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1. Theorist:

John B. Watson – American psychologist who is best known for establishing

the psychological school of Behaviorism. Known as the father of behaviorism. He
hypothesized that humans associate behaviors to certain memories, triggers, or past.
B.F Skinner – Skinner was heavily influenced by the work of John B. Watson as well as
early behaviorist pioneers Ivan Pavlov and Edward Thorndike.
Ivan Pavlov -Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was a Russian physiologist known primarily for his
work in classical conditioning.

2. In a classroom setting, behaviorism focuses to conditioning students’ behavior by gearing

them for certain situations. There are four types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement,
negative reinforcement, presentation punishment and removal reinforcement, and each
can be applied effectively to get your students to behave in the classroom.

3. A learner in a behavioristic classroom is often knowledgeable about why certain

behaviors are allowed and not. The approach of behaviorism might not work for every
student in the class, but it sets a ground rule and actively portrays why certain reactions
can help the learner grow.

4. As a teacher in the classroom, it can be often easily to discipline students because of bad
behavior. However, behaviorism can be taken in a positive approach to help students
shape their thinking and choices in a classroom.

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