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Causes of severe thrombocytopenia

∑ haematological malignancy

Causes of moderate thrombocytopenia

∑ heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
∑ drug-induced (e.g. quinine, diuretics, sulphonamides, aspirin, thiazides)
∑ alcohol
∑ liver disease
∑ hypersplenism
∑ viral infection (EBV, HIV, hepatitis)
∑ pregnancy
∑ SLE/antiphospholipid syndrome
∑ vitamin B12 deficiency

1 Question 158 of 172

Which one of the following is least associated with thrombocytopenia?

A. Heparin therapy

B. Rheumatoid arthritis

C. Infectious mononucleosis

D. Liver disease

E. Pregnancy

Rheumatoid arthritis, unlike systemic lupus erythematous, is generally associated with a thrombocytosis. In some
cases of Felty's syndrome thrombocytopaenia may be seen secondary to hypersplenism. This however represents a
small percentage of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

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