-ft
Point 7 10.45054 Vu= 30 kip Point 7 10.450541 Mu = -203 k-ft
Point 8 11.76739 Vu= 30 kip Point 8 11.767388 Mu = -163 k-ft
Point 9 17.14239 Vu = 66 kip Point 9 17.142388 Mu = 95 k-ft
Point 10 17.14239 Vu = -35 kip Point 10 - Mu = - k-ft
Point 11 22.51739 Vu= 0 kip Point 11 22.517388 Mu = 0 k-ft
Punching Check :=
Footing A:=
Cover = 3 in
d avg= 20.69 in
bo = 232.81 in
qu = 3.05 ksf
Vup = 104.50 kip

Ø Vcp = 4 Ø √fc' bo davg = 791.39 kip

Adequate in Punching

Footing B:=
Cover = 3 in
d avg = 20.69 in
bo = 238.31 in
qu = 0.64 ksf
Vup = 87.68 kip

Ø Vcp = 4 Ø √fc' bo davg = 810.08 kip

Adequate in Punching

Beam Shear Check :=

Footing A:=
Vud = qu{B/2-c1/2-davg} L = 50.34 kip

ΦVcd = Φ2√ (fc′) L davg = 132.57 kip

Adequate in Shear

Footing B:=
Vud = qu{L/2 – c2/2-davg} B = 19.71 kip
Vud = qu{B/2 – c1/2-davg} L = 18.94 kip

ΦVcd = Φ2√ (fc′) B davg = 209.06 kip

ΦVcd = Φ2√ (fc′) L davg = 219.26 kip

Adequate in Shear
Adequate in Shear

Design Reinforcement :=
Footing A:=

As = e b d
Direction Mu (k-ft) Ru (ksi) e As = 0.0018 Ast (in2)
X-Dir 385 0.090 0.0015 0.379 0.518 0.518
Y-Dir 180 0.065 0.0011 0.271 0.518 0.518

Bar # 5

Footing R/F = Size 6.5 x 10 x 24

X-Bars # 5 @ 7 in c/c
Y-Bars # 5 @ 7 in c/c

Footing B:=
As = e b d
Direction Mu (k-ft) Ru (ksi) e As = 0.0018 Ast (in2)
X-Dir 73 0.017 0.0003 0.069 0.518 0.518
Y-Dir 69 0.015 0.0003 0.062 0.518 0.518
Bar # 5

Footing R/F = Size 10.75 x 10.25 x 24

X-Bars # 5 @ 7 in c/c
Y-Bars # 5 @ 7 in c/c

Strap Beam Design :=

Assume Dimension of Beam = 1.5 x 4
Cover = 1.5 in
Effective Depth, d = 46.5 in

Φ Vc = 2 Φ √fc' b d = 77.94 kip

Min. Shear strength of concrete without shear R/F

1/2 Φ Vc = 38.97 kip

Design Flexural R/F :=

e (b) = 0.85 ß1 fc' / fy (87/(87 + fy)) = 0.0214 ß1 = 0.85

Point Mu (k-ft) Ru (ksi) e (req) e(min) e (max) As (req) As (min) As (max) Ast (in2)
Point 3 338 0.098 0.0017 0.0033 0.0135 1.438 2.880 11.707 2.880
Point 4 323 0.094 0.0016 0.0033 0.0135 1.372 2.880 11.707 2.880
Point 5 283 0.082 0.0014 0.0033 0.0135 1.200 2.880 11.707 2.880
Point 6 243 0.070 0.0012 0.0033 0.0135 1.028 2.880 11.707 2.880
Point 7 203 0.059 0.0010 0.0033 0.0135 0.857 2.880 11.707 2.880
Point 8 163 0.047 0.0008 0.0033 0.0135 0.687 2.880 11.707 2.880

As As Bar No. No. of bars Bar No. No. of bars

(top) (bottom) (top) (top) (bottom) (bottom)
Point 3 2.880 1.224 8 4 5 4
Point 4 2.880 1.224 8 4 5 4
Point 5 2.880 1.224 8 4 5 4
Point 6 2.880 1.224 8 4 5 4
Point 7 2.880 1.224 8 4 5 4
Point 8 2.880 1.224 8 4 5 4

Design Shear Stirrups :=

Vu ( Left Support) = 4.68 @ 5.351378 ft from left

Vu (Right Support) = 60.19 @ 12.61122 ft from left

Φ Vc = 77.94 kip
1/2 Φ Vc = 38.97 kip
S = Av fyt d / Vs
Vc1 = 4 √fc' b d = 183.38 kip
Vc2 = 8 √fc' b d = 366.76 kip
Max S = min ( d /2 , Av fyt /50 bw, 24, d/4, 12 )
fyt = 60 ksi

Bar No. of Single/Double

Vu (kip) Status Vs (kip) Av (in2) Max S (in) S (in)
Stirrup Stirrup

Beam on footing (Left) 5 Adequate in Shear 0.00 3 Double 0.442 23.250 No R/F

Beam on footing (Right) 60 Minimum Shear R/F 0.00 4 Double 0.786 23.250 23.25

Beam without footing 30 Adequate in Shear 0 3 Double 0.442 23.250 No R/F

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