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Nicolas Avila Gomez

English HL: Language and Literature

Written Task. Criterion A: Rationale ___/2; Criterion B: Response to the question ___/8; Criterion C:
Organization and argument___/5; Criterion D: Language and style___/5

Friday 17 of April/ 2015

Book Publication

Initially in the query letter I started with the contextualization. For situating the reader into an

familiar scene with similar novels that treat with similar themes than the one in the novel that I’m exposing.

Taking also into account that these novels were also published by this company y tried to give a persuasive

and inciting tone. Trying not to tell specific situations y suggest a scenario were readers imagination can go

beyond the limits of the novel so I create more expectation.

The language that I adopt try’s to be the same as the dominant and fluid language that the

author used in the book (mostly as Tyler Durden) so I can stablish another hierarchy between the reader

and the writer. Adding or referencing specific quotes from the book like “This is your life, and it’s ending

one minute at a time.” or “Warning: If you are reading this (…) if you don't claim your humanity you will

become a statistic. You have been warned”1 help the text be more persuasive because the strong content

that it offers. Besides this the little sentences that narrates what’s supposedly is doing the reader (“holding

the letter”) is a strict reference to de style that is in the novel. The author gives emphasis of what is his

reaction to a certain thing relating also the reader. Finally, saying goodbye I quote the sister of the reader

were I tell how ideas are books treating with more persuasion. (245 words)

1“Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless
fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty
that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed
with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're
supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to
want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping
and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity
you will become a statistic. You have been warned” (Palahniuk, 1996)
Chuck Palahniuk
405 Lafayette St, New York,
NY 10003, EE. UU
(+1) 212-466-4789
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
500 5th Avenue #6, New York City, United States
New York, NY 10110
Saturday, April 27nd of 1995

Dear Mr. Norton,

Retaking the traditional principles that you and your employees carried as a unite company I’m
glad to percent you my first novel The Fight Club. Regarding the past novels that you published as The
Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan and the inspirational novel A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony
Burgess led me to the background of a company who’s interested not only in good stories but in great
ideas. I invite you to waste one minute of your life reviewing the manuscript for my novel.
You read this letter meanwhile you think in all that shit you have to do right now,
But your hands are holding the letter.
The Fight Club is not another story that is going to tell you that happiness is achieved trough
self-regulation, care, respect and all the bullshit that someone else told you; on the contrary the construction
by the auto destruction plays a fundamental role were narrator’s life easily relates with readers one. A
common job with a common routine leads a pertinent character appeared called Tyler Durden who’s job is
not more tan giving a meaning to narrators life or even reader’s one to.
You keep reading and you don’t now how your hands are still holding the letter.
With a simple and predictable story the narrator found him self into our indisputable reality.
Later on he will guide us into our shameful nature showing how extremes end in similar radicalism. Taking
the fight as a pretext to separate our nature of such social, economic, political and cultural garbage that
prevents us of truly living. I say stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight.
Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic (Palahniuk, 1996).
Line after line and your hands are still holding the letter.
Now days in bookstores we find books like The Joy Luck Club and The Divine Secrets of the
Ya-Ya Sisterhood, novels that presented a clear model for women to be together. Men do not have the
representation in literature that let them share their lives (Viruet, 2014). Fight club help us males to re
discover our irrational and repressed nature that shouts day after day.
You finish your reading and you realize that your hands held the letter this whole time.
I'm just a writer that had the fortune of verbalizing the rational of our “irrationality”. According
to the rigorously anti-corporate style that defines your firm, ill be glad to be part of your all ready activist
community. Dare your self to read what’s next, let everybody lose themselves into the story and give the
chance to the world of knowing the kind of crap that that gives him a sense; us. Never forget “Books are
the weapons in the battle of ideas” as Mary Dow Herter Norton once said.

It’s a pleasure to count with you. Included are the synopsis and the entire manuscript. Thanks
you for your time and for any question or suggestion I will be pleasantly awaiting your email. After all, this
is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time. Take some action. Now. (Fields, 2014)

Dear Mr. Chuck Palahniuk,

Monday, April 29nd of 1995

Initially we thank you for seeing us more than a company a family. Is rewarding to now
that the effort of every employee is reflected not only in the quality of the novels that we
publish mostly in the message that we are expressing with our firm.

It is very interesting how you achieve to associate the contemporary sicknesses into a
self-afflicted character whose problems seems to be the same than everyone’s. This incredible
manifesto sketch a clear new social ideology that bring us into a critique an powerful zone were,
as you said, extremes only guide us to radicalisms. Even dough the whole point was escaping of
the system that brought monotony and routine they all ended into a pseudo guerrilla that was
based in rules and more control, its kind of funny nice toch.

Sometimes I have a felling with novels and let me tell you, here you have a clear
masterpiece; so simple, so direct but also so complex, so analytical, brilliant. Together we are
going to make the next pop cultural theme of the upcoming decade.

Furthermore I don’t think that you need to add some more things to your book of some
other corrections, as your first novel you might have some “editing errors”, but don’t worry, we
will make them stay as they were intended to. Clearly the way in which you trick the reader is
amassing, giving him a solution that losses itself into human irrationality.

What concerns me is the self-destruction issue; I might think that we need to be clearer
on what is the purpose on that. Remembering obviously on the readers that are going to give up
and just start fighting al over their problems with out giving a clear meaning to the fight as you
do, maybe you could do more emphasis in that, if not we could let it as it is.

Besides all this we would like to make a small meeting to plan everything that comes
after the editing room, what design you thing is the most appropriate, how much will be the
percentage that we are taken and the one you are getting. Therefore I personally guarantee you
that this captivating work will be an impressive success. It is a real pleasure to work with you
because the perspective that you are bringing to our modern days is quite required.
Congratulations and good luck with your upcoming projects. Welcome to the family of W.W.
Norton & Company Incorporated.

(993 Words)


Fields Millburn, Joshua, and Ryan Nicodemus. "FIGHT CLUB’S TYLER DURDEN IS A
MINIMALIST." The Minimalist. The Minimalist, 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.

Palahniuk, Chuck. Fight Club. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996. Print.

Viruet, Pilot. "Chuck Palahniuk’s Views on Gender in Fiction Haven’t Evolved Since 2005."
Flavor wire. Favor pill, 4 Aug. 2014. Web. 7 Apr. 2015. <

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